The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump has jolted the nation and the world. Whether you're his supporter or not, the shocking scene witnessed by millions on television—of a 20-year-old with an unknown motive, just a few hundred feet away, shooting at the President's head—has become an iconic image. Many are wondering: was this divine intervention? A small turn of the head, a split second, and the outcome could have been very different. Tragically, one attendee lost...
Published 07/19/24
Let's talk about the state of leadership today. Our modern world is blessed in many ways. Unprecedented success and prosperity, breathtaking breakthroughs in science and medicine, revolutionary technology that is dramatically raising our standard of living. The list goes on. Yet we also face many profound challenges. Our society is deeply polarized. We are witnessing a deterioration of personal values, with a foreboding sense of feeling lost at sea, without a clear moral compass to guide...
Published 07/12/24
With July 4th, Independence Day, upon us, it's a good time to ask: What exactly is freedom and independence? What does it really mean? When the American Founding Fathers declared independence 248 years ago, it was straightforward. They felt the overbearing control of King George of Great Britain and that compelled them to throw off the shackles and declare their independence from that sovereignty. So, is that what freedom means—to not be under someone else's control? Does it simply mean not...
Published 07/04/24
Are you reactive or proactive? Most of us tend to be more reactive, and there are several reasons for this.Firstly, we start our lives as children reacting to our parents—their attitudes, smiles, approval, and disapproval and we mirror their behavior.Secondly, as we grow older, we seek acceptance from our peers, friends, and society. This often leads us to follow others  rather than take initiative. Fear plays a significant role, especially for those who grew up in insecure environments. The...
Published 06/27/24
Do Real Men Cry? There's a pervasive myth that real men don't cry, implying that tears are reserved for women. This notion is not only demeaning, suggesting women are emotional and weak while men are tough and stoic, but it's also untrue. Is vulnerability a weakness? Is expressing emotions wrong? Where did this stereotype originate, and why does our culture view honesty and fragility as problems? Why do we idolize toughness and machismo? What does this say about our society? Our...
Published 06/20/24
With war continuing to rage in the Middle East, it would be wise to go back and trace the roots of this war and the long-standing antipathy and confrontation between the Muslims, Arabs, Jews and even Christians. We all know this isn't the first time that fighting has broken out in the region; there is unfortunately an ongoing history of deep tensions between nations and religions over the millennia. Countless battles being waged for control of the land of Israel and particularly Jerusalem....
Published 06/06/24
Why is memory so important? How does it affect our lives on a daily basis? How can it transform us?Very often if you want to appreciate something, you have to think what life would be like without it. What would our days look like if we did not have our memories? If every morning we woke up with a clean slate, a blank picture and we had to rebuild everything anew... If we didn't have our past experiences, thoughts, and memories to inform our present and future..As we celebrate Memorial Day,...
Published 05/31/24
We are always looking for miracles in our lives, seeking out extraordinary moments within our ordinary routines. Those aha moments that affect, inspire and transform who we are. I'd like to share with you some miracles I recently experienced. Life is filled with paradoxes. Joy, pain, tears, celebration... the roller coaster of the cycles and vicissitudes of life. Nowhere is this captured more than in the biblical Promised Land, the Holy Land of Israel. I have just returned from a...
Published 05/27/24
The continued unrest on our university campuses has raised very powerful and existential questions: Are our education systems healthy or corrupt? Are we actually giving the very best to our children and to our students? Are we setting them up for life and providing the necessary tools to help them not only survive but also thrive?There's clearly a problem. Our universities were always meant to be the ultimate model of academic excellence, free thought, open inquiry, and healthy discussions -...
Published 05/17/24
With protests breaking out on our campuses across the country, everyone is asking what is going on? Why suddenly now? What's happening? What's behind all this?Initially, the protests seemed to be a spontaneous reaction of innocent students simply outraged at innocent civilians being killed in Gaza. But if that's the case, why were there no protests after the horrendous atrocities of October 7? It's becoming increasingly clear that the intentions of the organizers of these protests was to...
Published 05/09/24
Freedom is one of our most cherished values. It is a monumental achievement of our times. The human aspiration for freedom, the desire to live as a free people, reflects the deepest longing of the soul, and is a vivid departure, standing in stark contrast to the days when monarchs and tyrants ruled. But what does freedom truly mean? Is it merely the lack of physical confinement, the absence of bars and chains, or does it go beyond that? Consider this: In our contemporary world, we are...
Published 04/18/24
Do you ever feel lonely? Not due to lack of companionship, friends, social circle or support system, but a fundamental nagging feeling that you are all alone in this universe? An inner cosmic vacuum: is there anyone out there that cares? Am I truly on a metaphorical island unto myself, surrounded by people yet really utterly alone, each person for himself?... Loneliness can be one of the most devastating experiences precisely because of its innocuous nature. It's not loud, it doesn't create...
