I made this episode cuz I came from a very tired place this Monday. Some of this stuff may trigger people so please practice a lot of self-care as you listen this is my own experience.
Published 06/25/21
I'm talking about what I've heard on the news about the risks and the benefits of the vaccine despite the CDC saying that there is a risk now of the myocarditis and young people.
Published 06/24/21
I give an account of my issues with being an adult child of a neglectful father and also expressing gratitude toward my roommate Bruce and my mentor Ani for both being in my life and satisfying that need for a father. 💜
Published 06/20/21
It's okay to admit when our feelings are hurt and it's okay to celebrate joy and our life experiences. Feelings are what make us human and make us what we are. They are our guidance system not a good or a bad thing. All too often we try to avoid feelings and that is what makes our world so cold! In light of this warmer world theme we've decided to generate another text line which is not a crisis line and we are not licensed professionals. You can get emotional support from us for 5 minutes...
Published 06/18/21
Published 06/17/21
I have to address the way our media keeps telling us that we will never get back to normal. I understand that coronavirus will be a reality probably forever but we can get back to normal with the way we respond to it as long as we take precautions now. our life as we know it will return if we do that. that means taking possibly vaccines and boost your shots every year and practicing healthy behavior.
Published 06/11/21
first, I describe my frustration at trying to make transactions online and log on to websites. this needs more work and I am willing and desiring very much to do so.
Published 06/11/21
instead of putting little episodes up, from now on I will be putting longer episodes up, each compiled of segments of how my week is going in my progress with mental wellness.
Published 06/06/21
to skip the pleasantries go to 6:00 Thank goodness for mental emotional self-health; several decades ago I would have ended up with a PERT team or the hospital or police situation!
Published 05/28/21
my last love affair felt like a star but it was actually a black hole because the light was going in the wrong direction I didn't even realize it! I share about the ups and downs of my latest affair segments may be added please stay tuned
Published 05/24/21
my purpose for my process has shifted. I have no more desire to inspire anyone or to help anyone really except to help myself and to know that perhaps sharing my own experience may rub off on someone in a positive way.
Published 05/22/21
I talk about how I do self-help and my progress with agoraphobia and social anxiety and few updates
Published 05/11/21
This may be my last recording for the time being. Due to lack of interest I may refrain from making recordings for a while.
Published 04/24/21
Can you help me out by signing this petition? http://chng.it/DMYWnJqH
Published 04/18/21
This is an alternative to the self-tolerance meditation and the only word I change in it is the word tolerance because I understand that it is difficult to tolerate as well. I believe we all can humor things. I change the word from tolerance to humor in this meditation and I have an introduction after about 2 minutes we going to the meditation.
Published 04/14/21
how about addressing people's behavior or problems and not them! I'm coming to believe that toxic shame and lack of self esteem can very well be caused by conditioning such as this.
Published 04/12/21
Many of us still grapple with the idea of self-esteem or self-love and I see many meditations on that subject and I decided to create my own and I call it "self-tolerance". I'm teaching myself and others to tolerate self, life, and the world at large.
Published 04/06/21
Corporate media, governments if you're going to continue dragging the situation on and on and on running it into the ground at least let the people participate in coming up with solutions! Feelings of powerlessness and fear will continue to hijack our minds and immune systems and that will slow down our progress with the pandemic!
Published 04/05/21
I noticed that when I talked about issues that were not directly related to mental illness and emotional issues my audience fell and that's understandable because the name of my podcast is mental emotional self-health. however as I have said many times before, SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES DO AFFECT MY MENTAL HEALTH AND I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE. so if my audience falls oh well I'm going to continue my work...
Published 04/04/21
frankly I'm a little discouraged because there doesn't seem to be a lot of interest...
Published 03/31/21
take command over your attitude and behavior no matter how bad you're feeling
Published 03/30/21
try these tools. fake chat fake call
Published 03/29/21
Be still and know that Source is Source. Humans don't know everything we just think we do we don't make all the rules.
Published 03/28/21
Having endured a 2-month imaginary affair with a celebrity, the pain is finally too much to bear and I get out. I share my reflections and musings and the way I got out.
Published 03/27/21
no. just having mental processes that need work.
Published 03/26/21