This week on the podcast Amy and Jen each share a significant injury that disrupted their triathlon career and how they came back from it. Jen talks about a ski injury right before her move to Florida and starting her job at Ironman. She sprained her MCL and torn her meniscus and it took a lot of time, the help of a PT roommate, and a slow build back to return to racing. Amy goes into her hip labral tear that was discovered after she qualified for Kona, the winter before the big race. She was...
Published 09/22/23
In this episode Amy and Jen reminisce about their past world championship races. Jen gives the insider scoop on racing a World Championship in Nice when 70.3 Worlds was there. Amy compares that experience to racing on the big island. They talk about different race-week events, how they planned their race trips, and how they were able to be both spectator and racer. They then discuss one of the hottest hot topics of the year - is a world championship still “special” if slots are more...
Published 09/15/23
This week on the podcast we talk with Krista Nuegebauer, registered dietitian and triathlete mom of two. Krista tells us about how she came to the sport through training for a marathon with Team in Training and wanting to complete an Ironman next. Her husband also races and she shares how they have found ways to both fit in their training and racing as parents. And we get into some of our fueling questions. Krista shares what it looks like to work with a dietitian. We talk about iron...
Published 09/08/23
In this episode, Amy and Jen dive into some of the more unique mental differences between triathlon, cycling, swimming, and running. They discuss the mental comparison game with other athletes and how it varies in a sport with bigger focused A races like triathlon compared with a sport like cycling in which racing is more tactical and frequent. They talk about how being a part of a team can affect the amount of pressure they feel and their attitude towards racing. And they discuss varying...
Published 09/01/23
This week on the podcast we interview Kayla Bowker - pro triathlete, mom of two, and coach. Kayla and Amy recently raced each other at Oregon 70.3 and they share their different perspectives from that race. In the conversation Kayla talks about going from unsure if she even wanted kids to being completely changed and finding a more emotional side of herself after becoming a mom. Kayla talks about how important it was to continue to nurture her entrepreneur side and her athlete side even as a...
Published 08/25/23
This week on the podcast we get the full report from Amy’s recent race at Oregon 70.3. She talks about the lead up to the race including a podcast meetup with Mike Bosch from the Everyday Ironman Podcast. The morning started with two surprises - finding her missing timing chip and a non-wetsuit swim for the pros. After a slower swim than last year she eventually caught up with some of the other women and tried to pass strategically. She made a rookie nutritional error of not taking enough...
Published 08/18/23
In this episode, as Amy prepares for Oregon 70.3 on the upcoming weekend, Jen and Amy discuss all of their race week routines. They talk through packing for a triathlon, getting bikes checked and ready to race, and final workouts. They also talk about the final bits of preparation they do mentally including visualizations, preparing mantras, and planning ways to find joy on race day. In her intro, Jen shares an update on her recent miscarriage and learning that her company’s bereavement...
Published 08/11/23
This week on the podcast we go back in time to hear about Jen’s first triathlon and how she got her start racing draft legal after college. She shares how she got connected with a coach, started training with a group in San Antonio, and even got to do a training trip with Barb Lindquist. She shares many familiar experiences to new triathletes like falling over at stop lights when she couldn’t unclip from her bike. In their weekly updates, Amy gives a recap of her race at the Boise Twilight...
Published 08/04/23
This week we catch up with Aly on how her first two months with baby Hannah have been going. Aly shares with us what her recovery has been like from her c-section, postpartum physical therapy, and getting into a new routine with a newborn. She gives some insight into her return to training including master’s swimming on Monday nights, an open water swim, nap time trainer workouts, and core exercises. In their weekly updates, Amy talks about sleep struggles on vacation and pre-race nerves and...
Published 07/28/23
In this episode Amy and Jen welcome Amber Pierce, a collegiate swimmer turned professional cyclist. Amber is now starting a new podcast, the Be A Good Wheel Podcast, which will “spotlight the value in all the messy unfiltered moments behind [the] shiny outcomes and offer a place to support each other in process.” This interview covers a lot of ground, from systemic problems in sports that don’t support collegiate athletes and women to our personal theories on why swimmers struggle to run and...
Published 07/21/23
Ever wonder how to turn pro in triathlon? Well, you could read the USAT qualification criteria or you could listen to this podcast and hear all of Amy’s insider tips. Amy and Jen have a fun conversation about Kona slots, sandbagging, and getting the most out of yourself. They touch on the big question of whether to take your pro card or not (hint: the answer is YESS, but also, you do you). In their weekly updates, Amy gives an overview of her recent stage race at the Baker City Cycling...
Published 07/14/23
How do you fit in workouts around work and parenting? How much is it okay to talk about your kids (or your training) at work? This week on the podcast Jen and Amy get into the what it has been like for them to train for races as a working mom. They talk about nursing and pumping, what happens when babies don’t take the bottle, and the struggles in finding daycare. And they share some practical ideas for making workouts happen. In their weekly updates, the two cover screen time, long weekends...
