Where have I been? Am I back? And what's happening tomorrow night?!?! Click here to enroll in my free class on Jan 3rd, 2019. Everyone who attends live gets a $197 gift. Direct URL -> https://rebootedbody.com/webinar/forever-success/
Published 01/02/19
"Show me the peer-reviewed research" is no longer a viable question. It's not possible to sufficiently validate research and so much of the published research is highly problematic, can't be replicated, and is often misinterpreted. What's the solution? The solution is to humble yourself. You should have some humility and so should I. Most importantly, though, the "experts" and policy makers need to find some humility so that we stop imposing errors on other people by force which often...
Published 07/06/18
"Show me the peer-reviewed research" is no longer a viable question. It's not possible to sufficiently validate research and so much of the published research is highly problematic, can't be replicated, and is often misinterpreted. What's the solution? The solution is to humble yourself. You should have some humility and so should I. Most importantly, though, the "experts" and policy makers need to find some humility so that we stop imposing errors on other people by force which often...
Published 07/06/18
"Show me the peer-reviewed research" is no longer a viable question. It's not possible to sufficiently validate research and so much of the published research is highly problematic, can't be replicated, and is often misinterpreted. What's the solution? The solution is to humble yourself. You should have some humility and so should I. Most importantly, though, the "experts" and policy makers need to find some humility so that we stop imposing errors on other people by force which often...
Published 07/06/18
Did Tim Ferris just reveal the two biggest secrets to fat loss for free on his YouTube channel? Tune in to find out. P.S. If you want a real method that isn't a bunch of hype, click here.
Published 06/18/18
Did Tim Ferris just reveal the two biggest secrets to fat loss for free on his YouTube channel? Tune in to find out. P.S. If you want a real method that isn't a bunch of hype, click here.
Published 06/18/18
Did Tim Ferris just reveal the two biggest secrets to fat loss for free on his YouTube channel? Tune in to find out. P.S. If you want a real method that isn't a bunch of hype, click here.
Published 06/18/18
Blake asks... How do you get out of the cycle of looking for the most optimal thing instead of just "doing the thing"? It's hard to stay motivated if you're worrying about following the best routine, the most optimal diet, etc. Something we're faced with daily in the Information (overload) Age where every other day there's an opposing article to something we do in our daily routines. Want to know the antidote to shiny object syndrome in the health and fitness industry? You'll find it in...
Published 06/04/18
Blake asks... How do you get out of the cycle of looking for the most optimal thing instead of just "doing the thing"? It's hard to stay motivated if you're worrying about following the best routine, the most optimal diet, etc. Something we're faced with daily in the Information (overload) Age where every other day there's an opposing article to something we do in our daily routines. Want to know the antidote to shiny object syndrome in the health and fitness industry? You'll find it in...
Published 06/04/18
Blake asks... How do you get out of the cycle of looking for the most optimal thing instead of just "doing the thing"? It's hard to stay motivated if you're worrying about following the best routine, the most optimal diet, etc. Something we're faced with daily in the Information (overload) Age where every other day there's an opposing article to something we do in our daily routines. Want to know the antidote to shiny object syndrome in the health and fitness industry? You'll find it in...
Published 06/04/18
I'm sick. I'm still here, though. And I'm going 100 on this ridiculous NBC News "Better" article. Put your ear muffs on and keep your head low.
Published 05/18/18
I'm sick. I'm still here, though. And I'm going 100 on this ridiculous NBC News "Better" article. Put your ear muffs on and keep your head low.
Published 05/18/18
I'm sick. I'm still here, though. And I'm going 100 on this ridiculous NBC News "Better" article. Put your ear muffs on and keep your head low.
Published 05/18/18
To anyone "in the know," Jillian Michaels just said something that should call her "expertise" into question. She also doubles down on advice that everyone knows, but nobody can seem to implement consistently. All that and more on todays episode. Oh, and wish me luck tomorrow as I compete in the Atlanta Open IBJJF International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships.
