Recently I introduced you two the delightful power-packed podcasting duo Stacie Lampkin and Mike Palazza of the forthcoming podcast, Healthcare Behind the Scenes. If you haven't already, go back and check out Episode 090, which is part 1 of our Office Hours coaching session. Then meet me right back here to learn more about: how to navigate industry jargon on behalf of your listeners, how to choose your podcast format (i.e. listening experience), defining your interview style. ...
Published 11/15/21
I don't love listener "avatars." They're not real people! And you want real people listening to your podcast, right? So how do you determine WHO your ideal listener is, especially when you haven't launched yet? How do the hosts of a brand new purpose-driven podcast communicate their vision and cultivate a listening community? And why is this so important anyway? Time to break down the particulars in this session of “Office Hours” with guests Stacie Lampkin and Mike Palazza,...
Published 11/06/21
If you think everyone spent their "wfh" time dreaming up new podcasts, you’re right. There are fresh sources for entertainment, investigative reporting, and niche pursuits everywhere you listen. As a podcast strategist, however, I’ve noticed one concept that has flourished over the last 18 months: the purpose-driven podcast.  Is purpose-driven podcasting for YOU? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Email me, [email protected], DM me or comment on this episode’s thread on...
Published 09/27/21
Welcome to a conversation about podcast positivity with a somatic sex educator! Sex positive podcaster Karen Yates is in the midst of a pivot. Her show, Wild & Sublime, will still deliver its trademark sexy spin on infotainment, but as she heads back out into the real world to host her show live, onstage, she’s reevaluating the things she loves about podcasting and what she doesn’t. The podcast (created as a result of COVID lockdown) is an extension of those public performances. Whether...
Published 06/17/21
Episode 087. "Paid podcast subscriptions in Apple and Spotify...Great idea for Apple and Spotify and for all those big fancy podcasters with tens of thousands of downloads and also for the networks. Awesome. Cool. Indie podcasters... Just keep doing your thing." ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss You've already heard the breaking news from a month ago, right? Apple Podcasts and Spotify are offering paid podcast subscriptions on a per show or per network basis. So theoretically you can easily...
Published 05/23/21
Episode 086. "It's not worth trying to copy anybody. Do what you want to do, what you love...because podcasting takes a lot of work and if you're not loving it, it's not going to last." ~Lori L. Tharps Where does the inspiration to create a podcast arise from? How do you get over the learning curve? What happens when you want to change things up? And how do you know when it's time to quit? All of this and more from Lori L. Tharps, author, educator, and podcaster. Hear the...
Published 05/17/21
Episode 085. "Sometimes I even think of the shows as, like, my children... like I'm co-parenting these shows and bringing them into the world... and trying to give them every opportunity possible to grow and to thrive and to reach their full potential." ~Andrea Klunder, Your Podcast Boss At The Creative Impostor Studios and on Podcast Envy, we are all about the experience of podcasting. And that goes for the podcaster, the listener, the guests, the sponsors, the collaborative...
Published 04/18/21
Episode 084. "During the pandemic in the past year, there have been 3,800 reported incidents of anti-Asian violence, roughly 503 of which took place during 2021 alone." ~Reported in The Guardian We need to talk about something, which is this phrase that I keep hearing in my head over and over again, said by my friend, colleague, client, Sarah Buino, creator and host of Conversations With a Wounded Healer podcast. She said that we, as podcasters, are part of the media. That is...
Published 04/09/21
Are you using your podcast for personal growth? Are you using it to help your listeners grow? This episode is part of our self-care for podcasters series I recently had podcaster, conscious productivity coach, EFT practitioner, and founder of the PowerSisters Method, Pam Covarrubias on The Creative Impostor and when I asker her how PowerSisters get matched, she brought up the idea of friction as a component to success and growth. So this got me thinking...
Published 02/12/21
A pandemic can make you question all sorts of life and podcasting choices. Emmy Award-winning journalist Kate Sullivan offers up a solution: return to your why. Why do you care? As host of To Dine For, a multimedia celebration of ingenuity, hard work, and achievement told over food, Kate explores the universal motivator with her guests.
Published 02/04/21
Here’s a podcast truth that may feel a bit uncomfortable: the personal has never been more political. Cassandre Dunbar of Be Well, Sis is tackling many of those personal and political taboos with her approach to the self-care podcast - a format that can politely be described as lacking in diversity. Cassandre was driven to provide information with social context, giving women of color tools to counteract the effects of sustained trauma within their communities. 
Published 01/19/21
I'm answering a question which comes to us from a conversation that I was having with Kim Wensel from Pattern of Purpose Podcast. What do you think about solo episodes? Do I really have to do them? 
