Today we discussed the misconceptions surrounding youth homelessness and how people can get more involved in making a change. In speaking with someone who works directly with the youth, we break down a lot of stereotypes and effective ways to help and make a difference both big and small.  The main cause of teen homelessness is physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse from parents or guardians. Here’s a closer look at the numbers: • 46% reported being physically abused • 38% reported being...
Published 02/15/23
Published 02/15/23
We as men and women communicate differently and it can cause rifts in our relationships. Both with friends and family, as well as our spouse. Today I'm joined by Jasmine Davis, a marriage & life coach as she gives a few tools on how we all (men and women) can find some common ground to communicate effectively and break the barriers! Happy spouse, happy house!  As always if you want to join an episode, Go over to instagram and follow @unspoKEN.pod and book a conversation so we can...
Published 02/06/23
Todays episode we dive into past experiences & how we use those experiences to shape who we are today. From past trauma, too bad decision making, we use that as fuel to drive us toward an  authentic goal.  We strive to create genuine content that makes us happy and we discuss why everyone should have that same mindset speaking from personal experience.
Published 01/27/23
Today Peter and I had a long talk about how we as men can elevate mentally and physically.  Self care is an important piece that a lot of men deem "feminine" but in reality it creates a peaceful mindset in life. Its foundational to take care of yourself in all aspects of life despite what a societal construct has told you.  Be yourself but work on yourself at the same time. Don't try to be someone else while the real you is under construction. 
Published 01/23/23
Discussing the difference between masculine and feminine energy and why men and women possess BOTH. National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  800-273-8255     Find a African American Therapist:  https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/th...   Follow the socials: IG: @Unspoken.pod
Published 01/19/23
Cyberbullying and just all around hate should never come into contact with your energy. If you don't like something, keep scrolling. About 37% of young people between the ages of 12 and 17 have been bullied online. 30% have had it happen more than once.[1] 95% of teens in the U.S. are online, and the vast majority access the internet on their mobile device, making it the most common medium for cyber bullying.[2] 23% of students reported that they’ve said or done something mean or...
Published 11/08/22
Sometimes sudden and traumatic changes in life can drastically change a person for good or bad. In my case, it turned me into a depressed and sad person and the only way out of that state was for me to be vulnerable to the people around me. Wasn't an easy road but I've manage to become a lot more driven and determined through this process. I appreciate all the love and support through this process and hope this story of how I managed to cope and what I dealt with inspires the next to...
Published 08/24/22
I'm okay with being imperfect and have accepted that not everyone will like or love you but you have to like and love yourself. Sometimes we create our individual forms of anxiety out of fear or humiliation and often times it can be hard to overcome but it can be conquered!  Experiencing life and your purpose will come to you!
Published 05/23/22
Breakups happen everyday, whether that's losing a friend, a family member or breaking up with a ex. Dealing with those issues instead of letting them harbor in the back of your mind is very important. Remember, your past does not define your future.
Published 05/11/22
Values - We have been taught that double standards exist for a reason to protect one over the other when in reality we should be seeking to protect everyone equally. Teaching the youth and those around us that we should respect ourselves and those who have earned our respect. We should create a environment of valuing our fellow neighbor, as well as valuing ourselves.  Check On Your Friends - Unfortunately I came across a very sad situation that involved a young lady taking her own life and...
Published 05/05/22
Sometimes we can get confused on what being weak versus what being vulnerable looks like. Often times we think of being vulnerable as being less than the next person and we as men think women won't love or respect that. It's ok to be sad in front of your family or friends or partner... In every style of relationship, emotional communication should always be 50/50, if your mother or brother or friend or spouse can come cry to you, you should be able to do the same. #ProtectYourMental ---...
Published 03/29/22
There were a ton of topics discussed in this episode but I'm very happy to have my friend Taylor to offer a women's perspective on the family struggles and how they impact women as well as relationships and how us as men can help find a balance to healthy communication with our partner. We also want to teach the next generation to challenge us! Correct us and in turn we'll help build a bridge between parent and child for a more healthier relationship and get away from that "don't talk back"...
Published 03/07/22
The best way to help a person who may be going a mental downside, is how we respond to them. Sometimes people want to feel important rather than being told they are & we all should value the mental health of our friends, family or even strangers. It's very important that we see everyone through the same lens when it comes to mental health, anyone on earth can go through any form of depression or mental illness. Love the people around you and show compassion to the strangers you encounter.
Published 02/27/22
Too often we get caught in wanting so many things from people but never want to do the work on teaching them how to provide those things. We can never teach them if we ourselves, don't know. Always remember to carry forgiveness in your heart, we're all human and the same way you can make mistakes that affect other people, those same people can make those same mistakes that end up affecting you. Empathy is a hard thing to achieve but can be done by allowing yourself to move past something...
Published 02/08/22
All to often we can get caught in what see on social media and wanted to achieve the very same dream as someone else while skipping over our own struggles and journey. We are all individuals and our path should be unique and never an imitation of someone else's. Live your truth in reality.
Published 01/06/22
Sorry for the short episode, I'm sick right now! But today we talk about taking on new paths and how putting yourself first is very important!
Published 12/22/21
A small intro in the mental perspective of myself.
Published 12/13/21