Masterminds are becoming commonplace among new and old entrepreneurs. How would you then differentiate yourself from a group of people who are doing the same thing as you? In this episode, Adam Lyons speaks with Roland Frasier about all the different ways he goes about adding additional revenue into each of his separate businesses. Roland is one of the people that own and successfully run DigitalMarketer and War Room, despite not being an original cofounder. He gives advice on how to protect...
Published 04/01/20
Discovering your value and monetizing it in a way that does not negatively impact those who are near and dear to you is what Garrett Gunderson believes. Garrett is the author of What Would the Rockefellers Do? and is called a "financial genius" in entrepreneurial circles. In this episode, host Adam Lyons spoke to Garrett about what it means to truly be financially successful and what comes next. Listen to Garrett as he talks about his book, shares some life values, and learning when to be...
Published 03/25/20
Marketing has been around centuries and it has greatly evolved from word of mouth to digital distribution of content. In this episode, host Adam Lyons spoke to Ryan Deiss, the Founder of DigitalMarketer and The Traffic & Conversion Summit and the creator of the “Customer Value Optimization” methodology. Ryan spoke about what tactics and advice he would give himself if he restarted and entered the digital marketing world today compared to when he first entered the industry when it was blue...
Published 03/18/20
Videos have undeniably changed the game when it comes to sales. Especially in this technologically advanced day and age, so many salespeople have been trading the door-to-door selling method for videos. The man behind what is now called Video Sales Letter (VSL) is Jon Benson. In this episode, host, Adam Lyons, speaks with Jon about how to structure your written ads, your copy, and your copy-writing so you can be as successful as he is. Putting forward the value of creating a positive impact...
Published 01/01/20
Since its inception, YouTube has been an extremely potent tool for advertisers. Over the years, marketing on YouTube has become more and more complex, but luckily, there are quite a few ways that you can get around the difficulty curve. Adam Lyons speaks with Daniel Rose, one of the founders of the massively successful Six Pack Shortcuts program. Adam and Daniel discuss what systems you can implement in order to make sure people are seeing, consuming, and eventually clicking on your ad on...
Published 12/25/19
Sometimes we experience curveballs in life that keep us from doing what we love to do and achieve success. One such curveball in Alex Moscow’s life is his speech impediment. However, despite it, alex has become a public speaker and the owner of the brand Congruent Coach where he teaches others how to be successful at public speaking. In this episode, host Adam Lyons sits with Alex to take us across his journey of becoming a success in the face of overwhelming constraints that tried to hold...
Published 12/11/19
Everybody has a book in them, but how do you actually get that book out of your head and on the shelves? In this episode, Adam Lyons talks with Tucker Max, the author of the book called I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, about raising children, Santa Clause, and how to become a bestselling author more than once! Tucker also shares his experiences with mushrooms and how they have helped him understand the truth about life, love, and the universe. You’ll also hear how Adam crashed a party at...
Published 12/04/19
Most people go out and develop a product, then try to figure out how to hawk, sell, or manipulate people into buying that product. However, having an audience is the real asset. Tune in as Adam Lyons talks with Ryan Moran, about growing businesses with entrepreneurial leadership and what it really takes to be an entrepreneur. Ryan is an author, entrepreneur, and the Founder of Capitalism.com. If you’re thinking of what product to successfully sell, building brand credibility, capturing your...
Published 11/27/19
In this day and age, coaching is more of a career than a lifestyle and a business at the same time. As society changes, coaches must take action to adapt and change to acquire the skills needed to help people better. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks with Eben Pagan, the Founder of the Get Altitude Training Program, about coaching as a business. Don’t miss this show to learn what you need to know about coaching and find out if becoming a coach is the right first business for you. 
Published 11/20/19
Most business owners don't want to touch the accounting part of their business. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks with Vinnie Fisher, the owner of Fully Accountable and Total CEO. In the show, Adam and Vinnie dive deep into how to collect the right data and KPI for your business to ensure you optimize your profits and grow sustainably by knowing your numbers. Vinnie also breaks down what it takes to be a CEO of a business with many employees and scale it to eight figures and beyond. Vinnie...
Published 11/13/19
Business is all about facing your fears and preparing yourself for a huge audience on a bigger stage. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks with the Founder and CEO of Advance Your Reach, Pete Vargas. Known as the Stage Whisperer, Pete is the leading expert on helping people get on stages to grow their audience, grow their business, and carry their message out to millions. Today, he shares some psychology hacks for overcoming fear from being on a stage. If you want to learn how to develop your...
Published 11/06/19
Social media is, without doubt, a very powerful marketing tool. That is why learning its platforms is essential especially if you are promoting yourself or your product. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks with Joshua B. Lee, a LinkedIn expert who teaches not only how you should be setting up your profile and pictures, but exactly what kind of content you need to create in order to boost illusive SSI scores that tell LinkedIn if you are someone who should get organic views or not. If you are...
