Are you struggling to establish yourself as an authority in your niche? Discover the proven strategies used by over 150 bestselling authors, thought leaders and industry experts. In this insightful episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott is joined by his friend Alistair McBride to reveal the top advice for building authority - extracted from over 162 episodes and 200+ hours of audio content. You'll learn: The #1 tactic mentioned by a staggering 90+ guests to...
Published 06/03/24
Are you struggling to position yourself as an authority in your industry? Do you feel overshadowed by more established peers and competitors? If you want to attract high-value clients and truly showcase your expertise, this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast is a must-listen. Host Alastair McDermott tackles a listener question from Mark, a financial consultant seeking practical advice on building authority and a strong personal brand to attract high-net-worth individuals. In his...
Published 05/27/24
Published 05/27/24
What unexpected YouTube strategy could potentially earn you as much as $300K in just one month? In this episode of The Recognized Authority, host Alastair McDermott talks to Cyan Cooper about his counterintuitive strategy for generating massive revenue on the platform. Instead of narrowly targeting his client's niche, Cyan intentionally made videos for a much broader, "wrong" audience. Incredibly, this unlocked 100% more revenue in just 30 days time! Cyan and Alastair unpack this strategy,...
Published 05/20/24
Are you overwhelmed by the hype surrounding AI? Do you struggle when it comes to figuring out the practical applications of AI in business? In this insightful solo episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, Alastair McDermott delivers a presentation to a group of business leaders, simplifying the principles ofAI and providing actionable strategies for using this transformative technology in your business Drawing from his expertise, Alastair tackles the questions on every business...
Published 05/13/24
Are you an expert struggling to stand out in a crowded market? Have you considered leveraging the power of video content but feel overwhelmed by the learning curve and technical demands? In this episode of The Recognized Authority, host Alastair McDermott chats with video production expert Juma Bannister to demystify the world of video and share actionable strategies for experts looking to amplify their authority through compelling visuals. In a world where attention spans are dwindling...
Published 05/06/24
Have you ever struggled to find the right content marketing strategy that aligns with your personality and strengths? In this candid conversation on The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott sits down with Luca Ingianni, an agile consultant specializing in embedded systems. Luca shares his refreshingly honest journey of "failing his way to success," experimenting with various content formats and outreach approaches over the years. From the writing challenges of blogging to...
Published 04/29/24
Have you ever wondered if you could write a compelling book that resonates with your audience? Have you ever thought about starting a podcast? In this episode, host Alastair McDermott shares his unique approach to turning his podcast, "The AI-Powered Thought Leader," into a valuable book on the same topic. Alastair reveals his process, from selecting guests who can provide valuable insights to synthesizing their perspectives into a cohesive narrative. He discusses: Leveraging podcast...
Published 04/22/24
In this episode of The Recognised Authority podcast, Alastair examines the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the world of thought leadership. Alastair shares insights from his conversations with renowned thought leaders, including Mark Schaefer, Jonathan Stark, Debbie Jenkins, and Erin Austin. The episode explores the complex balance between leveraging AI tools to enhance productivity and efficiency, while preserving the authenticity and credibility that are the hallmarks of true...
Published 04/15/24
Are you a consultant struggling to break through the six-figure revenue ceiling? You're not alone. Many consultants face a myriad of challenges when trying to scale their business from six to seven figures. In this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott is joined by Danilo Kreimer, founder of the Boutique Consulting Club, to unpack the common roadblocks and provide actionable strategies for accelerating revenue growth. Danilo shares his "deciding, learning,...
Published 04/08/24
I was asked for the"secrets" I have for marketing. The biggest secret is this: *drum roll* Vertical specialization *Jedi Wave* "this is the secret you've been looking for" Really? Yes, really. Based on metric fscktonnes of research (that's the technical term) I conducted, and reading the research of others, I believe that positioning your business as specializing in a single vertical is the "magic bullet" that will result in more leads & sales than any other marketing...
Published 04/01/24
Amazon is now limiting authors to a mere THREE (3!) new book uploads per DAY to curb the influx of AI-generated content flooding the market. This highlights the existential threat AI poses to thought leaders and authority builders in an age where artificial intelligence can seemingly replicate any form of content. Will AI devalue the work of authors, speakers, and content creators? How can thought leaders protect their hard-earned authority and credibility? In this episode of The Recognized...
Published 03/25/24
How does an aspiring thought leader stay authentic and credible in the age of AI? As artificial intelligence tools become increasingly sophisticated, the question arises: how can we leverage these powerful technologies without compromising our unique insights and personal touch? In this introductory episode of The AI-Powered Thought Leader podcast, host Alastair McDermott dives deep into the tension between thought leadership and AI-assisted content creation. Joined by a special guest,...
