No one would intentionally drink Strychnine and think they’re going to be healthy and live a long life. Yet how many of us poison our bodies a little bit at a time and think nothing of it? We’ve talked a lot in previous episodes about poisons like alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, and other recreational drugs so we won’t repeat them again now, but let’s discuss some of the poisons that are less obvious. Would like to credit and thank Dr. Simon Goddek for some of this information. First:...
Published 05/13/24
A very important part of all alchemical training—in fact, a very important part of life—is developing true and complete health. It’s very difficult to be mentally and spiritually attuned when your body is worn out, toxic, and tired. Having a healthy body is a somewhat complex topic and for this very reason, obesity is one of the major causes of death in the United States. According to Clinical Medicine, excess weight was responsible for more than 1300 excess deaths per day (nearly 500,000...
Published 05/06/24
As we’ve been discussing the concept of “The Great Work” is to become the greatest reflection possible of God in human form. To literally become more than human. The Great Work is the foundation of all alchemy and mystery teachings. It doesn’t take much time when you observe the world today to realize that our world is in major disruption. Much more so than it’s ever been previously in my lifetime. We believe one of the main reasons we are at this point is that we have left the sacred by...
Published 04/29/24
In the last episodes we’ve been discussing first what the prime objective of all alchemical traditions is: entitled The Great Work. In other words, to become God in human form or more specifically to reflect God in your body and mind through your human form and into the world. While very few individuals we meet even think much less contemplate these high ideals, the fact is that for this reason and this reason only are you here. In the traditions they maintain that prior to coming into this...
Published 04/22/24
Are you adding value to the world or just seeking it for yourself? This is a fundamental question in all alchemical and Hermetic traditions.  We’re told that we’ve been created in the image and likeness of God. We know that God is a creative being, and therefore so too are you. But think about this: God is the life force; and God therefore must create more comprehensive life. You cannot create anything other than its own nature.  Compassion cannot create hatred. Gratitude cannot create...
Published 04/15/24
In this episode weeks we talk about "The Rules of Money" with David Henning We just met David Henning a couple of weeks ago at a large conference in Atlanta for Vantage Financial. Bersabeh and I had a presentation on day 2 of the conference and on day one the MC brought some high performers on stage and David spoke for a short moment about current events—he was the only one who shared that kind of information, and it was impressive. Bersabeh leaned over and said, “I really like that...
Published 04/08/24
Crypto currency is a controversial topic. Do you have questions like most do? Do you understand how our current monetary system works? (most don’t). Join Bersabeh and I and our special Spotlight guest Tyler Reed. Tyler has been in the industry for years and can answer these questions and many more! This is not something any of us can afford to ignore. Connect with Tyler: X - @TheRealTRTalks TikTok - @realtycrypto Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW21ukti-GxvezZL4xYeSyg
Published 04/01/24
Gareth Icke is an activist, a singer/songwriter, an author, a former international beach soccer player, and the host and creator of ‘Gareth Icke Tonight’, an uncensored current affair show on Ickonic Network. Gareth also presents “The Walk” a Youtube channel where he travels across the UK walking historical routes, and explores the UKs vast history, as well as the WTAF podcast where Gareth and Richard Willett take a comical look at world events. Gareth has just recently started a new show...
Published 03/25/24
Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Let’s face it: That’s a tall order but that’s exactly the tall order objective of doing the Great Work. The Magnum Opus. How do you “become god in human form?” Well like most things in alchemy it is not to be taken literally. But if you continually and consistently do God’s will then you are a reflection of God. The more you do this, and the more perfectly you do this, the greater the reflection you...
Published 03/18/24
You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. ~ Psalms 82:6 What very few understand is the objective of true alchemy. Alchemy is a spiritual process. Turning the “lead” of low consciousness and awareness, into the “gold” of awakening. We can’t repeat this too frequently—repetition is the second law of learning…
Published 03/11/24
The number one resource you have at your disposal is time. How are you utilizing it? We’ve been discussing this over the last 5 episodes now so we’ve invested a lot of time in the concept of time. That’s how important we find it to be...
Published 02/26/24
Habit is a tool that either makes you or breaks you. It’s up to you...
Published 02/19/24
Things that get scheduled get done. We previously discussed the Critical 6 in a prior episode. The six most important things you must do today to move you in the direction of your intentions and dreams. There are so many conversations we’ve had about knowing what you value, making sure your intentions are yours versus someone else’s, hopefully you’ve been a part of those conversations...