Published 07/07/23
It’s getting hot! Amy and Jen share their experiences training in the heat and how they have worked through it. They talk about how to plan routes with water and shade in mind. They discuss different hydration strategies on the bike and the run. Amy and Jen both share stories of instances where they struggled in the heat during races and how they pulled themselves out of it. They also get into taking kids for runs in the heat and what extra precautions to take and signs to look for in them....
Published 06/30/23
This week we welcome Coral Owen to the show. Coral is a triathlete mom and head coach and founder of Team Babe Athletics. Coral got hooked on triathlons at a young age from her parents. She has gone through many iterations of the sport, from racing competitively in college to racing just to finish and have fun during pregnancy and again shortly after her son was born. Coral shares with us her mindset toward training and focusing on long term health and fitness for herself and her athletes.
Published 06/23/23
This week on the podcast Amy and Jen share all their tips for having the best triathlon transition (for your goals) possible. They get into transition mindsets, how to make use of helpful volunteers and wetsuit strippers, bathroom stops, and flying mounts and dismounts. Jen shares an update on a sudden surgery for Maddox. And the two discuss kissing kids on the lips and making mom friends. Plus, we get an update from Aly on her first week with baby Hannah. 
Published 06/16/23
This week on the one year anniversary of the podcast, Aly, Jen, and Amy reflect back on the first year. They give some behind the scenes stories of the first year, like recording the first episode 3 times and improving in the editing process. They each share their most memorable episodes, their favorite moments, and things they learned from each other. In weekly updates they talk about doing tie dye with toddlers, making the most of the last week before Aly’s new baby, and Jen traveling to...
Published 06/09/23
In advance of Aly giving birth to her second baby, Amy, Jen, and Aly share some tips for how to introduce baby and big sibling and how to foster a positive relationship in the early days. Amy talks about what it was like introducing Ollie and Margot, including the gift for baby Margot from big brother that went awry. The trio touch on ways to make sure the bigger sibling still feels loved and gets enough attention, how to include them in taking care of the new baby, and what to do when things...
Published 06/02/23
This week on the podcast we celebrate Aly’s upcoming due date with an episode all about baby showers! We share the fun details of Aly’s shower this past weekend, complete with flower crowns and baby bump estimations. We get into our favorite baby shower games and the conversation turns to baby naming. In the main segment, Amy, Jen, and Aly give some of their best tips and bits of advice for new moms. Some are very specific and concrete - like the Frida Mom disposable underwear and making use...
Published 05/26/23
In this episode, Amy and Aly welcome a new co-host, Jen Gottschalk, to the podcast. The trio discuss what it was like for them swimming during pregnancy getting into experiences with muscle cramps and gagging on excess saliva. They also dabble on some of the concerns they had, like if they’d know if their water broke while swimming. And they share favorite suits they wore during pregnancy and how to make use of tools like pull buoy and fins. In their weekly check-ins, we hear about Jen’s new...
Published 05/19/23
This week on the podcast Amy and Aly have a hot debate - in which season is it *harder* to be pregnant. All joking aside, they have a fun conversation where Aly shares what’s difficult about a late winter baby (tying boots and finding a big enough coat) and Amy goes deep on the annoyances of a summer baby (heat waves and baby sunscreen). In their weekly updates, Aly talks about a labor scare that ended in labor & delivery. They close with their Go Mommas of the Week.
Published 05/12/23
This week Amy and Aly talk about their potty training experiences with a newly turned 2-year-old and a 3-year-old. They share what worked and what didn’t work for them from some of the common methods. They close with their Go Mommas of the Week.
Published 05/05/23
This week on the podcast, Amy and Aly dive into one of the most pervasive experiences of parenting - guilt. They talk about its different forms, from guilt over not living up to the personal or external expectations or even guilt for the added “burden” you place on a partner or caregiver when leaving your kid with them. Throughout the conversations, a consistent theme is that the guilt evolves and changes over time as we go through new phases with kids. They talk about how guilt can come up...
Published 04/28/23
This week on the podcast Amy and Aly give a crash course on how to be a fan of triathlon. They give their tips on where to get the most up-to-date information and how to watch races. They talk about the various types of professional triathlon racing, from Super League, World Triathlon, Ironman, Challenge, and PTO races. And they both share their favorite triathletes to follow on social media, which is a big part of being a fan, too. Also this week, Aly celebrated Beth’s second birthday and...
Published 04/21/23
On the show this week Amy and Aly go into more of the common parenting decisions and what they have chosen to do so far. They talk about topics like posting kids on social media, following parenting philosophies, swearing in front of kids, screen time, and toddler leashes. Some topics are not just divisive between Amy and Aly, but also between them and their partners. Amy talks about her tendency towards RIE parenting and mentions following Janet Lansbury and Dr. Becky. Aly shares an...
Published 04/13/23
This week on the podcast Amy and Aly talk with Michelle Wieland, creator of the Moms for Triathlon Facebook group. Michelle talks about how she started the group back in 2016 because she was seeing mom-specific topics come up in the Womens for Tri Facebook group and wanted to create a specific space for them. She shares her own experience as a mom of two young kids fitting in training with a husband who is a pilot and as a trainer and coach. Michelle also opens up about her experience having...
Published 04/07/23