Wirklich sehr gut für Rails-Einsteiger und Profis
Die Screencasts behandeln wichtige Themen in Ruby on Rails und sind schön kurz gehalten, so wird es nicht langweilig. Ausschweifende Erklärungen gibt es hier nicht, was ich persönlich sehr gut finde. Auch die Auswahl der Themen finde ich sehr spannend, da alle Bereiche von Rails gut beleuchtet werden. Ryan legt sein Augenmerk kaum auf die einfachen Rails-Funktionen, sondern eher auf eine elegante Vorgehensweise beim lösen von manchmal kniffligen Problemen in Rails. Vielen Dank - Thank you
fürsti via Apple Podcasts · Germany · 08/22/07
More reviews of RailsCasts
I think it is safe to assume that most developers have learned to use Ruby on Rails through the "Agile Web Development with Rails" book. As that book is great for beginners, it does not deal with special features and techniques needed to master our most beloved framework. Besides the "Rails...Read full review »
Maxime & Rebekah Curioni via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/11/07
Concise and on a single topic, these screencasts hit the mark. Best time spent in pretty much any podcast I watch/listen to. I'm a complete Rails newb and can easily follow along.
IAmJ via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 04/11/07
I've been using rails for almost a year now, and I still find helpful hints in here. Even if its new, and easier, ways of doing things that I already know. I'm also using these screencasts as a teaching aid. Overall, it is fantastic stuff! I can't wait to see the great stuff still to come!
geoffrey_d via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 05/19/07
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