What appears, shockingly, to be one of the lesser exciting of the Leshy options out there. However, just the idea of the Leshy leads us to some pretty wacky, fun, and downright intriguing ideas for some new Leshy, and quite possibly another campaign option.
Published 11/16/20
A Spelljammer classic. It looks like this big guy got a bit of a glow-up going into Pathfinder 2nd Edition, as he looks much less like Jar-Jar Binks, and more terrifying demogorgon dinosaur thingy. As he rightly deserves.
Published 11/09/20
Murderous, blood-thirsty little blighters. Caps died incarnadine. Or, if it's demon ichor, they're madcaps! We even spitball a few other types for your own game.
Published 11/02/20
Space-faring hippo folk. Some of the finest mercenaries you'll find. Plus, pistols, muskets, grenades, and even entire kegs of gunpowder. Gunpowder? More like funpowder!
Published 10/26/20
A pretty cool plant beasty - this baddy's got some wicked grapples to tackle. With some fun potential, as long as you've the imagination, and we know you do! Plus, Matt really throws caution to the wind and grades it above a 5!
Published 10/19/20
Have we found the perfect Ranger pet? This nasty basket sure makes for a fun and strategic combat, however. Maybe more fun for the DM... but as long as someone enjoys themselves.
Published 10/12/20
What starts out as a bland, "help our village is being attacked" discussion, quickly morphs into a really fun way to use these toad men. They've some diverse lore that can be tweaked in a few ways to make encountering them much more interesting.
Published 10/05/20
One of our first really cool water-themed baddies. A healthy dose of intrigue, a great tool to use against your players, promising a killer reveal. If your campaign has anything to do with the water, this is a good'un to have at your disposal.
Published 09/28/20
One of the biggest, baddest Drow you'll get. Perfect for a GOT-style campaign of intrigue, backstabbing, politics, and treachery. Can you survive long enough under her dark grip to perhaps usurp her, and come into Lolth's wicked honor?
Published 09/21/20
Latin for "beginning of death". Some cool hook ideas with a neat undead option. You could get a lot of mileage out of this bugger's mask.
Published 09/14/20
That undulating, pulsating robe isn't just a wizard who's happy to see you, oh no. It's a bag of worms. An angrier, more magical Oogie Boogie, if you will.
Published 09/07/20
As we see, there is an ever-growing variety of lycanthropes to choose from. Why not branch from mammals and throw an aquatic beast in there? Is it silly? Sure it is. But, in broader scheme of things, it does open up for some fun game ideas, right?
Published 08/31/20
A swarm of cat-sized, eyeless, hairy headed, spike toothed, be-tentacled magic eaters. Y'know, exactly what you'd expect.
Published 08/24/20
These speedy little guys are the fruit flies of the Fey. But a cool, low-level option that offers a lot of room for creativity and mischief on the DM's part. With 120 feet of movement, what *can't* you do?!
Published 08/17/20
A behind-the-scenes end-game big bad. But it's tiny! And invisible? Want more Charisma? Consider one of these guys.
Published 08/10/20
A new undead alternative. A little blighter at 1/4 CR, though. A face not even its necro-mama could love - and not really a face, either.
Published 08/03/20
A simple coastal folk who just happen to have delicious spawn. And occasionally go on a rampaging feeding frenzy. As one does when one is a gigantic, humanoid crab person.
Published 07/27/20
A pretty cool replacement for your standard Drow or Svirfneblin. They've a cool death mechanic *and* cool history that is sure to inspire a game hook. And if it doesn't, shame on you.
Published 07/20/20
That's right - another classic! But unlike previous surprises we've seen in the classics in the past, this one's pretty much as you'd expect. It does what it says on the tin. Rust. Monster.
Published 07/13/20
Our first Demon Lord! A nice, simple one. Your standard Lord of the Cockroaches. Plagues, vermin, etc. Still, a neat encounter to throw at your unsuspecting players.
Published 07/06/20
Another, albeit lesser known, D&D classic. Great big self-heating centipede that hangs out in frigid climes. He'll burn ya, he'll swallow ya, he'll Predator-jaw ya.
Published 06/29/20
A secondary (or tertiary?) D&D classic! Brains, beaks, tentacles - what more could you ask for? Thanks to the 2nd Edition write-up, we get some great details, some of which include: flying ships, supra-smart patriarchs, and mating for life. What could it all mean?
Published 06/22/20
Don't be deceived by this little cutey! Potential Druid animal companion? Certainly an off-tank. Leave the bleach at home and check out a fun new potential ally - but still a formidable enemy!
Published 06/15/20
A great big ol' windsock. Passive, but don't mistake it as defenseless. Musical. Trader Joe's shopper. A nice addition to building your world, not just a rando creature to fight against.
Published 06/08/20
Beholder - cool. Illithid - cool. Behithid/Illiholder? More meh than we would've liked, honestly. But! More adventure hooks, and we see some potential with ceremorphosis on the horizon.
Published 06/01/20