The decline from being moderately sick to very sick is not a linear process. There is a single pivotal moment that changes everything. Understanding this moment also provides insight about all the mysteries of mold avoidance, including: why it is necessary, what to expect, and what conventional and alternative medicine is MISSING when it comes to mold toxicity. This is a can't-miss episode! 
Published 06/13/24
What changed the most as an advanced mold avoider? Everything and nothing at the same time. These are some things I wish I knew sooner. Or, more articulately... things I was told but just didn't fully understand or believe. This episode covers a lot of ground and is a good listen for newbies as well as experienced avoiders.
Published 04/30/24
Probably the biggest mistake new mold avoiders make is not learning to tell the difference between nuisance secondary reactivities and primary illness-causing reactivities. As a mentor once told me, "you can't avoid all toxins, you have to pick and choose." This is why most people never end up picking the right toxins, and never get better.
Published 02/08/24
I've been wanting to make this podcast episode for months, but have always felt too overwhelmed by how much information there is to share. So I just hit record and started talking, and while I didn't cover EVERYTHING, I certainly got the discussion started. If you want to learn more "tips and tricks" regarding my experience using RV's for mold avoidance, check out my related eBook: RVs & Mold Avoidance Ebook
Published 10/27/23
Even a dog can tell these Two Big Assumptions are LIES. When you hear this episode you'll be BLOWN AWAY that anyone believes these Two Big Lies. Yet 99% of mold sick people still believe this. I've used two analogies to reveal these lies so dramatically that they can never hide in the darkness again. If you enjoy this episode you'll LOVE my premium podcast episodes available for $10/mo. 
Published 10/18/23
There's a little-known reality about healing from mold illness: it's HARD to leave a moldy house. And not for the reasons you think. Mold is a microbial lifeform that WANTS to survive, and it poisons our brains into thinking that leaving the mold is basically impossible, or at the very least, terrifying. Today I share a lesson I learned from one of my favorite podcasters, Tim Ferriss, and how it applies to mold illness recovery. It's important stuff, this might save your life... 😳
Published 09/30/23
In the crypto world, there are these things called NFT's, which means "non-fungible token." They are often pieces of art that are special and unique. On the other hand, "fungible" items are all the same: for example, dollar bills. No one cares which dollar bill they have; they are all the same. This podcast episode is about learning to think of housing as a fungible resource. 
Published 09/20/23
You might be tempted to skip this episode but it actually addresses the MOST IMPORTANT mold avoidance skill of all. Which skill am I talking about? You'll have to listen to find out ;) There's a scene in Interstellar that drove me crazy for YEARS, but I finally understand it now, and it makes all the difference. 
Published 09/09/23
Have you ever loved a movie only to have Hollywood ruin the story with a sequel? Yeah, sequels are risky. That's why it took a lot of confidence for me to make a "Part 2" for one of my best-ever podcast episodes: The original Singularity of Mold Avoidance episode published almost exactly 3 years ago in August, 2020. Well, you can be the judge, but I think this episode justified its own existence...such an important topic to learn or just be reminded of.
Published 08/21/23
If you listen to any of my podcast episodes, PLEASE listen to this one. Especially if you are relatively new to mold avoidance. Successful healing in mold avoidance is less about "learning new information" and more about "UN-learning old information." Trust me, I know: I was an alternative health journalist and author for 15 years. I've done it all, seen it all. Please share this episode with family and friends who are new to comprehending mold avoidance. 
Published 07/26/23
OK guys. It's been a while since I've been this fresh and had this much to say. You'll find out why in the episode. We cover a LOT of bases today. I don't even know how to describe this episode, because I think it is one of my best and broadest. Also it is 2:51am so I'm going to bed now - just listen to it.
