Ranting for the sake of ranting, somehow. I found a meme page that pissed me off this morning, I'm burnt out, hungry and sick of the conditioning around being told that we should be obsessed with dating more than anything else.... what else is new?
Published 06/18/21
Published 06/18/21
Hey guys, welcome back to Rant Room ๐Ÿ˜Š I have wanted to talk about this for a while, as it's quite important to me. I put this episode off for quite a while as I was worried about sharing my perspective on it, but I definitely think it's a subject worth sharing. Thanks for listening and please rate/review/subscribe (I have no idea where the button is for that, but there must be one as all the cool podcasters seem to be saying it these days?!) Much love โค
Published 04/11/21
โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ Trigger warning: I'm going to be discussing disordered eating patterns such as binge eating in this episode, please feel free to skip if this is a triggering subject for you! โš ๏ธโš ๏ธ Hey everyone, welcome back to Rant Room! Last week was Eating Disorder Awareness Week and it got me thinking about my own experiences with disordered eating patterns and body dysmorphia. I wanted to discuss what it can be like to live with hidden eating disorders in particular and how this can impact people,...
Published 03/08/21
Hey everyone! Welcome back to Rant Room. I wanted to talk about what it actually means to back off and calm down. Why is it so hard to do? How do you do it? The trick is sometimes as simple as this: knowing when you need to calm down. Like me, today. Have a good day and happy listening ๐Ÿ’–
Published 02/25/21
Hi everyone! Recently I have been struggling a little... being cooped up in the house over lockdown 3.0 is really starting to mess with my head. A few weeks ago I had a really huge dip and was feeling very inadequate in comparison to people around me... so I recorded a few thoughts on this. I also included a few ideas about how to break out of inadequate feelings. I hope that somebody finds this relatable and it reassures them to know that they're not alone - it really helps to know that....
Published 01/22/21
With Christmas around the corner, some of us might be planning to see our family (depending on Covid rules in different places), and some of us might not. But here's what to do if you are feeling worried about potentially dealing with toxic family over the holiday season...
Published 12/14/20
Yeah. Me too. It sucks. And it's really hard. This doesn't just go for love, it goes for old friends and family, for places and people and maybe even for what normality used to be like BC (before Covid, ugh.) But you're not the only one, it's fine to miss people even if you feel as though you shouldn't. Even if you were the one who cut them out. Understand your reasoning, and realise that it's okay to experience missing someone, even if you feel as though you shouldn't.
Published 11/09/20
Cultural values are a funny subject. They're so subjective. You're often led to believe that if you reject one aspect of your culture that you're banned from the rest of it. That's a bunch of crap. You can separate yourself from toxic family and toxic values while still embracing your culture - however impossible it seems.
Published 10/02/20
Bit of a trigger warning on this episode for anyone who has been in a potentially dangerous situation on social media. This was a really difficult episode to record, probably the hardest one yet, because I've never talked about it until now, with anyone. When I was a teenager, social media was just starting to become a constant thing. It had been around for a number of years, but by the time I hit my teens, thanks to smart technology and things by a brand called Apple beginning with "i",...
Published 09/23/20
It's hard to cut things out. It's hard to cut people out, and to let people leave your life when you still care about them. But there's no use in keeping things around when they're not bringing anything to your life. Thinking about cutting out things that don't bring any value to your life - and knowing you need to cut them loose - is often more painful than the act itself.
Published 09/22/20
Today's episode is all about being let down. How it feels, how to deal with it and move forward, and how to distance yourself from someone who has let you down. Most importantly, it discusses how to stop dwelling on these experiences and begin to move forward, without necessarily feeling the need to hate them, or trash talk them. (Although, sometimes we all need to let out a bit of trash talk every now and again, because sometimes, let's face it, people who shit on us do deserve it.) Hope...
Published 09/21/20
Hey, hope you're all having a good weekend! I was meant to record this a bit earlier, but I've finally woken up from the mother of all naps and it's getting dark outside๐Ÿ˜‚ Quite a quick episode today, but I just wanted to talk about the importance of patience, and why it's an important skill that can be developed over time. We aren't born with it, not at all. It takes years of anger, annoyance, and being generally pissed off to develop a modicum of real patience, because we're so often...
Published 09/20/20
*โš ๏ธWARNINGโš ๏ธ*: This episode contains references to some subjects that people may find upsetting. So... after graduating, like so many of us, I was skint and clueless about what to do next. I had a lot of choices to make, but I wasn't too fond of the idea of moving home this time last year. So I stayed in my uni city. But it turns out that your uni city looks VERY different when you subtract your student loan and add on a draining full time job and council tax. That's not even the half of it...