Published 03/18/24
Do you struggle to command premium fees or attract your ideal clients? If so, you're not alone. Many experts remain invisible, despite their wealth of knowledge and experience. In this special episode, of The Recognized Authority podcast I'm sharing my appearance on The Selling Show with David Newman, where we discuss the challenges of commanding premium fees and attracting ideal clients, despite having extensive expertise. Listen to this insightful discussion on building your...
Published 03/11/24
Are you struggling to connect with prospects without coming across as salesy? Do you want to build real trust and add value instead of being seen as just another pushy sales rep? Join sales expert Jeff C. West on The Recognized Authority podcast with host Alastair McDermott to unlock the secrets to effortlessly grabbing any prospect's attention. Learn simple but powerful ways to uncover your prospect's real pains and needs, along with easy tips for creating value without asking for the...
Published 03/04/24
Are you struggling to get clients to say "yes" to your offers? Do you pour time and energy into creating programs, services and products only to get crickets in response? Crafting compelling offers that speak directly to your ideal client's biggest needs and desired outcomes is crucial to business growth and making sales.  In this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott interviews conversion marketing expert Jason Van Orden about his proven framework for...
Published 02/26/24
Are you tired of relying solely on word-of-mouth and referrals to drive your business? Do you dream of commanding premium fees and attracting better clients? The secret is to establish yourself as a recognized authority in your field. But how do you actually achieve this? In this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott dives deep into the practical steps required to implement an authority strategy. He covers: - The crucial foundations of positioning and...
Published 02/19/24
Are you a consultant struggling to generate leads from your website? Does your site feel more like an online brochure than a lead gen machine? In this episode of The Recognized Authority, host Alastair McDermott outlines the key differences between passive “trust-building” websites and more active, inbound marketing-focused sites designed specifically for lead generation. Tune in to discover: The 2 main types of websites used by consultants and professional services firmsWhen a more...
Published 02/12/24
Are you struggling to gain visibility and be seen as an authority in your field? Do you feel like you have important knowledge and expertise to share, but you're not sure how to package it up into a compelling narrative that attracts your ideal audience? In this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott interviews Pamela Slim, author of the award-winning book Body of Work: Finding the Thread That Ties Your Story Together. They have an enlightening discussion...
Published 02/05/24
Are you a consultant struggling to convert website visitors into new clients? Do you want your website to better showcase your expertise? Tune into this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, where host Alastair McDermott shares his website research on over 1000 consultants, and reveals the 10 essential elements you need for a high-trust website that attracts clients. After surveying over 1000 consultants and consulting firms, Alastair was shocked by the lack of investment in...
Published 01/29/24
Are you struggling to make your voice stand out in a crowded marketplace? Do you feel invisible, even if you offer incredible value through your expertise?  In this insightful Recognized Authority episode, brand messaging strategist Carol Cox shares her proven system to craft a magnetic brand voice that positions you as an authority and thought leader in your niche. You'll discover: 🔑 The key elements that make up a resonant brand voice persona 📖 How to incorporate personal stories...
Published 01/22/24
Are you struggling to differentiate your consulting business in a competitive market? Wondering how to turn your brand promise into reality so prospects see you as the recognized authority? On this episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott interviews branding expert Karley Cunningham from Big Bold Brand on the differences between building a personal brand, an authoritative brand in your niche, and an identifiable brand for your business. Tune in to learn: The core...
Published 01/15/24
Have you ever faced an unexpected disruption that turned your business upside down? That's exactly what happened to consultant Diane Hopkins when the COVID pandemic caused many of her healthcare clients to freeze projects indefinitely. So how did she manage to pivot not just once, but several times over a 3 year period to totally reinvent her business? In this compelling episode of The Recognized Authority podcast, host Alastair McDermott interviews Diane about her rocky but ultimately...
Published 01/08/24
In this episode, I give you a quick whistlestop tour of what worked and what didn’t for me in 2023, and lay out my plans for the business in 2024.  I discuss the journey of this podcast, The Recognized Authority, which has shown steady growth across 152 episodes. I also touch on my shift to live streaming many of the episodes. I’ve found that live streaming offsets my tendency towards perfectionism and encourages proactive content creation. However, I plan to improve the promotion of...
Published 01/01/24
Are you struggling to identify the right niche and audience for your podcast? Do you need clarity on who you should be targeting and what topics to cover? This episode of The Recognized Authority tackles a real case study, walking through the podcast planning process from initial idea to execution. Join host Alastair McDermott as he coaches Conor Duffy, an entrepreneur looking to launch a podcast to attract more clients to his remote workspace directory website. They discuss identifying...
Published 12/25/23