Hey friends! This episode is about finding joy and loving yourself through all seasons good or bad. You are worthy and you are loved no matter what. If you want change you are capable you must put plans and action into place and give it all you got! You CAN do it.
Published 01/16/22
Published 01/16/22
I think at some point every single one of us has experienced either jealousy from our own selves and insecurities and from a friend or loved one and I think we can all agree that it hurts when it happens. This episode is brought to you by a few recent life experiences and a reminder that somebody treating you poorly because of their own jealousy or insecurities is a pure reflection of them and not you you keep doing you!
Published 10/10/21
I recorded this episode while in Nashville at a women’s conference on a quick break in between sessions. I went outside and sat on the ground and spoke about what was on my heart that needed to be shared with you. In this episode I talk about getting moving. For instance, if you feel like you’re being led to go after something different or something new that God is calling you to do, don’t just sit there...take action. Do it now and do it scared. I also talk about failing forward and the...
Published 10/25/20
It’s time to stop talking about your dreams and start doing. Without action nothing will ever change we must push forward and put plans into place right now or we will just talk about our dreams forever and never accomplish them.
Published 10/17/20
We all have the option to change the cycle of our lives. In this episode I will be talking about something that has helped me grow. I like to call it the three C’s. In order to have growth we must be willing to make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE to make a CHANGE. If I can do this so can you.
Published 07/27/20
After a few months of a storm I’m finally picking up the pieces. I was falling apart and losing myself and once I hit rock bottom I finally sought help and learned that I had Postpartum Depression and it was not pretty.
Published 07/10/20
How do we set the tone for our day during times of chaos, craziness, storms etc.? What is consuming our time? Are we going to the world when we wake up or to the word? Let’s lead our families well and stay grounded by setting a positive tone for our day.
Published 03/29/20
This episode is about finding gratitude and focusing on not being so harsh on ourselves. We need to treat our bodies like a best friend and love it well. As women and mothers we set many standards for ourselves that often times are unrealistic and its time to stop beating ourselves up and just plain love where we are. Lets dive in!
Published 02/16/20
We are a family of 6 and decided 3 years ago we must start traveling and take our first vacation but we really had no experience and had to start from square one. Where to start......how to afford it....when to go....how to stay sane??? Lol! Here I’m sharing some fun stories, mommy encouragement and simple tips in hopes to help you get out there and do it! More details and in depth stories to come later about our family travels.
Published 01/26/20
Are you an orchid or an oak tree? Get your pen and paint handy and let’s dig deep and find out!
Published 01/13/20
Are your priorities actually in line with what you think? Get your pen and paper ready for a quick challenge.
Published 01/06/20
Facing fear and failure and finally doing exactly what we know is on our hearts to do. You can and you will. 
Published 12/30/19