If you want to create the life of your dreams, follow this three step process: release the need to know what's going to happen, let go of your desire to control the future and SAY YES to all the things that light you up. In this solocast I share details about this, plus some fun updates and stay tuned to the end for your positive energy boost from me! - Starting with gratitude - March energy - Finding your own pace - Expanding embodiment (check out my first solocast of 2023) - Learning...
Published 03/14/23
Welcome to Part 2 of my conversation with my incredible guest Charlene Lite, a fearless coach and soul guide! We explore more about putting the Law of Attraction into practice. Listen in as we chat more about: - Gaining clarity - How everything is evidence - Welcoming resistance - The Universe is our mirror - Channeling ideas - Getting to the essence of what we want and lots more! Follow Charlene at Charlene Lite. Find out more about Charlene's offerings, including her upcoming...
Published 03/07/23
Ready for a crash course on the Law of Attraction, our manifesting power and how to work with the Universe? This 2-Part episode with my guest and dear friend, Charlene Lite is a must-listen! Charlene is a fearless coach and soul guide who has manifested her dream life in Paris! We had so much to talk about that the conversation continues in next week's episode. We chat about: - Law of Attraction 101 - Why things show up for us - The value of emotions - How change happens - Using our...
Published 02/28/23
For too long the stigma and taboo around Women's Health has been getting in the way of our awareness and advocacy. Enter my guest, Amanda Shipley a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and educator who is on a mission to change our knowledge of and comfort with our most intimate parts. In this informative, provocative and funny episode we chat about: - The discrepancy that affects Women's Health - How the patriarchy has ruled our structures - The taboo of sex and sexual parts - The period...
Published 02/07/23
Spoiler Alert: I have! But I didn't fully understand how or why...until now! The shifts I've been experiencing this month are epic. And so of course, I had to hop into a solocast asap to share all the massive a-ha's and insights with my most special pod-community! From the benefits of the Morning Pages practice to why I will no longer have a Plan B, this episode is next level, so be prepared for a major energy upgrade! Listen in for: - How Embodiment is going - My practice of the Morning...
Published 01/24/23
For my guest, Energy Alchemist Melanie Huestis, alchemy is about transmuting the dark into light. And with that, is an expanded awareness, increased compassion and an openeness to all that is possible. Listen in to this amazing conversation about: - What is alchemy - Why acceptance is crucial - Balancing the light and the dark - Cultivating compassion - Do good and bad exist? - Putting in the practice - Getting to your true desires - Welcoming the fog - Releasing timelines -...
Published 01/17/23
Welcome to 2023! For this new year, I wanted to be really intentional and choose a word of the year to represent my goal feeling or theme to focus on. It's a beautiful way to set an intention, because after all, our words become our manifestations. Listen in for a solocast on:  - 2023 Energy - New Open to Alchemy offerings - What is a Word of the Year practice - How to choose your word - My word of the year: Embodiment - My blessings for a beautiful year - I can't wait to hear your...
Published 01/03/23
This is a perfect December episode for everyone starting to think about both their personal growth and business plans for next year. My guest, Shaleahia Hennix is a Dream Life Architect and gives major inspo vibes in so many areas! Listen in for a total energy recalibration (and then listen again) as we talk about: - What is a dream life architect? - Becoming creative - Deconditioning with the Dance of the 5D - Numerology and Life Path #s (I'll share mine in a future post!) - Determining...
Published 12/13/22
Are you ready for an empowering conversation on our ability to reclaim our story? You will love hearing from my guest April Dawn, a writer, poet and dream interpreter. Please note the trigger warning for abuse. Listen in as we chat about: - Writing a book - Writing as a healing journey - Digging in to shadow work - Identifying cycles of behavior and patterns in trauma - Changing your relationship to memories - Parts therapy - Dream interpretations 101 Connect with April Dawn at...
Published 12/06/22
For this last solocast of the year, I tapped into the energy of December and our collective podcommunity to connect with whatever wisdom was wanting to be shared. Listen for a sweet session on: - Thanksgiving recap - Chakra connecting practice - Themes for December - Peace - Angel Realm - Creativity - My gratitude & wishes for you! You can access my special 2023 Year-Ahead Readings at this link on opentoalchemy.com You can find my instagram at open.to.alchemy You can listen to...
Published 11/29/22
In this eye-opening conversation, my guest Ashley Reimer shares insights from her experience as a Shamanic Womb Coach. Ashley has such a soft, but powerful way of explaining how to reconnect to our wombs and all the benefits of that deeper relationship. Listen in as we chat about: - Shamanism 101 - Connecting with ourselves - Womb power and our energetic connection - Stigma around our menstrual cycle - Moving through cycles of life - Moon cycles - Choosing how you want to live - My...
Published 11/22/22
Are you ready for an infusion of faith?! This episode, with my guest Emily Aarons is exactly what we need to shake us out of our old stories and into a life of service! Emily is a Business Alignment Coach and Energy Healer and shares so much wisdom on: - Importance of like-minded community - Choosing to be seen - Recommitting to faith - Working with the ego - 5 habits for the new normal - Understanding our own timeline - Using intention to make decisions And more! Find and follow...
