Here’s a harsh truth for many men to understand, especially the pleasers and fixers:  It’s not your job as a man to continuously attract your woman or to make her happy. Instead, it's about understanding the elements that naturally cultivate attraction and happiness within a relationship. But this approach to dating and attraction is a lot harder because it requires improving yourself at the deepest levels instead of putting on a façade.  But you know what?  Despite it being harder, it...
Published 05/02/24
Published 05/02/24
One of the most common and deadly fears people have is the fear of failure. And this fear in particular has dire consequences:  It creates a life where every decision is clouded by the terror of making a mistake. Where opportunities are left unexplored because the risk of failure looms too large. A life shackled by the fear of failure leads to stagnation—professionally and personally. Even your relationships suffer because a fear of failure prevents you from being your true self. Living with...
Published 04/25/24
There’s a certain problem that touches the core of men’s struggles, but it often flies under their radar. This problem sabotages intimacy, confidence, and connection, leaving only anxiety and depression in its wake. I’m referring to sexual shame—and it’s something that happens to men both unconsciously and consciously.  That’s why in this episode, I’m going to help you understand where sexual shame comes from, why it has persisted over centuries, and give you the roadmap to break free from...
Published 04/18/24
One of the best ways to become more attractive to women, to feel more fulfilled in your life, and to generally boost your happiness is by building up your internal self-worth. But this practice is easier said than done. And men today often make the mistake of trying to build their self-worth on external sources, like needing attractive women to be attracted to them. This not only backfires, but creates an unrelenting source of neediness that’s waiting to poison any relationship they get...
Published 04/11/24
There’s a psychological condition that’s been flying under the radar for too long. It’s a form of PTSD that builds up from more minor-seeming traumas you experienced throughout your life. And it may be the saboteur of your dating life and relationship success. Worst part?  Most men have no idea it’s lurking in the shadows of their psyche. So, what’s this condition?  It’s something called Complex PTSD, or c-PTSD for short. It makes the work seem like an endlessly challenging place. But by...
Published 04/04/24
There’s often a fine line between love and neediness, especially for men. Women have a sixth sense to sniff out neediness, which can leave you confused and unconvinced unconditional love even exists.  But when you look closely into the differences between love and neediness, you’ll see how diametrically opposed these two states are.  Love comes from a place of abundance, neediness from lack. Love is based on internal validation, neediness on external validation.  But if you can’t even tell...
Published 03/28/24
Many men don’t understand the difference between sadness and self-pity. And this lack of understanding comes with a big cost: You sacrifice joy and growth when you confuse sadness for self-pity.  Now, this isn’t your fault, per se. Most modern men grew up believing toxic masculinity myths like that crying is a sign of weakness. Not only is this false, it’s objectively wrong and science has proved this.  When you embrace and process sadness in a healthy way, it’s no longer an emotion to be...
Published 03/21/24
A relationship is an investment from both parties. When these investments tip to one side or another, it plants the seeds of resentment and destruction.  This is why nice guys and people pleasers who bend over backwards for their partner find themselves cheated on and heartbroken. While bad guys get the girl (even though it doesn’t blossom into true love). The best way to ensure a relationship is growth-oriented and fulfilling is by balancing the investment scales. But how do you do this in...
Published 03/14/24
We're wired to value what we work for more highly than what comes easily. This especially applies to relationships.  But a lot of men accidentally plant the seeds of resentment in their relationships because they have a desire to prove their worth to their girlfriend or wife. But when you do everything for her, you’re actually robbing her of her ability to connect with you on the deepest level.  A better solution is doing the opposite: The more your partner invests in you and your...
Published 03/07/24
There’s a lot of modern men, especially those who frequent Red Pill and manosphere blogs, forums, and websites, that are deeply unhappy and unfulfilled. But instead of using this as an opportunity to grow, they use it as a way to let their anger percolate.  What happens to these men is they let their anger blind them from the possibilities life presents: Happiness, fulfillment, love.  There’s another, often overlooked, path if you find yourself living an unfulfilled life.  This rarely...
Published 02/29/24
Nothing is more impactful to your overall happiness and fulfillment—both in relationships and outside of them—than a new concept called “Therapeutic Coaching.”  What’s “Therapeutic Coaching?”  It’s when you mix the best of life coaching with the best of psychotherapy—and unlock profound growth in the process.  Why?  Because not only does it show you how to address your life’s ultimate challenges and worries, but it also helps you actively work through them. So, instead of just talking...
Published 02/22/24
Today, we’re discussing perhaps one of the most important aspects of not only dating success, but to your entire life: Your attachment style.  If left unchecked, your attachment style can lead to a cycle of unhealthy relationships, constant anxiety, and an underlying sense of insecurity and unhappiness. It’s like living in a house with a foundation that’s cracking, but choosing to ignore it. Ignore it long enough, and the whole structure is at risk.  If you have an anxious attachment...
