“It is an odd reality of being human that we are always changing, yet we dislike change. Especially too much, too fast.” -Giles Crouch | Digital Anthropologist In this episode, host Ana Melikian explores the paradox of human evolution amidst technological advancement, with a focus on identity shift in the digital era. Drawing insights from an article by digital anthropologist Giles Crouch, Ana discusses the long history of technology's role in human identity, from the Stone...
Published 03/22/24
“98% of the atoms in your body are removed and replaced every year.” -Udo Erasmus In this episode of the Mindset Zone, host Ana Melikian discusses the transformative power of nutrition, particularly focusing on the role of fats and oils in human health with guest Udo Erasmus, a renowned figure in the field of health and nutrition. Erasmus, the author of ‘Fats That Kill' and a pioneer in understanding essential fatty acids, delves into his personal journey of healing...
Published 03/15/24
In this episode of the MINDSET ZONE, host Ana Melikian delves into the concept of being boxed in and the ways in which we categorize things in our lives. Ana shares her insights on how our brains are wired to simplify and categorize, leading to the tendency to put things in boxes or categories. She reflects on her experience working with clients who resist being boxed in, particularly in defining a target market for their businesses. Ana offers a strategy for accepting this resistance...
Published 03/08/24
” If the people are serving the system, you have an inversion of value. If it gets extreme, you have a perversion of value, to where the system actually, instead of serving people, abuses people.” -Mitch Axelrod In this episode, Ana Melikian is joined by Mitch Axelrod, a business strategist and advisor, to discuss the importance of serving people in business and the impact of technology, automation, and outsourcing. Together, they delve into the soulful approach to success,...
Published 03/01/24
In this episode, host Ana Melikian explores the concept of choice and its impact on our lives. She delves into the idea of always having a choice, examining it from different angles and shedding light on its complexities. Ana discusses the powerful message present in the work of authors like Edith Eva Eger and Viktor Frankl, highlighting the nuanced understanding of choice in the face of challenging life circumstances. She also delves into the concept of choice overload and the impact...
Published 02/23/24
In this episode, your host, Ana Melikian, delves into the concept of the Zone of Proximal Growth (ZPG) and its implications for personal and professional development. Ana draws from her background in psychology and her own experiences to explain the ZPG, highlighting the potential for growth just beyond our comfort zones. By sharing her own adventurous foray into indoor skydiving, Ana illustrates how embracing new challenges and experiences can lead to significant personal growth and...
Published 02/16/24
In this episode, host Ana Melikian discusses the widespread impact and looming potential of artificial intelligence (AI) that is causing a fast-paced disruption. She highlights the importance of adopting the right mindset to successfully navigate this AI disruption, moving from a reactive to a proactive mode, increasing self-awareness around thoughts, feelings, and behaviors related to AI. Ana also brings attention to a provocative statement that half of AI researchers believe...
Published 02/09/24
In this episode, the host, Ana Melikian, explores the revolutionary impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI). She relates AI to other significant shifts in human history, like the agricultural and industrial revolutions. Ana emphasizes that while AI will introduce considerable changes that we can't foresee, it's our responsibility to choose our response to these changes and apply AI wisely. Ana points out the benefits AI can offer, particularly in freeing up time, but also warns...
Published 02/02/24
In this episode, host Ana Melikian discusses how to increase personal and organizational impact while avoiding burnout. Reflecting on the ‘Ready, Set, Go' approach, she explores tendencies like perfectionism and being a quick starter and the common practice of either over-preparing or rushing into actions. Drawing from her experience and observations, she concludes that success lies in a balanced approach, where one alternates between taking action and reflecting on the...
Published 01/26/24
In this episode, I join Fran Dean-Bishop to discuss human potential, burnout, and workplace wellbeing. I spoke on the impact of systemic forces within our socio-political environment and how they can shape an organization’s culture and work ethos. The conversation also delved into tackling organizational burnout and advocating for proactive prevention by recognizing red flags. We also emphasized the importance of rest, recovery, and restoration, and how measurement and...
Published 01/19/24
In this short episode, you will learn how to explore the MINDSET ZONE®! Words can not express my gratitude to you and the other listeners who have made this show reach the TOP 0.5% out of more than 3 million podcasts globally ranked by ListenNotes.com. I have been in the TOP 1% of this ranking for several years, and it is great to celebrate being in the top half of that 1%. More importantly, this means that I'm reaching a wider audience, and hopefully helping more people...
Published 01/12/24
“My intent is not to shame or blame. My intent is to create awareness.” – CB Bowman This episode is a re-broadcast of an interview with CB Bowman, who is publishing her new book “Courage to Leap & Lead.” CB Bowman is a certified Master Corporate Executive Coach (MCEC), podcast host, and keynote speaker. In our conversation, we discussed the concept of courage and how it is evolving in today's world, which is facing multiple pandemics. CB describes courage in...
Published 01/05/24
“The arts transcend race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality—it is our humanness that we feel through the creative process. Art is medicine for the soul.” – Lane Gardner This episode is a re-broadcast of an interview with Lane Gardner, who is publishing her new book ‘Lifeline: Recovering Your Mental Wellness Through Uncovering Your Creative Brilliance'. Lane is an award-winning art educator, singer-songwriter and non-profit entrepreneur, and in our conversation, she...
