In this episode, I break down the 5 reasons why nothing has worked in all your attempts to resolve your food stuff. If you are like 100% of the women that I talk to, you feel like you have tried everything and are a little worried working with me may just turn into another "thing" that takes your time and money doesn't work.  That's a normal fear and I guarantee working together won't be that.  - - - I also mention the workshop I am doing. If you are someone that has been wanting to show up...
Published 04/29/24
Published 04/29/24
In this podcast episode, Ally shares her journey from leaving the corporate grind to starting her own business, Athlete Bouquets. She dives into the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, highlighting both its challenges, like juggling work and family, and its benefits. Ally opened up about her personal growth journey around food and body image, feeling confident in herself, and how breast implants played a part in this process. Throughout the episode, Ally emphasizes the importance of self-trust...
Published 04/22/24
Do you feel like you can't make yourself sit down to work or study without eating? Like, eating is the only thing that will allow you to focus? You aren't alone. And I share with you a few reasons as to why that may be happening and what you can do about it. If you want to work together, fill out this form and we will set up a strategy call. At the end of this call, you will know more about what is preventing you from making the progress you want and we can discuss different options for...
Published 04/15/24
End the Cycle of Imposter Syndrome. Quit the People-Pleasing Game. Halt the Overthinking. No More Watering Down Your True Self. Stop the Self-Restriction. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. This episode is for those ready to live boldly and embrace their unfiltered, authentic selves. If you are a biz owner (or aspiring biz owner) or hell even if you aren't but this all resonates with you, get your name on the waitlist for my upcoming workshop - BOLD. Sign up here. - - - - Connect with me on the gram...
Published 04/08/24
Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone is a requirement for a cool life and living in a way that you feel proud of...aaaaaaand what is also just as important is learning how and when to chill TF OUT! Like, not always changing every single thing and growing in every single way at once. It is actually okay to just focus on one area at a time. - - - - - If you are working together, start by filling out THIS FORM.  You can also check out my site HERE. Or connect with me on the gram HERE.
Published 04/01/24
Steph Gaudreau, CISSN, NASM-CPT (she/her/hers) helps athletic women over 40 fuel themselves better, get stronger, increase their energy, and perform better in the gym. She’s a sports nutritionist and lifting coach. In her best-selling book, The Core 4, she details a four pillar approach to getting stronger, embracing your body, and owning your power. Steph has a degree in biology – human physiology. She is a Certified Sports Nutritionist from the International Society for Sports Nutrition...
Published 03/25/24
IT'S BACK! Ditch the Binge that is. In this epsiode,  I share with you why I went from Ditch the Binge to Ballsy Broads originally, why I went back, the concerns I had with the change, and what that means for the podcast.  ENJOY! - - Want to stop binge eating? Want to stop overthinking and start taking massive action? Ready to double down on yourself? START HERE.  - -
Published 03/18/24
When you are learning a new skill or making a change to how you live and show up, it is common to overcompensate. To do too much or overshoot what you thought you would need or eat. This frequently happens with food and emotions, which is what we cover in today's episode. I also mention that MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE!! WOO HOO! Check it out HERE. This will only be available for another week-ish, so get it while you can! - - - - Follow me on the gram HERE. Check out ways to work together...
Published 03/11/24
OOOOOWEEEE! Get ready for this one because I am on fire and you will be too after this epsiode. If you're on the fence and ready to get off and see what this coaching thing is all about, fill out this form. Once I receive that I will follow up with a link to book a 30 min strategy call.  You will leave with more clarity on what to focus on , what to let go of, and what next steps to take. Start HERE. And if you loved this episode, take a screenshot and share it on the gram and tag me...
Published 03/04/24
Nothing softens the nerves quite like 28 cookies before a social event. What? I am the only one that did this? If you find yourself eating (or drinking) to take the edge off and want to stop, dig into this episode. - - - Follow me on the gram HERE. Curious about working together? Start here. 
Published 02/26/24
As a high achiever, it can be challenging to stop and celebrate your growth, milestones hit, and changes made. There is often a fear that if you do stop to appreciate it you will somehow stop making progress altogether, which isn't the case. Now I know what I am SUPPOSED to say in this episode but I share with you what I actually do in my own life and offer you suggestions to bring into your own as well. And hey, THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE! This is episode 200!!! AND YES I AM CELEBRATING...
Published 02/19/24
Forcing is a loop many high achievers can get trapped in. And this can happen because it "used" to work. Forcing used to be the thing that got you: the job, the body, the money, the thing. But now, not so much. And letting go, letting your life be easy, letting your life flow, can be scary as hell! In this episode, I talk you through the difference between forcing and flowing, how to know which one you are in, and a big reason women don't stop forcing. I am currently accepting new...
