Salomon saw the difference between knowing what to do and someone who actually made their life count. In this moment, Solomon was able to see the power of wisdom without advantage. Every person who's determined to make life count is going to face an overwhelming sense of insignificance. In a sense, we're all faking it. We're all trying to act like we know more than we know. When you strip us away, we are all naked and ashamed. To live with the name Irwin is a constant reminder that I was...
Published 07/23/24
Published 07/23/24
Solomon saw the difference between knowing what to do and someone who actually made their life count. In this moment, Solomon was able to see the power of wisdom without advantage. Every person who's determined to make life count is going to face an overwhelming sense of insignificance. In a sense, we're all faking it. We're all trying to act like we know more than we know. When you strip us away, we are all naked and ashamed. The way you overcome a sense of insignificance is understanding...
Published 07/15/24
A lot of us live in this compulsive religious trap where we keep performing for God rather than listening to God. He says Solomon warned us that we need to stop playing with God. Greene: If you're giving because you hope that giving will somehow get God on your side, you're just wasting your money. Sometimes we just perform for God, but I think other times we're actually pretending with God. Solomon tells us not to be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. There's nothing more...
Published 07/09/24
Until you change your values, you will not change how you live your life. We need to recognize that everything in life will pull away at the relationships that we have. It's what we do to nurture those relationships that really brings meaning to our lives. I think one of the greatest gifts that we have as a community is to create community and provide community for those around us. Relationships are tough. Sometimes the greatest gift you can give another human being is to invite them to come...
Published 07/03/24
Podcast Summary: "Existential Musings: Humanity and the Animal Condition" In this episode, we explore Solomon's reflections on human and animal existence. Solomon suggests that humans and animals share the same fate—both return to dust after death—highlighting life's inherent futility. Humans, unlike animals, are burdened with the awareness of their mortality, deepening existential despair and raising the question of whether it is better never to have been born to avoid life's inevitable...
Published 06/25/24
Welcome to the "Reality Check: Search for the Real" podcast. In this series, we've explored Solomon’s quest for meaning in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Solomon finds that work, wealth, power, and pleasure all ultimately lead to emptiness. In Ecclesiastes chapter 3, Solomon offers hope through the passage, “There is a time for everything.” This highlights life's cycles and contrasts—joy and sorrow, birth and death. Solomon notes that while we live in time, God has placed eternity in our hearts,...
Published 06/17/24
In this episode, Pastor Erwin delves into the common dissatisfaction with work and its significant impact on our lives. He emphasizes how work often overshadows other important aspects, such as family, hobbies, and personal passions. Drawing from Solomon's reflections in Ecclesiastes, the discussion centers on the futility of labor without meaning, highlighting the emptiness of success when it's pursued solely for material gain. Pastor Erwin shares personal anecdotes about the stress and...
Published 06/11/24
Lead Pastor Erwin McManus delivered a brand new message on the unlimited power of wisdom.  Speaking from the book of Ecclesiastes, he shared a story of a poor man who saved a city with his wisdom. And though this man accomplished an incredible feat, he went on to be despised and forgotten. Pastor Erwin reminded us that often we look at all of the resources we do not have: fame, wealth, or power. But God wants to give us exactly what we need most — wisdom.  It's time to pursue wisdom...
Published 06/04/24
As we continue this “Reality Check” series diving into the archives. Venture into the depths of Ecclesiastes as we navigate Solomon's quest for life's true meaning, beginning from chapter 1, verse 12. In this episode, "Too Smart for Your Own Good," we delve into the introspective reflections of Solomon, a king endowed with unparalleled wisdom, who grapples with the profound realization of life's inherent futility. Solomon's piercing insights reveal the stark reality that human endeavors, no...