Published 12/29/23
“Another year. Another restart.” – Ana Melikian In this episode, host Ana Melikian emphasizes the importance of restarting as a powerful strategy to increase impact and avoid burnout. Drawing a parallel between rebooting a misbehaving computer and restarting personal and professional endeavors, she encourages listeners to seize the opportunity presented by a new year, month, week, day, or even minute to start fresh. Melikian also shares the mission of the...
Published 12/22/23
”Live your legacy while you're building it.” –Lady Jen Du Plessis In this episode, we engage in a thought-provoking conversation with our esteemed guest, Lady Jen Du Plessis. Also known as the Scaling Architect, she shares her insights on how high-achieving businesses, leaders, and entrepreneurs can hyper-scale their revenue, build effective teams, improve leadership skills, and manage to balance it all with a fulfilling personal life. A critically acclaimed author and...
Published 12/15/23
”This third dimension that corresponds to the mountains and the valleys, this is really what I argue is pulling the strings of our happiness.” -Ryan A. Bush In this episode, Ryan A. Bush, a thinker, designer, and founder of Designing the Mind, discusses his approach to expanding human potential. He explains how our understanding of happiness needs to be redefined, seeing it not just as pleasure and pain but also through the dimensions of loss/gain and core personal...
Published 12/08/23
“You need to be smart about where you're putting your energy.” – Jennifer J. Fondrevay In this episode, host Ana Melikian interviews Jennifer J. Fondrevay, the founder of Day1 Ready™ and a C-Suite survivor of three multi-billion dollar acquisitions. Jennifer outlines her framework, the ‘TEA' approach (Talent, Effort, Attitude), to embrace uncertainty in business and life. They discuss the importance of drawing upon unique talents, directing effort wisely, and adopting...
Published 12/01/23
“We have to develop that capacity of pressing the pause button.” – Ana Melikian In this episode*, the amazing Jen Du Plessis interviews me about my journey, from overcoming dyslexia to how I leveraged my passion for psychology to help individuals unlock their true potential. We delve deep into the topic of burnout and discuss practical strategies to combat it. I recount my personal experience with burnout and my realization that it was time for change. Don't miss...
Published 11/24/23
“90 plus percent of the women leaving are not leaving for the family reasons; they are being pushed out of the workforce.” – D. Sangeeta In this episode, Sangeeta shared her journey and the innovative approach she has taken to empower women in STEM fields. With her extensive experience and expertise, she has founded Gotara, a platform that addresses the gender gap and provides career advice, business acumen, and leadership skills to women in technical fields. Gotara's...
Published 11/17/23
“I have my highs and my lows, but my highs are higher. My lows are higher. And I have a pretty good sense of what I did to go from there to here.” -Brian Johnson In this episode, we had the privilege of welcoming Brian Johnson, founder and CEO of Heroic, a membership research-backed coaching program that has already impacted thousands of lives. Brian shares his wisdom and insights from his incredible book, “Areté,” which distills ancient wisdom and modern science into 451...
Published 11/10/23
“If you are already searching for burnout solutions, the chances that you need prevention techniques are minimal. You likely need recovery techniques.” – Cait Donovan In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of burnout recovery with our guest, Cait Donovan. Cait is a burnout expert who emphasizes the importance of recovery methods for individuals already experiencing burnout. She advocates for a holistic approach to healing and restoring optimal functioning while...
Published 11/03/23
” The micro-actions are the smallest possible actions that you will actually take. If you are feeling frozen, then your micro-action is not small enough.” -Bevin Farrand In this episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Bevin Farrand, a remarkable speaker, coach, and author of the book “Your Damn Manifesto: Discover the Keys to Personal Transformation and Bring Your Biggest Dreams to Life.” Bevin is on a mission to support others in bringing their big, bold, and crazy...
Published 10/27/23
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space.In that space is our power to choose our response.In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Anonymous In this episode, I dive deeper into one of our favorite quotes: “Between stimulus and response, there is a space.In that space is our power to choose our response.And in our response lies our growth and our freedom.” While trying to clarify the true source of this powerful quote, I...
Published 10/20/23
“We can achieve much more. We can contribute to society, make an impact, make a difference out there. If we are refreshed, re-energized. In our full power.” – Ana Melikian In this episode, I join Dr. Zippy to discuss how can we increase our impact while avoiding burnout. We dive deep into the world of human and personal development, growth, and self-care. We also speak about the frustration many individuals face when they feel they are not achieving the results they desire,...
Published 10/13/23
Is there an effective way of multitasking? -Ana Melikian In this episode, I delve into the fascinating world of multitasking and whether it is truly effective or just a myth. I introduces a thought-provoking concept shared by Nir Eyal, the renowned author of “Indistractable.” Although multitasking is often portrayed as counterproductive in the high-performance world, is there a possibility that there is, in fact, an effective way to multitask? Through an...
Published 10/06/23