How has Corona changed our work and collaboration? And how can our METRO community grow even closer together? These are the questions we want to address in this episode and get answers from Elisabeth Hesse, responsible for Internal Communications at METRO. I talk to her about our Social Intranet United - so to speak our campfire around which we gather at METRO and which provides us with warmth and wisdom. Elisabeth also tells us what makes her life in the home office easier and brings us her...
Published 05/12/21
One year of Corona and, like the virus, we too have mutated in this time: from office workers to home workers. Our workplace is digital and our collaboration virtual. Work and private life are merging more and more. In our first episode, we talk about this with Christian Rippl, Global Director of the House of Learning at METRO AG and co-initiator of the "New Ways of Working" project. Together with the project team, he wants to use the changes brought about by Covid-19 to improve working at...
Published 04/14/21
The new MORE Podcast takes you along and accompanies you on the New Ways of Working. Let's talk about it, with our colleagues who are thinking about our future ways of working and developing innovative concepts for an improved working world at METRO.
Published 03/29/21