Published 05/21/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you change your vibration to align with money, wealth, and abundance. Release the need to know exactly how to do it, and instead guide your mind and body to understand the process through your intention of aligning vibrationally with money. Let go of self-judgement over wanting wealth as well as what others think of your desire to be wealthy. Reframe limiting beliefs, and strengthen your mind to stay the course of your desires through...
Published 05/21/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you know exactly what you need to manifest anything, learn while you sleep. Set your intent to naturally attract the skills, people, and knowledge to manifest the life you want. Clear blocks and limits (known and unknown) that keep you from experiencing your dream life. Reframe your thoughts, actions and words to create the experiences and material possessions you desire. Less than 6 minutes long, listen repeatedly for fastest results. ...
Published 05/13/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you open to all kinds of abundance while you sleep. Become aware of concepts that will help you become more abundant, things that are specific to your life. Release limits and blocks (known and unknown) that keep you from receiving the abundance you deserve or desire. Reframe your mind for continued opportunity and abundance as you move forward. Less than 5 minutes long, listen repeatedly for fastest results. "While You Sleep" episodes...
Published 05/02/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you experience emotional detoxification while you sleep. Toxic energy and emotions can create disease, bad luck, loss, and perhaps the worst, they expand over time and bring more toxicity into your life. This guided meditation will help you learn how to remove toxic emotions and release negativity in a way that's relevant to you. Whether it's hate, anger, jealousy, or any other dark emotion, reframe your mind to know how to extract...
Published 04/23/24
Highly successful people in every area of life go on and on about this: "Use visualization to create the life you want." But what if you don't know how or have trouble visualizing? These purely positive affirmations over calming music will guide you to maximize your ability to visualize clearly and effectively. Intuitively draw yourself to techniques will work best for you, and connect with your ability to see your future life and goals clearly. Release other people's judgment, limiting...
Published 03/31/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you develop mental toughness while you sleep. Open yourself to information that can help you develop the powerful mindset you need to achieve whatever it is you'd like to do. Learn exactly what actions you need to take to be mentally stronger. Release limiting beliefs and ideas that no longer serve you. Discover personally relevant information that you can put into action in a way that works for you. Reframe your mind for the strength...
Published 03/14/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you connect to the exact information you need to double your income (or more) over the next year. Attract income-generating concepts that are relevant to you personally, such as doing things you would enjoy or that are meaningful to you. It doesn't matter if you're making a moderate amount of money or if you're already financially successful, the techniques included in this session are meant to help you discover information that can help...
Published 02/03/24
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to help you open your mind and discover secrets to youthfulness and longevity that are personally relevant to you. Fine tune your intuition and draw yourself to products and techniques that work best for your type of skin and body. Whether it's books, websites, podcasts, YouTube or any other information about looking and feeling younger, naturally draw yourself to that information while visualizing beautiful skin and health. Only 5 minutes long,...
Published 01/15/24
In this "Ask the Experts" episode, I share my top 5 favorite sessions on PYM and why I listen to these the most. I've used hypnotherapy to create many of my life's goals, including owning a company, writing numerous books, staying healthy most of my life, owning a beautiful home, giving a TEDx presentation, singing in a band, and more. I listen to a session almost every day, even when traveling. Training the mind is just like training the body--whatever you put in, you're going to get out, so...
Published 01/07/24
Season 7 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seamlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Purely positive affirmations to help you intuitively steer clear from negative people and situations. Learn how to protect yourself from all kinds of negativity, open to creating your own personal form of protection, release bad...
Published 01/01/24
Season 7 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seamlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Purely positive affirmations to help you create an intuitive knowing and understanding of how to handle your money. Whether it's overspending, under-earning, poor investments, an inability to pay bills on time or any other...
Published 12/11/23
Purely positive affirmations over calming music to guide you into the skill of being pitch perfect. Intuitively open to the correct actions to train your vocal chords for maximun agility and health, and develop an ear for perfect tone as well. Release limiting beliefs and blocks of all kinds, whether or not you're aware of them. Less than 6 minuntes long, listen repeatedly for best results. "While You Sleep" espisodes are designed to be downloaded and listened to while sleeping or relaxing....