Published 02/15/24
Nothing can kill an otherwise good relationship as quickly as not having healthy boundaries in place. Without these boundaries, toxic interactions start to infect the relationship. Over time, resentment builds as the relationship becomes unbalanced and draining.  The problem is, setting healthy boundaries is a difficult task, especially if you struggle with being assertive. You want to have empathy for your partner, and boundaries seem like a selfish short-cut. But this is a myth.  In fact,...
Published 02/08/24
Most men don’t realize that the patterns they see in their relationships almost always trace back to their core insecurities and emotional baggage.  This may be hard to hear at first, but it’s actually an empowering approach to fixing unhealthy dating patterns.  If you constantly find yourself stuck in a cycle of unsatisfying or unfulfilling relationships, instead of searching for quick fixes or dating advice on YouTube, reflect on how your internal psychology is sabotaging your...
Published 02/01/24
Imagine a life where you understand yourself and your relationships deeply. Where you’re no longer stuck in unfulfilling patterns because you have the tools and the experience to build genuine, lasting connections.  Imagine you’re confident and skilled in expressing yourself and your needs. You know how to navigate relationships with empathy, compassion, and assertiveness. And when challenges arise, you have the skills and the courage to tackle them head on.  While this may seem like a pipe...
Published 01/25/24
There’s a catch-22 that happens in almost every long-term relationship: The more intimate your relationship becomes, the more it triggers unresolved, unconscious issues. This may explain seemingly random explosions of anger over minor disagreements or waves of sadness and low self-esteem.  Despite our wishes, repressing painful emotions doesn’t make them disappear into thin air. Instead, they simmer under the surface, and pop up when you least expect it. The problem is, these explosions of...
Published 01/18/24
The modern dating scene is responsible for why so many people—both men and women alike—struggle with creating meaningful connections. Dating apps treat love like a slot machine, epitomizing this problem. Then, the red pill movement capitalizes on this, duping you into sacrificing your love life and mental health and worse.  But there’s a silver lining… Everyone is searching for connection. And by focusing on showing up as your authentic self, you put yourself leagues ahead of other men in...
Published 01/11/24
Having an Avoidant Attachment Style—or dating someone with one—can wreak havoc throughout your relationship. It can cause an otherwise healthy relationship that’s headed towards marriage and children into utter destruction.  Why?  Well, people with an Avoidant Attachment Style, while they crave intimacy like everyone else, the more intimate you become, the more fear the avoidant partner feels.  But here’s the good news: Having an Avoidant Attachment Style isn’t a life sentence. In fact,...
Published 01/04/24
When a relationship hinges on sexual attractiveness, it’s doomed to fail. Yet despite all the scientific evidence about attractiveness fading over time, the first step most men take when their relationship falters is improving their attractiveness.  They think that if only they had a 6-pack or more designer brand clothes that this will magically make their partner fall back in love with them. But nothing is further from the truth.  Do you think that an elderly couple still obviously in love...
Published 12/28/23
There's a pervasive myth in society today, especially among high achievers. And that myth is that repression is a reliable and sustainable tool for success.  Why is this myth so pervasive? Well, this strategy sort of works in the short-term, fooling high achievers into thinking that it’s a sound strategy.  But over time, as your protective parts work harder and harder to repress these nasty emotions, they end up resurfacing and causing more trouble than they ever did. This is what leads to...
Published 12/21/23
Your emotions are like the GPS to your psyche. They’re the signposts that help you lead a life of happiness and fulfillment.  But the problem most achievers have is that they’ve learned to repress their emotions in order to achieve success. This is an insidious Catch 22—by repressing your emotions you cannot fully celebrate your accomplishments.  This nasty habit of emotional repression also extends to your dating life and relationships. Repressed emotions deter you from creating deeper...
Published 12/14/23
Most men lack a certain “skill” that explains many relationship and dating problems modern men have. It explains anxiety before and during dates, emotional isolation when you lose intimacy over time, and it even explains why couples have so many arguments.  The skill?  Presence.  But the problem is, most men think presence only means physical presence. But it means so much more than that. In fact, presence is the key skill to strengthen the bond between partners, enhance your emotional...
Published 12/07/23
One of the most damaging societal myths we believe is that marriage or having a baby can fix underlying relationship issues. This myth isn’t only misleading, but it creates more significant issues down the road. For example, breaking up is much easier (mentally and financially) than getting a divorce. Bringing a child into this world under the wrong pretenses can burden your children with deep-seated trauma that takes decades to fix.  The truth?  Marriage and parenthood aren’t solutions to...
Published 11/30/23
There’s a myth that many guys believe: that looks, status, or wealth are the keys to a lasting relationship. But this isn’t true. And if you fall for that myth, you’ll wind up in a loveless and eventually boring and sexless relationship.  While these attributes might have created that initial spark of attraction for each other, as your relationship matures, other attributes become much more important.  In fact, I call these attributes the “Four P’s.”  Besides keeping the fire alive in your...
Published 11/23/23