There are no two ways around it: you’re known by your clients’ results, and no matter how selfish your motivation is, the only way to get your clients good results is to focus on helping them first and foremost. Today, I talk about the need for a focus on business delivery over business growth. I talk about what systems you can systematically implement in your coaching business to ensure that your clients get the amazing results that they want, and I ask what your next step will be. “Just...
Published 01/06/22
Published 01/06/22
A lot of us spend too much time marketing and not enough time understanding our market. In this episode, I talk about the difference between marketing and prospecting. Today, I define marketing and prospecting. I note the importance of getting to know your audience instead of simply telling a general crowd about your product. I note that knowing your audience will help you fine-tune your message, and I posit that marketing doesn’t get you clients; it just lets potential clients know you...
Published 01/03/22
With every new year comes a new list of goals for your coaching business. But this year, I have a challenge for you: in the spirit of the importance of repetition, use this year to focus on selling just one thing. Today, I talk about the importance of focus. I discuss the power of repetition, and I note that, if you put the effort into moving forward toward a single goal that you currently put into moving sideways toward distractions, you could reach new heights. “The vast majority of...
Published 12/30/21
Happy New Year! In this episode, I talk about the sh*t that hit the fan this past year when my ex-wife and I parted ways. During this time, I found it difficult to show up for work; on paper, I might as well have been unemployed. Yet the company’s numbers reached a record high. Why? Because I’ve designed my business to be able to function without me. Today, I talk about the importance of doing just this. I note that there will always be times of crisis, and when there are, it’s important to...
Published 12/27/21
In recent years, I’ve done less and accomplished more in terms of impact. How? I don’t do the heavy lifting for my clients. A client recently asked me for a session summary after our meeting. In this episode, I talk about why I told her no. Today, I talk about the dangers of scope creep: the tendency to try to do everything, with the result that what you’re supposed to be focusing on suffers. I note that avoiding scope creep is beneficial to your clients too, because refusing to do the heavy...
Published 12/23/21
Today, I talk about how to respond to a client’s offer to go into business together. I offer some questions to consider before answering. I share a story illustrating the importance of making sure your new role lies within your expertise, and I note the need to consider how much control you would give up in accepting any new role. I note that every business deal is more complicated in reality than it first seems, and I advise you to move slowly when approached by anyone with a business offer.
Published 12/20/21
Today, I talk about how you can be perennially valuable to your clients. I distinguish between valuable and actionable content, and I note that the latter is rarely timeless. I explain why, though being entrepreneurial and opportunistic has its place, you can’t build your brand around timely action. I discuss why Book Yourself Solid® is perennial, noting that it’s built on philosophies rather than just tools.
Published 12/16/21
Today, I talk about why these details are problematic. I point out this person’s assumption that you have to get clients online, and I advise them to forget that social media exists, since taking on the role of social media marketer distracts from the real work, which is coaching. I emphasize the value of a few close, quality clients over hundreds of social media leads. I explain that the role of social media is to support your connection with your hyper-local or hyper-targeted audience.
Published 12/13/21
In this episode, I talk about the importance of protecting your time. I posit that, in any client relationship, you’re looking for longevity and enthusiasm, and I note that these will be extremely hard to find if you regularly feel that you’re sacrificing your convenience for your client’s. I also share a helpful question to ask when considering a transition to a meeting time that’s more convenient for you: What’s the worst that can happen?
Published 12/09/21
In this episode, I talk about how to know how long you should work with a client. I note that the answer is different for everyone, and I explain what the Gym Membership Business Model is. I list the different types of agreements coaches and clients can arrive at, and I note the implications of each one on the coach’s responsibility to the client. I explain why it’s okay not to be the right lifetime coach for everybody.
Published 12/06/21
Today, I point out the danger of sticking with a client who isn’t putting in the work. I note that a coach’s reputation is based on their clients’ results, and I talk about the distinction between a temporary slump and a dud client. I note that you have to consider your own position, and I explain why pushing ahead with dud clients will leave you with a bag of mixed reviews. I posit that there are some clients you just aren’t supposed to work with.
Published 12/02/21
Whatever the case, it’s always a good idea to have an assistant to take care of these things--not only because you shouldn’t have to take care of them, but because you shouldn’t be seen taking care of them. Today, I talk about what to look for in your staff and why a personal assistant is beneficial to your business.
Published 11/29/21
In today’s episode, I discuss what franchising is and its prevalence in every industry, including business coaching. I describe my personal experience with franchising and reveal the three reasons I decided against buying into a coaching franchise. I illustrate the disadvantages associated with a coaching franchise, including territorial rights and its financial costs.
Published 11/25/21
Today, I talk about how a business is like a child. I note that it goes through many stages that ultimately lead to its relative independence. I note that running a business isn’t just handling problems as they come; it’s putting systems in place to handle those problems in the future so you don’t have to.
Published 11/22/21
In this episode, I reveal the dangers of the ABC approach to sales and marketing and describe what could happen if you implement it in your business. I reveal the two camps of coaching education and explain how the ‘always be closing’ principle came about. I illustrate the relationship between how much clients invest in your coaching services and the trust you have earned.
Published 11/18/21
In this episode, I discuss why putting into words what you do for a living is of utmost importance if you want people to understand what you offer in your coaching business. I explain why my father says he’s a departmental head at the NHS when, specifically, he’s a hospital chaplain. I reveal critical errors beginner coaches make when they introduce themselves as a coach.
Published 11/15/21
In this episode, I share why you should be developing some content, and how this can help you beyond just adding value to your clients. I talk about the importance of staying current with information to help you maintain an edge in your field. Also, I give you some exercises on how to generate more content ideas in the same amount of time it takes to drink a cup of coffee!
Published 11/11/21
In this episode, I share with you a couple ideas on how to develop value in your coaching practice without having to develop more content. I talk about the types of questions you should be asking your clients, and how structured accountability can help overcome the need for more content. Also, I share how small social actions within your coaching practice can be valued especially in the time of Covid.
Published 11/08/21
In this episode, I discuss why it's important to work through your discomfort and how getting comfortable can kill your business. I provide examples from my life when I had to work through discomfort and what I did to overcome it. I also give an actionable step you can do to start working on overcoming your discomfort.
Published 11/04/21
In this episode, I talk about why actionable and valuable content are not so important to your business. I explain how making a stance or even picking an enemy develops magnetism when attracting clients. I also give you an exercise to work on developing your magnetism.   
Published 11/01/21
In today's episode, I talk about overwhelm and ways to help deal with it. I clarify how overwhelm affects everyone differently. I discuss the symptoms of overwhelm and why it's important to have the self-awareness to identify when you're overwhelmed. I also explain why we need to have a system in place to take one step forward instead of relying on guesswork. 
Published 10/28/21
In today's episode, I look at why you want to develop your "Why You Do It" statement. I talk about how developing your Why is so important for your business, and how it helps you attract the right people. I also share my big motivating why and how a nanny's Why helped win me over.
Published 10/25/21
Today, I share my obsession with helping business coaches look after themselves, their family, and their businesses. I highlight a few action points you should be taking to not only to disaster-proof your business but also to scale from having a coaching job to having a coaching business. I also discuss how you can redesign your business beyond merely coaching, mentoring, or teaching for your clients—all of which require you to show up to them—so you can feel more at ease in challenging times.
Published 10/21/21
In this episode, I share a peek behind the scenes of my life as a coach seven years ago. I share the story of Edward’s battle through a heart defect and how Mrs. Kimberley and I took care of him through his recovery. I discuss how this crisis impacted us and my coaching business. I explain why the difference between a coaching job and a coaching business matters.
Published 10/18/21