The Art of the Property Call: Phone Strategies for RENT2RENT Success
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In this episode, Laurence demonstrates real phone calls with landlords, agents, and property owners. He negotiates RENT2RENT and purchases lease option deals, showcasing both successful and challenging conversations. Providing insights on building rapport, handling objections, and persisting through difficult calls. The episode offers lessons on effective communication and deal-making strategies. KEY TAKEAWAYS Always be prepared with property details when calling landlords or agents Quickly get to the point of your offer, especially if the other party seems busy Don't be discouraged by rejection; learn from each call and move on Building rapport is crucial, but balance it with staying focused on your objective BEST MOMENTS "I've been doing this now since 2009. I have my own portfolio of properties in London. Ones that I just rent simply from landlords and sublet." "I wrote an Amazon number one bestselling book about this, called How I Bought Three London Properties for a Football Ticket." "Every solicitor is different and they have their own kind of way of dealing with things and their own law to practice because there's so much kind of in law." "People buy people. And so sometimes I remember a viewing that we went to with one student. It's on a Sunday and the viewing kind of like almost took the whole day or the whole afternoon." "It's all about creating rapport with them. And, you know, not everyone is going to like, you know, everyone likes me and that's okay." VALUABLE RESOURCES ABOUT THE HOST Laurence Lameche is an Amazon No.1 Best Selling Author of a property book called "How I Bought 3 London Properties For A Football Ticket"   He is a property mentor who specialises in helping people get on the property ladder without needing a mortgage or a deposit, you can have bad credit, no experience, no job and still succeed with his simple, proven step by step process that works every time for everyone.   CONTACT METHOD Contact and follow Laurence here: LindkedIn:   Facebook:   YouTube:   Twitter:   Instagram:
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