Episode 94. Last episode I talked all about how Internal Family Systems (IFS) has changed my 1 on 1 practice. Check that episode out first if you haven't already because I give a general overview of IFS. This episode is all about some of the many ways IFS has impacted me personally, and some of the ways it's impacted me professionally and helped me think about our field in a more useful way. So excited to have you here! What to Expect in This Episode In this...
Published 05/15/23
Episode 93. For this episode I recruited the wonderful Dr. Sapna Doshi back to interview me about my experiences in the past several months of immersing myself in the world of Internal Family Systems Theory. I've been learning IFS and beginning to apply it with several of my clients and have been seeing great results. It's also something I've been applying and to myself. Working with my parts (as IFS calls them) has been incredibly transformative for me. So in this two-part...
Published 05/01/23
Episode 92. In this episode I share more about my journey, where I'm at now, and what I've learned so far. We had our second kiddo January 2020. Covid shutdown happened March 2020. I put notice in at work June 2020 and left December 2020. I started this podcast February 1st, 2021. Prior to that I started this blog in September 2019. They say owning a business, having kids are the ultimate self-growth journeys. If we add being a good therapist, and living through a global pandemic, this...
Published 04/17/23
Episode 91. Part 2 of my coffee chat with Dr. Sapna Doshi is here! So grab your favorite beverage of choice and join us for an honest conversation about the fields of weight management, eating disorders, and health. Our goal in this 2-part series is to have these episodes be relevant for: * People (whether you are an individual looking for an empowering healthcare team) who want to be inspired and motivated to create optimal health and thrive * Clinicians who work...
Published 04/03/23
Episode 90. This conversation is a looooong time coming! I'd like you to imagine this conversation is happening with Sapna and I at a little coffee shop in Philadelphia that was near Drexel University where we both went for grad school. Our goal in this 2-part series is to have these episodes be relevant for: * People (whether you are an individual looking for an empowering healthcare team) who want to be inspired and motivated to create optimal health and thrive *...
Published 03/20/23
Episode 89. This is a conversation I've been wanting to have for a while. I loved talking to Sam in our episode in March of 2022. Check it out here. I brought her back on the podcast to help us better understand the pros and cons of high intensity exercise and help you to know whether or not it should be part of your journey now, or ever. What to Expect in this Interview In this interview, we cover: * What is high intensity exercise? * How we get little guidance...
Published 03/06/23
Episode 88. When you think of your health and your health-related goals, what are the main areas you evaluate? * Your eating habits * Exercise routine * Health data like weight, cholesterol levels, etc. What often is not considered as the first thought are things like sleep, stress and social relationships. And one of the (many) ways that diet culture and over focus on weight loss can be harmful, is when it distracts us from the work that would truly...
Published 02/20/23
Episode 87. This is a conversation I've been anticipating for a while now, but likely wouldn't have had even as recently as a few years ago. To be honest, I was scared to do it. As a professional who believes that no one should feel pressure to lose weight, I don't want to have anyone see that I have a podcast about this topic and believe I think they should take these meds or be trying to shrink their body. But you know why I was most nervous to have the episode?...
Published 02/06/23
Episode 86. Y'all. I have a personal celebrity on the podcast today. What to Expect in this Interview In this interview, we cover: * The value of collaboration among people who are self-taught, and people with more traditional training * The parallels between shame in parenting and shame in eating and body stuff * What to do if you're concerned that your kid is eating too much sugar (note here that Randi uses some language here that I don't necessarily...
Published 01/23/23
Episode 85. I am super excited to share this conversation for a few reasons. First, we talk about a topic that literally is relevant to everyone, regardless of your body size or history of how much you've struggled with your eating. Second, I've been wanting to connect with Dr. Robyn Pashby for a while now, so many people told us we should chat! I learned a lot in this conversation, and I'm sure you will too. What to Expect in this Interview In this interview, we...
Published 01/09/23
Episode 84. Karen was spiraling. She had been doing so well. She was eating well, walking daily and feeling great. But for some reason today she felt off. She ate more than usual at lunch, maybe because she was scrolling mindlessly on her phone and saw a few upsetting posts about someone she went to high school with who is battling cancer. She kept scrolling, and before she knew it, she had eaten too much. She felt stuffed. Not super stuffed, but enough to feel uncomfortable. She got...
Published 12/26/22
Episode 83. We talk a lot on this podcast about the harmful ways weight is discussed in medical settings. But what about the harm that's caused when weight isn't discussed at all? I sat down with Dr. Emily Cordes, DO to have this important conversation. Dr. Cordes was trained in a traditional medical setting as a primary care physician. However, she quickly realized that this path wasn't giving her what she needed as a professional. And she learned this, partly because she realized...
Published 12/12/22
Episode 82. A common question I get from people considering weight loss surgery is "will bariatric surgery help with binge eating?", or "can I actually practice intuitive eating or a non-diet approach to eating after surgery"? or "How can I try to get rid of diet mentality if I have to follow a specific diet?" These are excellent questions and today you will get all my thoughts on these topics. Not interested in learning about weight loss surgery? Totally cool. However, you might want...
