How to pursue what you love without being derailed. So often, we get caught up in the motions, following paths that might not truly resonate with who we are or what we desire most deeply. In this episode we'll explore how to identify whether you’re on the path that’s right for you, how to realign if you’re not, and how to protect what you most would love to achieve from anything—or anyone—that might try to derail you. We’re looking at why it’s so important to create your own direction...
Published 05/08/24
Published 05/08/24
In this episode we're discussing how to communicate your worth and ways to really help you understand and confidently see the immense value of your offerings. It's more than just the exchange of services for payment; it's about establishing a connection with your target audience, ensuring they understand not just what you do, but why it matters and makes a difference to them. It's not just about the numbers; it’s about the stories, the relationships, and the transformative experiences we...
Published 05/01/24
In this episode, I’m looking at how we adapt and pivot when our usual tools don’t resonate as they once did. It's about understanding that change is necessary and hugely beneficial if approached thoughtfully. I'll share where my current focus lies within my business's marketing efforts, particularly the shifts I'm considering after hitting a bit of wall with Instagram—a platform that once felt invigorating now leaves me feeling pretty uninspired. It’s not just about the challenges, it's...
Published 04/24/24
I think this is one of the biggest obstacles that many of us face as business owners … why does selling often make us feel so uncomfortable?   I honestly don’t think it matters whether you are at the beginning of establishing your business or many years in, most of us face this fear, and it isn't just about the act of selling; it’s about the vulnerability that comes with putting yourself and your ideas out there for the world to see and to potentially judge.   I think perhaps it’s because...
Published 04/17/24
In the busy-ness of running a small business, understanding your target audience is not just a step toward success—it's a HUGE LEAP! It's about knowing who will benefit most from what you have to offer and why. This understanding shapes everything from product development and marketing strategies to customer service and how you communicate your brand's essence. It's the difference between shouting into the void and having a meaningful conversation with someone who truly wants to listen. ...
Published 04/10/24
Today we are looking at the power of a well-designed survey—one that will give you clear insight into the audience you are looking to support.  This is not just about gathering data; it is about opening up a conversation with your audience, to understand how you can add more value and how you can help them succeed.  Understanding exactly what your audience needs from you is crucial, no matter what your business offers. Whether you're changing lives with transformative offerings or...
Published 04/03/24
Welcome to today’s episode, where we’re taking a bit of a different path. We are talking about what I would be doing inside my business, if I was to start all over again.  I share strategies that you can apply straightaway. I’ll be talking about a list of crucial steps, some I managed to implement relatively quickly into my business, and some that took me several years to figure out. It has taken me years to get to where I am today, and I know that you can do it far quicker than me, and I...
Published 03/28/24
A few months ago, I wrote a journal post titled Embracing Fine, the antithesis to that feeling of perfectionism, and from receiving a bunch of messages on Instagram afterwards, it clearly resonated with so many people. I feel that as a community, perfectionism is a trait that often runs deep, and as wonderful as it initially sounds, it is huge obstacle that can slow and often even halt incredible, potential growth. So I am excited to bring this into a podcast episode and I hope it helps...
Published 03/21/24
Behind many small businesses, a hobby was the starting point, initially something that brought enjoyment, a sense of important escapism and relaxation. This passion was the place to turn to, to escape the pressures of the day-to-day.   So what happens when we turn our hobby, our escape, into a business?   When we start to depend on these passions for income, the stakes change. Suddenly, there's pressure to succeed, to earn, and to grow. This shift can weigh heavily on us, introducing...
Published 03/14/24
Today's topic might seem a little small, but it has the potential to be huge and it comes from one of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners make, the exact same mistake I was making and when I realised it, it was a proper a-ha moment. I am really excited to share it with you, as it’s something you can apply pretty much straightaway … it’s all about the transformative power of testimonials and I hope, I sincerely hope, that by the end of this episode, you’ll think completely...
Published 03/07/24
Today’s episode is a special one. I’m incredibly excited to share something I’ve been working on so hard behind the scenes, it’s literally months in the making and a unique opportunity that has the potential to be a game-changer for so many of you. Over the last few months, I have received literally hundreds of messages from our community, all with a similar theme, that you have huge amounts on your plate, you have this weighted feeling of not knowing where to start, how to define or...
Published 02/29/24
In this episode, I’m hugely excited to introduce you to a set of straightforward steps that will help transform feelings of overwhelm into clarity, purpose, and action. It’s a culmination of everything I've learnt over the last fourteen years from a small start-up to a successful seven-figure brand. And I've distilled it down into simple, actionable steps that you can use to achieve your own goals. The turning point for me came with a simple realisation: success is not about doing more;...