Published 11/27/23
Purely positive affirmations over calming music for eliminating pain, while you sleep. Naturally guide yourself into the correct actions for the healing of your specific pain, regardless of the type of pain you're experiencing. Whether it's books, websites, podcasts, YouTube or any other information that's relevant to the healing you need, naturally draw yourself to that information while visualing a pain-free life. Release mental blocks to healing and reframe your mind for pain-free living...
Published 11/13/23
Love it or hate it, artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived in full force and it's here to stay. This guided meditation contains purely positive suggestions on how to embrace the power of AI in your life as it relates to you personally, as well as releasing fear, and stepping into the flow of life through your own personal power. Ultimately, we have a choice over how we use information that comes to us. You can use AI to your advantage, whether it's inventing something, writing a book, doing...
Published 11/06/23
Drew Goodman has been a TV sportscaster for last 37 years. After covering the Denver Nuggets for 10 years, he moved to the Colorado Rockies where he's been for the last 22 years. He's also covered the NFL on NBC, ESPN & FOX, as well as TV sportscasting for college football and basketball. Having spent nearly four decades in professional sports, Drew has had the opportunity to meet dozens of professional athletes, giving him a unique perspective into the mindset it takes to rise above the...
Published 10/24/23
In this "Ask the Experts" episode, former stage hypnotist-turned-YouTube hypnosis expert John Moyer shares his take on how people can best use the mind to achieve their goals. He didn't just learn the craft of hypnosis, he used his skills to recreate his own life. As you'll hear in this interview, John spent nearly 20 years as a standup commedian. He also has a degree in theater and has written numerouse screenplays. Although it all looks glamorous, he struggled through a divorce, depression...
Published 10/09/23
This episode of "Ask the Experts" features eneagram expert Myrna Scales. After her 4-month old son was diagnosed with cancer, Myrna discovered an inability to process what was happening--she was essentially closed off. She started asking herself hard questions while navigating through the challenge, and the journey led her to the Eneagram personality assessment, where she discovered a natural calling. She was able to use the eneagram information to help her cope not only with her son's...
Published 09/19/23
First, thank you for listening! This podcast currently gets more than 40,000 downloads per year, and I'm honored for the opportunity to help people reframe their thoughts for success and achievement. In this "Ask the Experts" episode, I share 10 ways to use hypnotherapy to create the future you desire. I'm a trained hypnotherapist and although I own a different business now, I decided to create this podcast and share the sessions simply becasue they work. Not only have I helped other people...
Published 08/21/23
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Create a powerful belief system within your mind that the Universe Has Your Back. Develop a knowing and understanding of the ways you're being assisted by the universe. Become aware of decisions that might cause problems and...
Published 08/14/23
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Consciously connect with your inner power center and learn how to release the core strength of who you are. Deconstruct limiting beliefs about your personal power. Reframe your thoughts and embrace the "I Am Powerful" mindset....
Published 08/07/23
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Connect with your innate ability to learn how to stop worrying, regardless of what you worry about.  Discover techniques that personally work for you to stop worrying. Open your mind to ideas on concepts to help you release worry...
Published 05/28/23
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Connect with your innate ability to get total control over your own life through extraordinary self-discipline. Learn how to gain total control over your body, mind and thoughts. Connect with techniques that personally work for...
Published 05/21/23
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest - it's a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued listening while sleeping. Reframe your mind to connect with your innate inner power and access the full potential of your own mind. Increase personal power, stay more focused, develop your personal strength and mental capacity. Less than 6 minutes long,...
Published 11/29/22
Season 5 includes short episodes designed for listening while you sleep or rest, a guided hypnotherapy from start to finish (no induction and no "coming up" at the end). The end seemlessly ties into the beginning for effective continued loop-listening while sleeping. Connect with your intuitive ability to know when someone is lying. Learn to recognize lies, open to your awareness and attentiveness skills, learn how recognize your own personal method for discerning lies of all kinds. Only 6...
Published 11/13/22