Published 05/21/24
As we dive into the archives, Pastor Erwin talks about the concept of creativity being often misunderstood as exclusive to artists and visionaries. Through David and Goliath, we draw powerful parallels to modern challenges, illustrating how creativity can transcend conventional approaches to problem-solving. Highlighting a real-life scenario, we recount how Mosaic turned an unexpected venue closure into a transformative community event, showcasing the profound impact of innovative thinking....
Published 05/10/24
This past Sunday Pastor Erwin McManus spoke on the importance of living connected not only to God, but to the gift of the Church. Sharing from the book of Corinthians, he gave us three essential truths from the scriptures to inform the way we relate to God and others: 1. We are a unique part of the whole. 2. We are not whole when we are apart. 3. We are strongest when we all do our part. When we out our uniqueness within the community God has given us, we become the strongest...
Published 04/30/24
This weekend, Pastor Erwin McManus brought new insights that challenged us to step into a new level of connection to God. Speaking from the book of Galatians, he shared that there are 3 levels of connection to God: 1: The universal good  2: The adopted child 3: The heir apparent We experience the universal good as we live our lives enjoying the blessings that God gives to all of humanity whether we believe in him or not. The adopted child has a relationship with God and experiences...
Published 04/23/24
Part 4 on the series of God from 2014
Published 04/16/24
Published 04/08/24
This Easter, Pastor Erwin McManus invites us to step into the story our souls long for.   He shares from the book of Matthew that Jesus created a tear in the fabric of time and space when he died on the cross.    The separation between God and humanity caused by fear, despair, and hate was torn in two as Jesus conquered darkness and rose from the dead.   When the tomb was found empty, it shattered humanity’s understanding of the world. Jesus gave us an invitation to experience an...
Published 04/02/24
We go back into the archives to hear a message from 2014 that breaks down the idea that humanity often sees God through the lens of human experience. That despite our perceptions, we are created in the image and likeness of God, and our souls inherently recognize this truth. Even when individuals don't believe in God, God believes in them.
Published 03/26/24
In a transformative new message, Pastor Erwin McManus breaks down the ultimate covert advantage:  transforming humans from the inside out.   Speaking from Hebrews chapter 8, he explains that God chose Israel to be an example of what it means to obey God as a result of having our hearts transformed from stone to flesh.   Pastor Erwin explains that when we are given hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone, we become our most human selves — able to embrace attributes like humility,...
Published 03/19/24
In a brand new message, Lead Pastor Erwin McManus empowers us to make the hard choices necessary for us to step into the life we were designed to live. Speaking from the book of Luke, he points out that Jesus was always calling people to a life that was difficult — a life that required the highest level of character.  Pastor Erwin shares that often when we embrace a life of faith, we expect Jesus to make our lives easier, not more difficult.  But as we decide to do hard things, we...
Published 03/11/24
We go back into the archives to hear a message from 2014 that breaks down the idea that humanity often sees God through the lens of human experience. That despite our perceptions, we are created in the image and likeness of God, and our souls inherently recognize this truth. Even when individuals don't believe in God, God believes in them.
Published 03/04/24
Pastor Erwin McManus brought a riveting new message on the importance of living a life deeply connected to God.  Pulling from a fascinating story about Elijah and Ahab in the Scriptures, Pastor Erwin points out that there are 4 different levels of awareness that we can decide to live in.  Unconscious: unaware of God's movement around us. Experiential: only believe in what can be seen, heard, and touched.  Spiritual: aware that a spiritual realm exists. Transcendent: in step with the...
Published 02/27/24
- Live from Mosaic Hollywood 02/19/24
Published 02/20/24
Pastor Erwin Raphael McManus brought a life-changing message on the importance of cultivating mental toughness.   He shared that as people of faith, we often assume God will give us an easier life when we give our lives to him. In contrast, Pastor Erwin shared that God doesn't want to make our lives easier — he wants to make us tougher.   In Romans 8, we're reminded that we have everything we need to face the challenges that come our way because life is hard but we are tougher than we...
Published 02/13/24
Published 02/05/24