Published 10/30/19
Your best advertising is people advertising your product to other people without you paying for media. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks to Big Baby Agency owner, Ron Lynch. Not only is Ron the brainchild behind the advertisement for the George Foreman Grill, but he also revolutionized Go-Pro video cameras to ensure they would be the industry leader in action sports cameras. Throughout the podcast, Ron teaches on how to make advertisements that work, redefine your marketing strategy, and...
Published 10/23/19
 When you start your business, rather than start with a product that is refined and perfect, it's better to start with a sale. In this episode, Adam Lyons dives deep with Jim Miller on successful sales strategies and business growth. Jim became VP of sales for Tony Robins at a time when Tony's brand was going bankrupt. In just two years, his sales strategies produced more revenue than the organization had previously earned in its entire existence. Learn Jim’s psychology of sales specifically...
Published 10/16/19
Facebook Ads is the real deal when it comes to increasing your audience reach. There are few people in the world who know as much as Curt Maly about Facebook Ads. Today, Adam Lyons talks to Curt about successful mindsets and marketing practices. Curt shows us how to hack our own psychology for making ads successful and talks about the math and facts of FB ads. Letting us in on the foundation of his expertise, he also shares his experience working with Facebook and its workplace culture. If...
Published 10/09/19
In the business world today, competition is fierce and business owners and entrepreneurs must do everything in their power in order to survive and achieve success. Serial entrepreneur and business strategist and adviser to celebrities Brad Costanzo shares some tips on how to go about doing that. Brad is one of the first mentors' host Adam Lyons ever had when it comes to building and scaling a business. He shares some of the secrets behind a few of the bigger brands he's worked with, like...
Published 10/02/19
Have you been thinking of getting into real estate investing but are too afraid to start? Take that big leap as you learn the power of real estate. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks to Keith Yackey, the Founder of Private Money Pro and creator of the Private Money Process, about how you can build a real estate company using his simple method. You may have heard of companies before that go on stage and teach people how to start their own property flipping business. Keith will give you the...
Published 09/26/19
For every popular podcast, there is an interesting show host. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks to Jordan Harbinger who has created one of the most popular podcasts in the world, The Harbinger Show. Adam and Jordan recall the crazy things they have done in the past that made their lives amazing and led them to seek equally impressive people to be their podcast guests. They touch on principles of dollar-cost averaging in investing, the four stages of competence, and network effects. As they...
Published 09/18/19
Simple hard work and taking action leads to success. In this episode, host Adam Lyons talks with The Hardcore Closer and four-time bestselling author Ryan Stewman. Ryan’s expertise in sales has helped thousands increase their revenue and improve their lives. His principles are based on hard work and constant action. As Ryan himself says, "It’s crazy to think of what all I’ve done from just taking action and working hard." He introduces and explains the term “force of average” and the G Code...
Published 09/11/19
Advertising on YouTube and expecting high returns mean extra effort and capital. In this episode, Adam Lyons talks to Tom Breeze, the Founder and CEO of Viewability, who has revolutionized the YouTube advertising game. He has created a system where he not only runs someone's YouTube ads, but also pays for them so that he can control how fast they scale. He's so good at it that he is willing to put his own money behind it so that those advertisements grow and build faster than any other on...
Published 09/04/19
The process for deciding on your next business opportunity, your next niche, or your next market is equally baked with psychology. How does one choose a business to start? Most people got three or four different ideas and they never know which ones to do. In this episode, host Adam Lyons talks to Ryan Levesque, the best-selling author of the books Ask and Choose. These two books will help you not only decide what business you should be creating, but also how to market to your audience in a...
Published 08/28/19
A large part of how humans act and make decisions is based on their brain chemistry. What most of us don’t know is that we’ve inherited our brain chemistry from earlier mammals, and unless we can build our power over that mammalian brain, we are constantly subjected to simply reacting to external forces. Having studied this, Dr. Loretta Breuning founded the Inner Mammal Institute to help people build their power over their mammalian brain chemistry. Dr. Breuning is the author of Habits of a...
Published 08/21/19
When somebody wants to learn to improve their business, very often their biggest issue is they find excuses for why they can't learn, implement, or develop new tasks. Looking into the lives of the most successful people, Hal Elrod found that they have one thing in their routines that is common – morning rituals. Hal is the bestselling author of one of the highest-rated books in the world, The Miracle Morning, and he’s now on a mission to elevate the consciousness of humanity, one person at a...
Published 08/14/19
In this bonus episode, Adam discusses the strategies and systems you need to earn money in your sleep.
Published 08/07/19