Published 02/22/24
One of the questions I’m frequently asked, is how I manage Instagram for my business, so that’s exactly what we’re looking at in this episode. Instagram definitely creates polar views, some love it, others loathe it and perhaps similarly to me, you sit somewhere in between. I think though wherever you sit, we can all recognise the feeling of slight overwhelm that can come with managing a business Instagram account. I need to be absolute upfront and first and foremost say that I am not...
Published 02/15/24
Today, we're exploring a topic that's close to the heart of every dreamer and doer out there: the balance between seeking support and fuelling your inner drive. It's about understanding when to share your dreams and when to guard them, how to embrace encouragement without losing your core motivation, and navigating all the external opinions we encounter and receive, whilst staying anchored in your own belief system. I would love to start by sharing a thought-provoking question I received in...
Published 02/08/24
Our episodes to date have been relatively deep and hopefully given you a huge amount to think about, so I felt it was time for something a little more light-hearted, yet still something of significant value … this is definitely more of a refreshing topic, quite literally! Have you ever wondered why some of your most brilliant ideas seem to pop up when you’re least expecting them? I definitely have, and just the other day, it happened to me in the most cliché of places – the shower! I...
Published 02/01/24
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been out and about quite a lot, at various industry events, and socially, where I’ve had the privilege of meeting numerous small business owners. One thing struck me in many of these interactions - despite having a brand, a customer base, and various marketing strategies in place, many were facing similar challenges. They enjoyed aspects of their business but were also dealing with many elements they didn’t enjoy as much. More importantly, they were making money,...
Published 01/25/24
I’m very excited about today’s topic, it’s something that means a huge amount to me and is massive in today’s world of business, yet it’s one that’s often misunderstood. We’re looking at the strength of vulnerability and the power of distinction. Embrace Vulnerability When we embrace vulnerability, we create a culture of trust and innovation. We encourage risk-taking and foster true collaboration. We build businesses that resonate deeply with our customers because they can see the human...
Published 01/18/24
As we are in the first month of the year, this is often the time when we hear the collective chorus of resolutions, when hope is fresh and aspirations are sky high. It’s that magical moment we all know so well, when we tell ourselves, “This year will be different.” But let’s be honest—how often have these words truly heralded transformation? For many of us, this declaration is the first step on a familiar path. We start with a vision brimming with potential, only for the gritty realities of...
Published 01/11/24
This episode was sparked by a conversation I had with my husband a few evenings ago; sitting eating supper, he shared an article he’d read about a book by Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who took the time to write down the most common regrets of the dying. It was partly a sombre conversation but at the same time, a really enlightening one.  As we talked about the profound realisations people come to at the end of their lives, he said to me, “This is what people need to hear about on the...
Published 01/04/24
I’m excited to share this episode with you, it’s a real shorty, as I know we are all busy at this of year. We're taking a step back to appreciate all that we have achieved and learnt this year. It's a moment to reflect on the lessons learned, the challenges overcome, and the victories celebrated. When we talk about growing a business, we often focus on strategies, plans, and tangible goals. But there's a less discussed, yet equally powerful tool at our disposal – reflection. Reflection isn't...
Published 12/28/23
I was recently asked inside the community group within our annual signature Masterclass, for a list of recommended books, and I thought it would make a great podcast episode where I share the most inspiring books that have helped me within my business and those that have helped me in some way to have a positive outlook on life in general. I hope they will have a hugely positive impact on you too. Some you may have heard off and read, and may feel inspired to read again, and some may be brand...
Published 12/21/23
Since we shared our initial episode on Chat GPT, we’ve been flooded with questions and I would love to take you through all of these, sharing my answers. The consensus is definitely that many think of ChatGPT as a dirty secret that few want to admit using, it’s almost like we are cheating and trying to pull the wool over our customer’s eyes, but I would love to reframe this idea and instead help you to see ChatGPT as a brilliant time saving and brainstorming partner within your business,...
Published 12/14/23
Today I’m going to share a recent challenge we faced – a mishap that occurred just a while ago. We learned some valuable lessons about the importance of resilience and agility in content creation. Whether like us you create weekly content, you are a business owner, or just someone who appreciates a look behind the scenes, I hope you’ll find this story hugely valuable.... To paint the picture, last Thursday, I woke up early, at about 5.30. I was the first up and it was still very dark...
Published 12/07/23
A while ago, I came across an article in the magazine Fast Company, that caught my attention - 5 RED FLAGS TO WATCH OUT FOR WHEN WORKING WITH START-UPS. The article was insightful, and from my personal experience over the last 14 years, it really did focus on the areas that matter the most, and it also highlighted the areas to avoid, the areas where we can easily waste our time and where we shouldn’t be focussed. The concept of the article was to help investors make sensible decisions when...
Published 11/30/23