Published 05/04/18
To anyone "in the know," Jillian Michaels just said something that should call her "expertise" into question. She also doubles down on advice that everyone knows, but nobody can seem to implement consistently. All that and more on todays episode. Oh, and wish me luck tomorrow as I compete in the Atlanta Open IBJJF International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships.
Published 05/04/18
To anyone "in the know," Jillian Michaels just said something that should call her "expertise" into question. She also doubles down on advice that everyone knows, but nobody can seem to implement consistently. All that and more on todays episode. Oh, and wish me luck tomorrow as I compete in the Atlanta Open IBJJF International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships.
Published 05/04/18
Did you know that the history of the "walk 10,000" steps advice traces back to a Japanese marketing initiative? Did you know that you can get better results from walking less steps and with less of a time investment? I'm covering all that and more on today's episode. New Master Class Available! – Make It Stick: The 5 Secrets of Making Healthy Habits Feel Automatic. Get it now at https://rebootedbody.com/makeitstick/
Published 04/27/18
Did you know that the history of the "walk 10,000" steps advice traces back to a Japanese marketing initiative? Did you know that you can get better results from walking less steps and with less of a time investment? I'm covering all that and more on today's episode. New Master Class Available! – Make It Stick: The 5 Secrets of Making Healthy Habits Feel Automatic. Get it now at https://rebootedbody.com/makeitstick/
Published 04/27/18
Did you know that the history of the "walk 10,000" steps advice traces back to a Japanese marketing initiative? Did you know that you can get better results from walking less steps and with less of a time investment? I'm covering all that and more on today's episode. New Master Class Available! – Make It Stick: The 5 Secrets of Making Healthy Habits Feel Automatic. Get it now at https://rebootedbody.com/makeitstick/
Published 04/27/18
I was given a microphone and no teleprompter, which means there are about to be fireworks. If you only listen to one episode of my podcast, make it this one. If you've been wondering why you struggle to consistently align your choices with your good intentions, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering why we have all the research in the world, yet still have an obesity epidemic and a preventable disease epidemic, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering...
Published 04/10/18
I was given a microphone and no teleprompter, which means there are about to be fireworks. If you only listen to one episode of my podcast, make it this one. If you've been wondering why you struggle to consistently align your choices with your good intentions, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering why we have all the research in the world, yet still have an obesity epidemic and a preventable disease epidemic, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering...
Published 04/10/18
I was given a microphone and no teleprompter, which means there are about to be fireworks. If you only listen to one episode of my podcast, make it this one. If you've been wondering why you struggle to consistently align your choices with your good intentions, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering why we have all the research in the world, yet still have an obesity epidemic and a preventable disease epidemic, this is the episode for you. If you've been wondering...
Published 04/10/18
Want to get a six pack? In this episode you'll learn exactly what you need to do to achieve washboard abs. And...hopefully...by the end of this episode you'll realize that if you want to enjoy life, getting a six pack shouldn't even be on your radar. For programs that will get you a body and life you love without obsession, perfectionism, or the misery of conventional dieting, your best bet is to join our online programs at https://academy.rebootedbody.com.
Published 03/28/18
Want to get a six pack? In this episode you'll learn exactly what you need to do to achieve washboard abs. And...hopefully...by the end of this episode you'll realize that if you want to enjoy life, getting a six pack shouldn't even be on your radar. For programs that will get you a body and life you love without obsession, perfectionism, or the misery of conventional dieting, your best bet is to join our online programs at https://academy.rebootedbody.com.
Published 03/28/18
Want to get a six pack? In this episode you'll learn exactly what you need to do to achieve washboard abs. And...hopefully...by the end of this episode you'll realize that if you want to enjoy life, getting a six pack shouldn't even be on your radar. For programs that will get you a body and life you love without obsession, perfectionism, or the misery of conventional dieting, your best bet is to join our online programs at https://academy.rebootedbody.com.
Published 03/28/18