Published 02/12/24
Most individuals are great starters but very poor finishers. Unfortunately, many personal development approaches as well as business workshops focus more on stamina than endurance. Just to recap: stamina is the energy to start. A lot of people get hyped up or excited to start something but very few have what it takes to finish. There was a popular meme going around about “the most important step is the first step” and the most important quality to success is just “showing up.” While there...
Published 02/05/24
The true test of character is not persistence when you see a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s persistence when you don’t see the light. We’ve been discussing Time Alchemy. Transmuting low leverage time into highly productive time. Now this is a bit deceiving because ultimately. Low leverage activities are basically that—low leverage. Utilizing your time in a low leverage way is what needs to be transmuted. Let’s talk about the science behind this: modern science tells us that...
Published 01/29/24
If you don’t schedule your day, other people and things will. When I work one-on-one in intensive coaching with individuals, I invariably ask them to send me a detailed example of their daily schedule. Most don’t have one—even those who do, don’t have a very specific one. Some want to tell me that they’re too much of a free spirit to schedule their day. Let me promise you, when you schedule your day, you’ll definitely get more accomplished. AND you’ll also find that you have more free time...
Published 01/22/24
“Your time is limited so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” ~ Steve Jobs So many live their life according to the opinion of others. In fact, very few actually live—they merely exist. Unfortunately, many make excuses for what they do or don’t do—and one of the greatest excuses we hear is “I don’t have time.” Actually, this is somewhat correct… you don’t have time—time has you. And time won’t compensate for hesitation or procrastination. In the Toltec tradition it maintains, that...
Published 01/15/24
We’ve been discussing the most important keys to Alchemy and Transmutation. Counting the cost before beginning the journey Knowing what you stand for Being willing to sacrifice for what you stand for. These are all important and another key that’s equally important is telling the truth. This may seem simple, but we live in a world where truth doesn’t often appear to be highly valued. In fact, those who tell lies are often rewarded while those who tell the truth are often persecuted,...
Published 01/08/24
Are you happy with the state of your world and THE world in general right now? Are you truly willing to do what it takes to change your world first and then possibly change the world? Count the cost before you begin the journey because there’s always a price for the prize. Are you willing to make transmuting your own world the primary thing? Or are you just curious? Let’s face it, we live in turbulent times. As we’ve discussed previously, many are becoming increasingly disillusioned...
Published 01/01/24
“Many are called but few are chosen” ~ Matthew 22:14 It’s vitally important to count the cost before you begin the journey. Many are “called” to higher principles, morals, and values. But what soon becomes apparent is that while they may be curious, but they’re not committed. The inarguable fact is that it’s difficult to escape the Matrix, or what we call socialized mind and programing. Some even like to speak about “escaping the Matrix” but then they turn around and talk about how they...
Published 12/25/23
This is our final episode discussing the processes of turning base metal into gold. If you’ve been following hopefully, you recall that this is an analogy for internal alchemy versus external alchemy.  The gold we are creating is the awakened consciousness of who you and what you are. The awakened consciousness of your full God-given potential. You’ll also recall it’s a comprehensive process: of cleaning up, growing up, and waking up. It’s not a quick fix or easy… nor is it supposed to...
Published 12/18/23
If you’ve been following this series, you must realize by now that alchemy—turning base metal into gold—is a long and complex process.  You might recall this process is a 3-step process: clean up, grow up, wake up. We’ve discussed the clean-up process pretty thoroughly. Cleaning your body of toxins: substances, poor nutrients, dietary habits, thoughts, emotions, feelings, contrary to most personal development, it’s difficult if not impossible to “clean up your thoughts” much less your...
Published 12/11/23
If you’ve been following for the last several episodes, it should be obvious that to “turn base metal into gold” is a lengthy and complicated process. You may recall we discussed some time ago that the first stage of alchemy is “melanosis” which is the blackening or destroying phase. For anything new to live something first must die. As we “put to death old dietary habits, old thinking processes, and now emotional processes we “clean the slate” so to speak to bring in the new. This is why...
Published 12/04/23
Continuing with the cleanup theme, we’ve discussed toxins and diet, now let’s move up to your mind and thoughts. Please remember that it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to clean up your thinking when your mind is clouded with toxins and poor nutrition. Once you’ve made some headway in the body clean up you can start to clean your thinking. Let me ask you to consider: if you had a friend that was constantly lying to you, constantly telling you you’re not good enough, constantly making...
Published 11/27/23