Published 02/12/24
If you ever feel triggered by weight loss or hunger and wonder why- this epsiode is for you. . . . . Fill out this form if you are interested in working together. Come say HEY on the gram HERE.
Published 02/05/24
In this episode, we dive into comparison and feelings of inadequacy. Which are 2 things I think MOST people can relate to. But I see high achievers and perfectionists deal with this on an even more regular basis. I share how the recent purchase of our home triggered the inadequacy spiral in me and other ways it can show up. Be sure you connect with me on IG HERE. If are curious about working together, grab your free 30 strategy call HERE.
Published 01/29/24
Buckle up my Broads because I am not holding back on this one. (enjoy this fan fav that was released in 2022) A lot of people-pleasing talk gets thrown around. Why you do it, how to stop, where it stems from, etc. But there isn't a lot of talk about what the actual cost and repercussions are on yourself. I'm giving it to you straight because someone needs to. When you see the cost of what you are doing and how it is actually impacting your happiness and success, a different part of your...
Published 01/22/24
In this episode, Lindsey Hein offers a candid and refreshing perspective on the realities of motherhood, admitting candidly, "I am NOT a gentle parent." She delves into her transformative journey of evolving into a professional podcaster and the art of attracting high-profile guests to her show. Lindsey also shares insights into a topic close to my heart: the importance of taking risks and stepping outside one's comfort zone. She reveals how embracing these challenges has been pivotal in...
Published 01/15/24
If you've been stuck in your own vortex of thoughts or the vacuum that is social media, this is for you! This is your reminder and nudge to get out of your house and go see people in real life. Enjoy! Check out my website HERE. Connect with me on the gram HERE.
Published 01/12/24
BARF. I can't stand hearing about people sell their "impossible and audacious goal setting" classes to you. I can't stand it not because I am a real stick in the mud but because I think it 1: takes advantage of you 2: doesn't help all THAT much. There are some pros to thinking big and letting your brain roam, which I cover in this episode. I also share some other ways to set a goal so you don't feel like a failure. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this epside and I hope you actually HIT your...
Published 01/01/24
In this episode, Jenn shares her story of breaking free from an inauthentic existence that had her questioning her military career, her relationship with alcohol, and the impact on her business. Fed up with feeling like a 'watered-down, melted ice cream cone,' Jenn embarked on a mission for realness. She was determined to gain unwavering confidence in herself, be more authentic in her business, and stop merely existing at half throttle. Not only did Jenn's confidence and self-trust grow, but...
Published 12/26/23
"I had to let go of the idea that busyness equaled worth." "You can love something and not want to do it." In this episode, Ally takes us from her darkest days, divorce, and closing her business, to recreating herself, using failure as fuel, and opening a non-profit for senior dogs. Ally is a gift to us all! She is a  hilarious individual with a resilient mindset,  kind heart, and bares it all with us on this episode.  You can read about her non-profit, Rylie Mae Rescue Ranch- HERE. And...
Published 12/14/23
They may seem unrelated, but how we do one thing is how we do everything. And how we move THROUGH one thing is how we often move through everything. I share the 5 ways bulimia, alcoholism, and being in business have all demanded the same thing from me. If you enjoyed this episode, take a second to take a screenshot and upload it to your story or send it to a friend. Be sure we are connected on IG TOO! And you can visit my site HERE. Interested in working together? Start here.
Published 12/11/23
If you are burnt out and wondering what the point is and starting to think about quitting or giving up, LISTEN TO THIS FIRST! Send me a message and tell me what bold ask you made on over on IG. You can also check out my website HERE. Or book a consult call HERE.
Published 12/06/23
The majority of the women I work with identify as either being a people pleaser OR being overly concerned about what other people think. But you know what?? I don't think there is anything wrong with that! In this episode I share why there isn't anything wrong with that and also why the thing you do that makes caring what other people think so much worse than it needs to be. If you want to feel more confident in who you are and what you are doing in your life, be sure you listen to this...
Published 11/29/23
Thanksgiving is upon us! I give you a few tips on how to navigate the holiday AND I share about my my first ever Black Friday special. If you want to get off the diet/binge bandwagon. Leave the days of doing really good or really bad behind, this is the program for you!! You can check it out on my site HERE. OR you can see all about the program and what is consists of HERE. The program will go off the market on Monday, so get it while you can! Have a question about it? Connect with...
Published 11/22/23