Published 11/15/22
Fall is here and with it brings an incredible energy of change! In this monthly solocast, I share some of the messages about change that have come through my meditations in the past week, including: - Why change is hard - Why some of us are more wired to change then others - How to embody the energy of change - 5 steps to make change - Why we have resistance...and why it's not always a bad thing - The three R's to lasting success For more information on my Rooted Earth sessions, visit...
Published 10/25/22
If you are ready to reclaim your energy and learn more about who you truly are, then you will love this episode with my guest, Tracey Owens. Tracey is an Empowerment Catalyst and Intuitive Energy Healer and in this inspiring conversation, we chat about: - Getting honest with yourself - Sobriety and Spirituality - Awakening to intuition - Addiction to chaos - 10-day silent retreat experience - Creating space to unplug - Finding your own energy - Expanding consciousness through natural...
Published 10/18/22
It's the beginning of Fall and so I'm taking a giant leap of faith and stepping into my next level of Alchemy. I've been really connecting with the Earth energy and so I decided to call upon some friends who allowed me to tap in on their behalf and share their intuitive readings with all of you! The wisdom of the Natural world is so beautiful, supportive and empowering. I am so grateful for this gift and I'm truly honored to be able be a conduit for so many wonderful messages of healing. In...
Published 09/27/22
My guest Hails is on a mission to help people find and accept their authentic selves. As an intuitive and creative who guides souls on how to compassionately evolve, Hails is breaking through paradigms in life and business. Listen in as we share about: - Working against limiting beliefs - Non-conformity in school - Making Human Design your own - Evolving in business (and life) - Stepping into your different, authentic self - Where perfection comes from - Do you like yourself? How to...
Published 09/13/22
In this powerful episode, my guest Olivia Krishnaswami and I explore the Underworld archetype; a completely unexpected and yet perfectly timed topic! As a poet, writer and mystic, Olivia definitely has a way with words, and I'm so grateful she shared her work and spiritual insights with our pod-community! We chat about: - Figuring out titles and claiming future identities - How to use Archetype energy - The Underworld card  - Silent meditation retreats - Layers of spirituality - Having...
Published 09/06/22
If you are looking for an open and expansive way to connect into your authentic self, the episode is must-listen. My guest Nyla Falardeau is an Intuitive Channel and teacher, who guides others to tap into their own intuition. In this beautiful and very raw, at times, conversation, we talk about: - Aligning with seasonal energy - Repeating messages - Listening to discomfort - Expanding into new spiritual methods - Shedding identities - Navigating grief & spiritual growth through...
Published 08/23/22
Hi loves! Welcome to my August solocast, recorded on the special 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal. In this episode I share some of my current passions, including a deep dive into plant intuition and flower essences. Listen in for more on: - Lion's Gate portal - Office/space cleaning ritual - Previous design episodes: links to episode 57 episode 53 episode 23 - Plant intuition & sharing my spiritual connection - Making & benefits of flower essences - Following your pings - You are...
Published 08/09/22
If you are obsessed with organization, then you will love this episode with Gigi Miller, a professional organizer and founder of Vision Organizing. Gigi deals with physical, mental and digital clutter, and helps clients with everything from space planning to over-buying and money issues. She's also an incredibly inspiring entrepreneur who has continued to pivot her business. Listen in for our convo on: - Staying the course in business - Finding your purpose - Building confidence -...
Published 07/26/22
This month's solocast is a mid-summer recap of our Covid experience + Sante Fe vacation + the Fire card. Trigger warning for those sensitive to the topic of grief, especially loss of a parent. Listen in for my take on: - Our lessons from being sick - Magical Santa Fe - Link to my email on how to experience travel, without leaving home - The Fire card messages - Impermanence - Transformation - Slow burn of change - Fire rituals for release and manifestation - My FREE launch guide and...
Published 07/12/22
One of my favorite soulsisters, Breanna McHenry is back on the pod for a down-to-earth conversation on some high-vibe topics. Breanna is a Psychic Energy Worker who digs deep into everyday beliefs to help clients make quick and meaningful changes. Listen in on our spirituality speed date, as we go so many places, including: - What is happening with time - Generational trauma and conditioning - Shifting money beliefs - Energy of business - Manifesting feelings - Breaking patterns -...
Published 06/21/22
If you are ready to have your most balanced and flowing June ever, this is your episode! In this month's solocast we are tapping into the energy of the Water card...I know, amazing synergy right? Listen in as I share about: - Finding your summer flow - Modifying your self-care routine - Prioritizing your time - Lessons from the Water element - Allowing yourself to change - Sharing your gifts - Looking at resistance And lots more. Connect with Lauren on IG at open.to.alchemy and on my...
Published 06/07/22
If you are into having a space that increases the flow of joy, prosperity and peace, then the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui is definitely something you should check out! Luckily, my amazing guest Kat Kuziel of Urban Lark gives us the deets on how she combines principles of Feng Shui and Human Design to create supportive environments infused with holistic energy. In this episode we dive into: - Human Design profiles (specifically 2/4 and 6/2) - Seeing the world with more compassion - Being...
Published 05/24/22
If you have been looking for a sign to tap into your creative flow, this is it! My guest, Penny Treese is an incredible fine artist, who combines her intuitive connection with a variety of techniques to create beautiful and impactful work. Get ready for your inspiration to ignite as we talk about: - Finding yourself through art - The foundation of a creative environment - Evolving with YES - Creating through accident and experiment - How to keep your work fresh - Trusting your...
Published 05/10/22