Published 12/28/20
Kelly Covert quit goal-setting based on external expectations for her podcast, In Her Voice, and her life. Now, she’s purposeful about her intent, defining what success feels like to her as opposed to what it looks like to others. For podcasters tied to measuring show success by standard metrics alone, Kelly’s counsel might sound radical, even downright crazy. In essence, though, she’s reconnecting your final product to your creative process.
Published 12/22/20
Question: What to do when your podcast is technically and thematically sound but… your engagement numbers could use some improvement? your show’s promotional voice doesn’t reflect your evolution as a podcaster? your strategy for reciprocal social media sharing, shout-outs, and tags is non-existent? Answer: You listen in (and take notes) while I perform pod-triage! 
Published 12/17/20
Last week, I was driving down the road and I clicked on a podcast in my queue that I had been looking forward to dedicating an hour to —  a high profile show, on a major network, with a production team, and a celebrity host — a show I generally quite like depending on the guest. This episode I was PARTICULARLY excited to listen to because she had Gloria Steinem on the show. So I was ready for an inspiring, thoughtful, fiery conversation and to my chagrin...
Published 11/27/20
What if you have a podcast and a business and it’s been going pretty alright? But you’re feeling stuck. Like there’s something you feel like you’re missing, or a hump you just haven’t gotten over. Maybe your audience growth is stagnant. Maybe you’ve got numbers but you’re not sure what they mean or how to translate that to engagement? Maybe you’re bored with your show? Maybe you’re just not sure what you’re making is good? Maybe you’re exhausted from trying to figure everything out all
Published 11/24/20
The odds of duplicating Debbie Arcangeles’ podcasting success appear to be on par with capturing a real, live rainbow unicorn. Her show, The Offbeat Life, started raking in dollars well before its first anniversary - to the tune of five figures a month - and hasn’t stopped since. So, what’s her secret? 
Published 11/19/20
Have you ever thought about making your show/ your content MORE accessible to MORE people?  Let me be more specific – have you ever thought about how someone who is deaf or hard of hearing may experience your podcast?
Published 11/05/20
ehind every podcast with a lush soundscape is a creator who’s spent hours extracting just the right notes from her recording of an ambient flute. Adrien Behn is that podcaster. As the voice and vision behind Strangers Abroad, she takes an exacting approach to her work. The result is ear candy for the pandemic-ly paused adventurer, a layered travelogue that speaks to the power of global connection on an intimate level.
Published 10/07/20
So, what does a change of scenery look like to an award-winning travel-hacking podcaster? In a time of social upheaval? During a global pandemic? For Lisette Austin, aka Jetset Lisette, that means staying the course. And, trying something new.
Published 09/27/20
When you have two podcasts, you get to orchestrate your own crossover of sorts. And I’m in good company! My guest for this show (and an upcoming episode of The Creative Impostor) is fellow multi-podcaster Sarah Mikutel, the creator of Postcard Academy and Podcasting Step-By-Step. She’s also got a *secret* third show because overachiever...more on that pod later.
Published 09/16/20
Want to eavesdrop on a conversation between a Podcast Boss and her client? Yeah, you do! Welcome to the inaugural episode of Podcast Envy Office Hours, the series that answers all of those burning pod-process questions. Kristen Channel is a professional editor and copywriter. She’s also a lot like you: an avid pod-listener (she follows at least 75 shows) and nascent pod-creator. Kristen and I discuss the process of building a brand and attracting an audience - and you get to listen in! 
Published 09/02/20
Episode 070. Let’s talk about Black voices thriving in podcast spaces. Let’s talk about the politics of personal opinion and professional expectation. Let’s talk about candor as an ingredient for responsive content strategy. Dion McGill has a lot to say about all of the above. His show Off The Beaten Podcast plays like a love letter to Chicago, a city often maligned by news outlets, social media, and politicians.
Published 08/13/20
I’ve got a super bossy solo episode for you all about booking podcast guests. This nuts & bolts deep dive topic was prompted by one of our community members and frankly, I see this come up often as a HUGE pain point for podcast hosts, especially those of us with businesses to run who just can’t spend a lot of time chasing people down, sending reminders, dealing with no shows… I’m going to walk you through the EXACT process, tools and boss tips I follow for booking podcast guests
Published 08/06/20
Can a podcast that investigates history's secret sexy-times also be a resource for its listening community in tough times? In doing so, how does it stay true to its POV? And how the heck does a podcaster stay afloat without an outside sponsor or their own business/service to market? For Salacious History creator Sarah Duncan the answer to all of those questions (and more) is passion.
Published 07/30/20