How does a father support his teenage child’s transition to becoming a man? From testosterone injections to reconstructive surgery, this story follows a father’s unwavering support as he helps guide his son in his new gender. https://radiowolfgang.com
Published 08/31/16
Published 08/31/16
A trip to the barbers is about more than just a haircut. This episode offers an insight into this all-male hub, the pleasures and the pressures of fatherhood and what it means to be a man, all from the barber’s chair. https://radiowolfgang.com
Published 08/11/16
"In art learn life, in life learn art”. Meet 'The Piano Doctor’, Rolf Dragstra, a third generation piano tuner, who is passing the skill on to his son Ellis. But for Ellis is this a welcome inheritance or a daunting prospect? https://radiowolfgang.com
Published 07/28/16
‘Wilfully old-fashioned, divorced father of three seeks blissfully happy, single life.’ James, fifty-two, finds himself reluctantly thrust into his very own real-life romantic comedy, when his son Jack, puts him on Tinder. https://radiowolfgang.com
Published 07/08/16
Growing up Nick assumed he'd become the fifth generation to take over the family-run scissor factory in Sheffield. But fate, economics and a father-son power struggle collude to make the journey less easy than he'd imagined. https://radiowolfgang.com/s/fathers-and-sons/the-factory
Published 07/08/16
Being a role model to a teenage boy is never easy. It’s even harder when you’re facing an aggressive form of cancer. Meet Dominic Manley and his teenage son, Finn, as they attempt to navigate through uncharted waters. https://radiowolfgang.com/
Published 07/08/16