Published 04/11/24
Is religion synonymous with morality? And is morality synonymous with religion? It is indeed disconcerting to witness a religious figure act immorally — doing something criminal, abusive, violating another, behaving in a manner that contradicts the moral standards we associate with their position. This stark contrast is very unsettling, as it challenges our perception of a religious leader’s role in upholding the highest virtues of humanity. This paradox has led some to question the...
Published 04/04/24
Do you have a habit that you find increasingly difficult to break? Or is there a good habit that you wish to incorporate into your daily routines but you can't seem to make it stick?Very often we resolve to stop a certain obsessive behavior - overeating, biting our nails, being attached to our phone etc., or to begin a new commitment - spending more time with family, going to the gym, starting a new project etc. Armed with determination and enthusiasm, we set out on our way with gusto and a...
Published 03/28/24
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget… Despite the sentiment, in most areas of life most of us would like to be less forgetful and more retentive. But how? What causes us to forget things? And what is the secret to remembering? Please join Rabbi Jacobson in this, well, memorable workshop as he shares his experiences as a “chozer” (remembering hours upon hours of the Rebbe’s talks) and discover the five secrets to a better memory: Absorb, Listen, Be Humble, Concentrate and Review....
Published 03/21/24
Truthfulness Responsibility Understanding Security Tenacity How important is trust in our lives and relationships? Do we appreciate the crucial role it plays? Are we aware of the impact trust has -- for good and for bad -- on virtually every decision we make? Trust is the heartbeat of our existence, a beacon that guides our decisions and relationships. It’s a pivotal force, often underestimated, yet it shapes every aspect of our lives. Like the sturdy foundations supporting a...
Published 03/14/24
As we journey through life, two essential elements guide us: love and individuality. These core values nourish our growth and well-being. Love completes us, while individuality allows us to be true to ourselves. However, can these two intricate needs coexist without contradiction? As individuals, our primary focus leans towards self-preservation and ensuring our unique needs are met, and that we aren’t mistreated or compromised. Love, conversely, calls for empathy, sensitivity, and unselfish...
Published 03/11/24
The root of many problems and disagreements in life is arrogance. But what exactly is arrogance? And how do you deal with it; both with your own personal arrogance and with the arrogance of others? Ostensibly, we think of arrogance as a result of an overinflated ego. Take a gifted individual who is endowed with unique qualities and virtues. Instead of humbly recognizing them as a blessing to share, the person feels superior to others, resulting in a pompous, condescending attitude. Or...
Published 02/28/24
Were you ever in a situation where you wished a miracle would happen in your life? Someone close to you may have been ill or suffering in some way, or you may have experienced a setback, or faced a difficult predicament. You really hoped and prayed for a miracle to happen.All of us at some point will have moments when we wish for a miracle to save us from a seemingly helpless and hopeless circumstance. But here's the question: is there even such a thing as a miracle? Or is it simply wishful...
Published 02/22/24
Can you find joy in difficult times? Is it possible to find happiness during dark days? Joy and happiness are critical for a healthy life. We all know what it feels like when we're happy, when we're joyous and celebrating; experiencing the joy not just externally but also internally. Inner joy creates a state of peace and calm, a sense of belonging and serenity: life just feels right.But it's one thing to experience joy in good times, when things are going well. What about when things are not...
Published 02/15/24
What is intelligence? Human beings are considered to be the most intelligent of creatures; we value the mind, education, smart people... But as is often the case, we use a word without defining the axioms and assumptions that define the concept behind that word?What exactly is intelligence? Is it IQ - the intelligent quotient , or is it EQ - the emotional quotient? Intellectual intelligence vs. emotional intelligence. Book smart vs. street smart. Knowledge vs. common sense. Facts vs....
Published 02/07/24
With the current war raging in Israel, the big question returns. Why is it that this region - more than anywhere else in the entire world - has had so many battles and fought so many wars over the last three millennia? From the beginning of Biblical times with the war over the land of Canaan and the land of Israel, to the wars waged by the Assyrians, Babylonians and the Romans (just to name a few), to the rise of the major religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam battling over control of...
Published 02/01/24
What do Jews really think of gentiles? With Jews in the news yet again, dominating headlines as they so often do -- the war in Israel, rising antisemitism -- all the big timeless questions rise to the surface: Why is the world so obsessed with Jews? What are the roots of antisemitism? Why are Jews hated so much by some people, and respected by others? But a question that's less often asked is the other way around: what do Jews really think about non-Jews? Ostensibly, one would...
Published 01/25/24