Published 07/12/23
In early mold avoidance, the road to healing IS "out there" - meaning location's effect, meaning you have to MOVE your body to a clear location in order to recover. But I am at the phase now where the road is more "inside me" - which is great news, since moving around all the time is a pain in the butt. So you'll hear me talk about this theme quite a bit in recent podcast episodes. Of course, if you are brand new to mold avoidance, you should start by listening to my older episodes... which...
Published 06/03/23
This is a long episode, almost an hour. But I feel like I was able to address a topic that is so foreign to those who are new to mold avoidance, that it is almost like speaking a different language. We all know that some words in other languages don't translate well to English, and therefore it takes quite a conversation in order to explain what the word means. Reaching "escape velocity" from mold exposure introduces a few such topics, which is why it took me almost an hour to "translate"...
Published 05/07/23
There is a HUGE difference between mold avoidance and "regular" conventional or alternative medicine. This difference is probably the Number 1 reason why people fail to recover, so I suggest listening to this episode, and sharing it with others who have chronic Lyme or CFS.
Published 04/27/23
Someone asked me recently my thoughts on taking supplements during early mold avoidance. The thing about this question is that it scratches the surface of a much bigger, more important topic. The only way to properly address this was with a new podcast episode. If you enjoyed this, consider subscribing for $10/mo to my paid/bonus podcast episodes.
Published 04/18/23
When I was very sick, I always intuitively felt that I had much to pay for. I wasn't damaging my body on purpose, but the damage that was being done would take years to fix. This is why I was disappointed when typical supplements and treatments only worked for a couple of days. But when my mentors told me the "intensification" process during mold avoidance might last "2 to 3 years," I was elated! I could finally "pay my debt" and heal my body. 
Published 03/01/23
This episode is for people on the "fringes" of mold avoidance who aren't quite sure if this illness applies to them. It is also for family and friends. Plus, it contains a new, simplified, streamlined conceptual framework for mold avoidance that I really like. I hope you enjoy it, I think it is an important episode! This episode is free, but if you enjoy it, please consider subscribing to my premium podcast service which gives you access to the best new episodes and the entire archive of 80+...
Published 02/18/23
Believe it or not, this is a nuclear topic loaded with controversy. I've been wanting to talk about MCAS for a long time, so here is the podcast episode that addresses it. 
Published 02/03/23
There are two variables that NO ONE is talking about in terms of healing from chronic illnesses such as Lyme and CFS. These variables are on the opposite ends of a scale, balancing each other. But their short term consequences are much different from their long term consequences. Listen to the episode and ask yourself if you've done a proper analysis on how these variables are impacting your recovery. (If you enjoyed this free sample episode, consider subscribing for $10/mo to gain access to...
Published 01/28/23
Lately I've been in touch with a lot of folks who left their moldy homes and belongings, set up a life somewhere, but never did "extreme" avoidance. Eventually, they all seem to actually go extreme. Why is this? What factors could possibly motivate them to start all over AGAIN? Let's take a look...
Published 12/20/22
The knee-jerk reaction of most people is just the opposite of what is truly logical when it comes to mold avoidance. This podcast takes a quick look at one of the great ironies we face as mold avoiders. 
Published 11/26/22
Future podcast episodes and the majority of existing episodes (about 75) will now require a $10/mo subscription for access. Today's recording explains how to access this content, and why I made this decision. About 20 past episodes will remain free. A monthly subscription (which includes all past episodes as well as all future episodes) can be purchased with this link: https://patron.podbean.com/bryanrosner After your purchase, you can access the content either with the link above, or by...
Published 10/11/22
This episode is for family, friends, parents, who are skeptical of the various aspects of extreme mold avoidance. This topic is near-and-dear to my heart, because I myself spent DECADES wandering the halls of endless Lyme disease treatments and empty promises. 
Published 09/21/22
What people "know" about parasites COMPLETELY CHANGES in the context of adequate mold avoidance (big surprise right?). It's a "brave new world" when you talk about the two subjects at the same time. Hopefully this podcast sheds some light and "reveals" what's hiding below. Be sure to listen to the end.
Published 09/14/22