Since we started this podcast a few months ago, our focus has always been giving you small ideas to improve your mental health, your perspectives, and help you to practice being more mindful and aware as you go throughout your day. But what we'd also like to occasionally remind you about, is the importance of taking care of your physical health as well. In today's episode, we give you just a few super easy ideas to improve your health today--pick just one, and see how you feel at the end of...
Published 04/29/20
Small as a peanut, Big as a giant, We're all the same size When we turn off the light. Rich as a sultan, Poor as a mite, We're all worth the same When we turn off the light. Red, black or orange, Yellow or white, We all look the same When we turn off the light. So maybe the way, To make everything right Is for god to just reach out And turn off the light!” ― Shel Silverstein We are all just human. Doing our best! It can be easy right now to look around and feel frustrated because there...
Published 04/28/20
Raise your hand if you are someone who likes to help out in tough situations?? Us too! It's hard to sit back and watch from the sidelines sometimes. There are SO MANY people who have stepped up to help during this pandemic--healthcare teams on the frontlines, grocery store employees keeping shelves stocked and stores clean, and so many others in our communities who are going the extra mile to keep us all up and running. It can be easy to wonder what you can do to help if you aren't a "front...
Published 04/27/20
In episode 28 we talked about the fact that we are living in the history books right now! We want to help you write your story. Every Friday we will give you an easy writing prompt to help get your wheels turning, and help you record your thoughts during this crazy time. Today we want you to think about your current work. What has it taught you? Besides a monthly paycheck, what has it given you? Sheena and Kiarra share the silver linings they have both found in their jobs.
Published 04/24/20
While social distancing is certainly changing how we interact right now, we can still work to make meaningful connections with those we are quarantining with. Think of the people you are closest to--you most likely know their favorite movies, treats, and hobbies. To connect at an even deeper level AND bring up new conversation if you're tired of talking about the same thing;) , we give a few topic ideas to help you get started.
Published 04/23/20
Get to know a little bit more about Kiarra and Sheena, and why they think MeaningFULL Work is so important.
Published 04/22/20
Quietude. At first it may seem like a fancy word for "quiet" (that's what we thought too!). But it's more than that; quietude is not only about finding quiet, but also finding stillness and calm. It's more what we hear with our MIND, and less of what we hear with our EARS. Today we talk about ways to seek out our own quietude when life gets busy and chaotic.
Published 04/21/20
For our health and protection, we are all wearing masks right now--at work, in the grocery store, even recording this podcast! We can't help but notice it's hard to interact with anyone when we can't share our smiles. Today we talk about a few different options to try, so we can still have meaningFULL interactions when we encounter a passerby--we'd love to hear what you've been doing. And we'd also love to see YOUR smile! When you are at home and can take your mask off, snap a shot of...
Published 04/20/20
Last week in episode 28 we talked about the fact that we are living in the history books right now! We want to help you write your story. Every Friday we will give you an easy writing prompt to help get your wheels turning, and help you record your thoughts durning this crazy time. Over the weekend, we want you to focus on HOPE, and write whatever thoughts come to mind. Happy writing!
Published 04/17/20
Wherever you are sitting or standing right now--look around and notice something NEW. What do you see? The world is moving and shaking and changing right before our eyes every single day. Are we taking the time to pay attention? Simply looking around and noticing our surroundings is an easy way to practice mindfulness. Head over to our instagram @meaningfull_work, and tell us what you noticed today!
Published 04/16/20
It can be hard to open up and share how we really feel sometimes...especially to strangers listening on the internet! We want to do our best to be honest with you--our listeners--so we can really connect and get to know each other. Today we talk about the importance of vulnerability, and how sharing how we feel can bring us closer together.
Published 04/15/20
Today is part two of our chat about FEAR. We have found that the best way to deal with fear, is to do everything we can to prepare for it! Our worst case scenarios are not guaranteed to happen, but if they do, we will be ready! Today Kiarra and Sheena share their fears during this trying time in the healthcare world, and what they are doing to prepare.
Published 04/14/20
Today we want to talk about FEAR...where your mind goes when you think of your worst case scenarios. We know there are many valid concerns in the world right now: fear for our health, our finances, and our lifestyles that we are missing from just a month ago. We didn't want to contribute more fear into your world, so instead we brainstormed a few different ways to deal with your worries. What we have found to be most useful in the battle against fear, is being prepared. If you think of...
Published 04/13/20
We are living in the history books right now! Have you every thought of it that way? In today's episode we want to introduce the idea to you of writing your OWN history--keeping a record of some of the thoughts and feelings you have during this time. If the thought of journaling has never made sense to you, or you don't know where to begin, we want to help get you going. Today we talk about the EASIEST way to start writing (we promise--anyone can do it!)
Published 04/10/20
Life right now is HARD. Do you feel that too? We have all been turned upside and sideways these last few weeks, and everything looks different. At work, at home...it's been hard all around. But have you taken a minute to think about what you will most look forward to when this whole thing is over? Socializing with friends, going to movies, being able to trust people again. We cannot live our lives avoiding things that are hard, but we can learn to appreciate the little things that make life...
Published 04/09/20
We humans love our routines. We get in to our comfort zones and know how to put our heads down and just GO. It can be hard to adapt and adjust when we think we know the ONE right way. As changes are taking place day by day in our world right now, we need to be able to look at problems from other perspectives and points of view. Dr. Suess gives us a little help in this episode :)
Published 04/08/20
Everyone has some kind of "audience". Whether you are a social media guru, a father of four, or a valued employee on your team, you have a voice you can use for good. In yesterday's episode we talked about being more aware of what we are consuming each day. Today we want you to think about what GOOD you can contribute to the world.
Published 04/07/20
We live in a world where we can consume information twenty four hours a day...but should we? While it's important to stay updated and informed on what is going on in the world around us, it IS possible to take in TOO MUCH information. Find the balance that feels healthy for YOU.
Published 04/06/20
Change. Is. Hard. Wouldn't you agree? A step out of our normal routine can feel like a huge set back, and make us start to doubt ourselves. Recognize that change is unavoidable in life, and go easy on yourself when you find that you are having to adapt and evolve.
Published 04/03/20
Your challenge today is simple, talk about anything...other than current events ;) It's hard to do (we know!) but it will lift your mood to have meaningful conversations in your home, over text, reminiscing with friends or planning next year's trip!
Published 04/02/20
While we still have 24 hours in a day, the way we are currently using those hours may look a bit different than it has in the past. Many of us are working from home, schooling from home, and it may feel like we have a little extra time on our hands. What are you doing with YOUR extra time?
Published 04/01/20
If you turn on any news station right now, you will quickly see what the world is in need of: medical supplies, medical staff, groceries, vaccines, helping hands...the list goes on. Depending on where you live, it may be hard to help with these things--so we will give you an idea on how EVERYONE can help. Head over to our instagram @meaningfull_work and tell us about the kindness you've seen in the world today!
Published 03/31/20
We're back! As you are well aware, the world has gone through some pretty extreme changes over the past few weeks. We needed to step back from this space to prioritize our work, home, and personal lives, and we talk a little about that today.
Published 03/30/20
What is THE most important thing you can do to start your day? Take a drink ;)
Published 03/18/20
This is part 2 of our cynicism episode--make sure to listen to episode 16 first! Yesterday we talked about the importance of recognizing your inner cynic, and today we want to give you some tools to help you push away the negativity when it starts to creep in.
Published 03/17/20