Published 11/28/22
Episode 81. "My metabolism is damaged." This is a common concern I hear. And I get it. Chronic weight loss dieting does often have a very negative impact on our bodies and our metabolism. Ignoring hunger, going long periods of time without eating, eating foods because some "expert" told us it was good for us, often leads to stress, inflammation, mistrust of our bodies signals and ultimately mistrust of ourselves. And yet, today's guest is Amy Braden, would...
Published 11/14/22
Episode 80. What do you think is the reason for your binge eating or emotional eating? And when I say binge eating, what I mean is any eating you are doing where you feel even slightly out of control, guilty about it, feel like you "should" restrict certain foods, have certain food rules (even if they feel like they are "healthy" rules). Any and all of that is a form of disordered eating, and although it's very normalized, it does not need to be your reality. What to...
Published 10/31/22
Episode 79. Struggling with consistency for healthy habits? Over and over you have the intention, but it just isn't happening. It's good for you. You feel excellent after you do it. And yet, you keep failing. Guess what? It's time to change how you are talking to yourself. Today we are going to talk about how language affects our motivation for healthy habits and how one simple shift can make a big difference. "I Really Need to Lose...
Published 10/17/22
"I know what I need to do to [stop binge eating/emotional eating], I'm just not doing it." If I had a dollar for every time a client said that to me, I'd be a very rich woman. I'm here to tell you all the knowledge in the world probably won't be enough. I should know. I got my PhD in Clinical Psychology studying weight management and binge eating. And even after all of that, I couldn't solve my own binge eating and "weight issue". As I was binge...
Published 10/03/22
Episode 77. What Does My Body Image Have to Do With My Anxiety? For this special episode I sat down with my friend and colleague Dr. Julia King, a fellow psychologist who specializes in anxiety, body image and disordered eating. We cover a lot in this conversation including: * How your anxiety is keeping you stuck in a cycle of disordered eating and poor body image* The book that totally changed Dr. King's and my life, and how you can feel more empowered than ever with...
Published 09/19/22
Episode 76. Have you ever thought... * Why can't I stop emotional eating? Happy, sad, anxious, bored... eating is my go to! Why can't I just cope with my emotions without food like "normal people"! Or,* Why can't I have a little more self-control and break out of the cycle? Well today we are going to answer all of those questions, but also I will address questions you may not know to ask, such as... * What does emotional eating have to do with fear of death?* How does...
Published 09/05/22
Episode 75. Hello my dear listeners and readers. I'm typically honest on this podcast and blog, but this time I'm going to break it down and be super honest. Despite being VERY intentional and trying everything I could try to not buy into hustle culture in my business, I fell into the trap. At times, I have pushed myself and my team too hard and ultimately this led to less quality work and some degree of failure. I've thought a lot about this over the past few months. Including, but...
Published 06/13/22
Episode 74. Today I am so excited to be speaking to Atheana Brown, RD, on an incredibly important topic area. Parenting, eating, and bodies -- all things that can bring up pain, struggle, and shame for so many of us. We are going to be covering all things related to raising kids as an intuitive eater, particularly if you are struggling with un-learning diet culture messages and trying to learn intuitive eating yourself. I learned a ton, and am definitely going to make some shifts based...
Published 06/06/22
Episode 73. For this episode, I had the opportunity to speak with Julie Satterfeal, MS, RD. We had a great conversation around common questions I get around how to incorporate nutritious eating within a non-diet (i.e., non-weight focused framework). What To Expect in This Interview: We cover the following topics: * How Julie's noticing of her own thin privilege impacted the messages she got about food growing up and her desire to go into this career path* The fact that...
Published 05/30/22
Episode 72. I've said it before and I will say it again, I am often profoundly changed the impacted by conversations I have on this podcast. I still remember quotes and concepts from people I interviewed a year ago, and I still sometimes re-listen to the conversations to remind myself of the lessons I leraned from them. This conversation with Dalia Kinsey, RD, LD, was extra special though. And I'm actually having a hard time putting into words why exactly that is. I think part of it is...
Published 05/23/22
Episode 71. What does March Madness have to teach us about our relationship to food and our eating habits? In this episode of the Motivation Made Easy podcast you will find out! What to Expect In This Episode * What watching March Madness basketball teaches us about motivation* How we can understand the role of diet culture, pressure and body shame on our eating habits by looking at other experiences of pressure and expectations* How to reduce excessive pressure to improve...
Published 05/16/22
Episode 70. Today's post and episode is actually a replay of my conversation last summer with Dr. Jillian Murphy, ND. I don't replay episodes all that often, but I realized many people missed this one, and it's truly a crucial on in understanding this approach, understanding Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and the somewhat less talked about concepts of Competent Eating and Division of Responsibility work lead by Ellyn Satter. Cutting the Diet Culture Cord One thing that...
Published 05/09/22