Published 09/19/20
Hey all! How are you? Recently, I've been in a pretty reflective mood - I recently moved away to start my masters degree. Yesterday I shared a post on Facebook that said "If the version of you from five years ago could see you now, they'd be so proud - keep going." It got me thinking about who I was five or six years ago, and how different life is now. Almost a year ago, I actually found myself writing a letter to my 16/17 year old self, and reflecting on how much I've changed since then. It...
Published 09/19/20
Hey, guys, welcome back to Rant Room! This is quite a short one because I am totally exhausted after a long drive home and a long day in general. Maybe even a long week. Today I took two pretty huge steps (not the kind that Fitbit records unfortunately, think I've hit my step target once since the beginning of September ๐Ÿ˜‚) - I moved to uni properly, and also managed to find the courage to let some bad feelings go after a long time. I'm pretty sure most of us know how that works, right? Not...
Published 09/14/20
Hey! Here is the second part of my "year out" podcast...what a whirlwind of a year and a half it's been. I've been out of education since May last year, and will be starting my masters on Tuesday! Very exciting, but also very scary ๐Ÿ˜… the second half of my year out involved the Covid-19 lockdown which saw me leaving Leicester and moving back to my mum's, and suddenly going from being completely independent and having three jobs to well... the opposite. It was a strange time. In this episode, I...
Published 09/12/20
Hey, guys. I was going to continue with the Uni Series podcast tonight, but in light of recent events that have been in the news there was something really important that I felt I should discuss with you. As you might know if you're based in the UK/have access to the UK news, the tragic story of a 15 year old boy being shot on his way to school hit the headlines and breaking news on Monday morning. This horrific news really hit me hard, as I'm sure it did for many others - I grew up on the...
Published 09/11/20
Hey guys, welcome to season 3 of Rant Room, otherwise known as the depression nest ๐Ÿ˜‚ I am feeling very sorry for myself this morning, and needed a rant. I'm moving today, and am super stressed, especially with so many other things going on in my head at the moment. Last night I was packing up some last minute stuff, and found a list of goals I wrote when I was 14 (ugh) half of which involved me wanting to be an married, rich, slim screenwriter by the age of 23 (honestly, I think I must have...
Published 09/07/20
Ah, third year. My best year of uni by a long shot. Although it was arguably one of the most stressful periods of my life, it was definitely the best. I lived with a wonderful group of friends and spent many nights eating Chinese with my best friends in dressing gowns watching Friends and Waterloo Road - what else can we really ask for?! In this podcast, I discuss what it's really like to write a dissertation (and also what it's like to lose it three weeks before the deadline), why it's...
Published 09/03/20
Hey guys, welcome to Episode 4 of Rant Room's Uni Edition! If you can't already tell, I am having a blast recording these ๐Ÿ˜‚ it's been fun to relive my second year experiences. In this episode I recount my most memorable moments from the 2017-18 academic year, with highlights such as a trip to Prague, the toxic red flag who had control over my brain for the entire year, what it's really like to work at a rugby stadium, and why I no longer eat cream crackers... I also have a few tips about how...
Published 09/02/20
Wondering what your first year of uni will be like? Trying to relive your own? Are you nervous about uni? I'm here to provide some (ahem) kind of reassurance and tell you that however bad it may seem at times, you WILL get through it. I'll also take you through a list of things to avoid, including the following: - drinking when you're sad, Cactus Jacks (it's scum of the earth, especially the blue one), heels on nights out, pasta and gravy, shagging coursemates before the start of your course,...
Published 09/01/20
Hey guys, welcome to Episode 2 of Rant Room's Uni Edition! Today, I'm going to talk you through the ultimate uni checklist (um... I probably forgot something major so don't take this as gospel...) and explain why you shouldn't take your entire wardrobe to uni with you. Also, what is uni going to be like with COVID still lingering around like a nasty smell? Hmmm... I do wonder... ๐Ÿค” happy listening all โค
Published 08/31/20
Hey guys, welcome to Season 2 of Rant Room! With uni season just around the corner and thousands of new students about to start their new adventures (including me, although does it count if you've done it all before!?) I thought now would be a great time to record a few podcasts about what it's like to go off to uni - particularly for the students who are going to experience a socially distant Freshers' Week. Hmmm... I'm not sure I'd have coped - maybe it's a good thing I'm too old for that...
Published 08/30/20
Hey everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š welcome to episode 31 of Rant Room. I wanted to talk a bit about therapy and why it is so essential for us as humans - particularly at this current moment in time, after all the changes the world has gone through recently due to COVID-19. A common misconception about therapy is that it is only earmarked for people who have been through deep trauma - this is untrue. It is beneficial to us all. There are always things we can't discuss with certain people around us. You might be...
Published 08/30/20