They say that “you are who you surround yourself with”, and it’s true: the people we chose to spend our time with influence the way we think, act and behave on a day-to-day basis. Their company can be the recipe to happiness, success and positivity as much as it can be the opposite. Every moment we spend with someone shapes us — so it’s essential to ensure the people you let in shape you into someone BETTER. But what type of people should you give your energy to? And what can you do to...
Published 01/25/22
Published 01/25/22
When the New Year comes around, we all tend to do the same thing: set resolutions.  We get super hyped to become this new better person, and yet, research has shown that most of us give up by the time February rolls around. So, why is it that we fail to achieve the resolutions we set for ourselves on January 1st? And what can we do to avoid the 'fresh start' fail? In this episode, we discuss why we don't believe in New Year's resolutions and what we do instead to achieve lifelong habits...
Published 01/12/22
In this week’s episode, we sit down with Jordan Wentz – America’s Hype Woman, Jordan helps people get out of their way, unleash their confidence, and own their power through EPIC dance parties so they can make their dreams happen and live their free-est, most bada$$ lives! An internationally touring dancer and choreographer, Jordan now uses her 20+ years of performance and mindset experience to help her students ditch their limiting beliefs, grow as humans, and find the confidence to become...
Published 12/30/21
When we think of trauma, we think of terrible, traumatic events such as abuse, the loss of a loved one, a terrible disease etc. These are called the the Big "T" trauma.  However, with time, and further research, mental health professionals have realized that other 'smaller' childhood events can have a serious impact on the future adults we become.  The Little "T"  are smaller, personal trauma such as a divorce, financial turmoil or a difficult move, that are not as scarring, but can have a...
Published 12/16/21
It’s very natural to fear confrontation: it’s usually awkward and can more often than not lead into even MORE confrontation. However, having these difficult conversations is extremely important. When practiced with compassion, respect and understanding for the other party’s point of view and feelings, they bring a lot of good things into the relationship with the person, and your own life. In order to grow as a person and as a professional facing others, owning your beliefs and standing up...
Published 12/08/21
We all want to become the greatest versions of ourselves, and yet most of us look at the people we admire and think 'how to they do it?', 'I wish I could be like them', and then move on with our lives. These people we look didn't just become who they are now. Their achievements are an accumulation of little steps, small goals and consistency. In this episode, we discuss the changes we can all apply to become better:  pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones, doing things that scare us and...
Published 12/03/21
You know Pili — but do you know Dano, her better half?  Since the day they met 9 years ago, they’ve been through it all: falling in love, breaking up, getting back together, being away from each other, Pili’s first business, traveling, building a business together and changing their lives completely. In this episode, they tell me - Marie - how they’ve grown as individuals and as a couple through their relationship. They also discuss what it’s like owning a business with your life partner...
Published 11/25/21
We often hear the same stereotypes about millennials: we’re lazy, entitled and don’t want to work as much as previous generations did. However, we would argue that our generation is NONE of that, and is actually forcing changes that are a long time coming… Research has shown that millennials value transparency, loyalty and have a passion for learning.  We’ve also seen first-hand the damage our system has had on our parents, the environment and our mental health — making most of us...
Published 11/18/21
We started B.YOND with very little funds and big dreams to make it what we had envisioned it to be. For us, there was no way to borrow money from others or from institutions: we wanted full ownership, and really had no other option. So, we started saving and saving and saving again. We changed a lot of things in our everyday lives, cut down on a lot of expenses and put our business first in every decision we took. In this episode we tell you about our experience bootstrapping to get B.YOND...
Published 10/27/21
When we graduated from high school and from college, we had learned a lot - but there were also TONS of very important things we had no clue about. While we were taught a lot of ‘theoretical’ things, we also felt very unprepared to face anything in the real world… and a lot of us can relate to that! We were left to go into the world, find a job and build a life without basic knowledge such as how to have difficult conversations, navigate relationships, how to be productive etc. In today’s...
Published 09/22/21
It’s a fact: if you want to succeed in business, or in anything that you do in life you will have at some point to get out of your own ways, and do things that make you feel uncomfortable — and that even scare you to death. We often tend to look at people we admire and think ‘gosh, I wish this could be me’ — but the success we’re seeing and envying ALWAYS came after years of risk-taking and sacrifice.  There is no way to grow if you keep doing the same thing, with the same people, at the...
Published 09/02/21
We couldn’t have chosen a better first guest! We promise, you’ll love it. Pili met Ruby a few of months ago on a creators Christmas getaway, and then Marie got to know her too.  We knew she had something special but didn't get the full picture until we interviewed her, and...we couldn't keep her incredible story to ourselves!   Model, actress and travel influencer, @rubystravels when through difficult moments from a very young age that made her grow up faster than most of us.  From moving...
Published 08/25/21
Just like it does for couples, when we met (Pili & Marie), it’s like the stars aligned... In the last episode of the ‘Get to Know Us’ series, we discuss how we met, immediately clicked and knew we were meant to work together. Less than a year later we had launched our Creative Agency - B.YOND - quit our jobs, and moved across the world together... all of that during the worst global pandemic of our time. From working late nights to pitch our first clients while we still had a 9-5, to...
Published 08/18/21
In this episode, it's Pili's turn to take a dive into Co-host Marie's life. The daughter of two strong entrepreneurs, Marie's childhood was very exciting: from seeing her parent's business going from 0 to a multi-national, to living on a boat, traveling the world and going to school with people from all cultures and backgrounds. And one day, that bubble popped and Marie was left with the reality and repercussions of her family losing it all, literally. Yet, when hardship stroke in her...
Published 08/10/21
In this first episode, I - Marie - take a deep dive into Pili's life, following her through continents, experiences and business ventures. From her childhood raised by two incredibly strong women in Ecuador, to the time she spent finding herself as a student in Europe, and launching her first business at just 23 in a country she had just moved to alone. Now that she's found her life's purpose with B.YOND and her travel blog @pilianddano, she lets me in on what has been her driving force...
Published 05/14/21