Welcome and thank you for joining us in our conversation of facing loneliness, we hope that it may help you feel connected, understood and supportive in our experiencing of loneliness together.
Published 08/22/20
Alohaaa! A warm welcome to you; Finding calm during a global pandemic. Constructive and creative use of isolation. 5G conspiracy theories. Subjectivity of experience. Paradigm shifts. We explore simple ways to use boredom as a leverage to removing the inner blockage to connecting with and living our inner calling. There's also a song I wrote for you that's played at the end! Hope you enjoy, stay well and healthy. Gloria in Excelsis Deo!
Published 04/19/20
Published 04/19/20
Dormant inner power is available within, free of charge, no interest ;P we will contemplate on becoming immune to negativity and unveil the source of inner joy, contentment and deep connection that is not dependent on external conditions. You. Are. Amazinggg!
Published 12/10/19
What does it take for intellectual knowledge to become experiential? Featuring my soul-brother Jesse Baxter; we contemplated on the growth-mindset, our 10-days silent meditation experience, and social relationships. Such a fun and dynamic session, hope you enjoy and benefit from the conversation! peeeaaacccee
Published 11/15/19
We know well that technique and how-tos are important but how familiar and attentive are we to our emotional state in the process of learning, and in conversation with others? Shift gears to a paradigm of flow-state, feeling great to be more productive, non-reactive, equanimous presence for growth and Yes You Can! p.s. I've released my first song into the world in this podcast, so listen till the end ;)
Published 10/04/19
How does a shift in the scientific paradigm and its philosophy influence the way we live? How would you like to discover a super power that had been dormant all along? Are you ready for a change to operate on the quantum paradigm of experiential reality? Get someone else to hold your dog for a sec and come for a deep rejuvenating dive
Published 09/08/19
Such a serious title haha but the most fun recording session I've had so far, featuring the splashing sound of Martin the pelican fishing for dinner! Hope you enjoy the trip! :)
Published 07/03/19
We all know that kindness is well and good, but what about actually EMBODYING kindness? So easy and simple that it is overlooked; the underrated transformative power of becoming/being kind. Thank you very kindly ;)
Published 05/30/19
Have you or know a friend who's been prone to clumsiness and repeated injuries? and milked the stories over and over? mmm juicy stories right? haha well if you're getting over the taste of the same ol' juice at the cost of physical deterioration and wish to change, tune in to the underlying psychological and physiological factors of becoming evermore graceful and elegant in the mind and movement. Enjoy :)
Published 05/22/19
Mediocrity, melancholy and apathy; how do we overcome them? What are the inner dynamics of the emotions and a pragmatic way out of prolonged discontentment? We explore the pathway of vision and purpose, willingness to be growth oriented, inner guiding principles and values, and expansion of Self-awareness; hop on if you're ready for a trip to a higher paradigm :)
Published 05/15/19
This episode, the focus is on what it means to be a friend and ways to be a great one in our challenging digital age. This episode is more structured than the previous spontaneous episodes; I will be mixing it up, let me know what you think! Feedbacks are appreciated :)
Published 05/12/19
If you enjoyed the trailer and know people who would as well, please support me to get some initial momentum by sharing this podcast :) Thank youu! Peaacccee
Published 05/08/19
Best listened to as falling asleep. Follow the audio journey flowing from different island to island unwinding and slowing down the mind as we go, with some relevant personal stories, guided meditation and fooling myself losing track of time! Bon Voyage! *note: this episode was recorded before change of the podcast title, and I've introduced it as 'Sleepful Audio Massage', and the next 3 coming episodes or so! lol enjoy and I hope this may assist you to relax :)
Published 05/02/19
In this episode, tools are presented to keep our inner ecosystem healthy, how to remove the weeds and let the garden thrive. Sit through the initial awkwardness and there's a guaranteed sprinkle flow of positivity and effective ways to deal with negativity ha. ha. haha thank you for tuning in, enjoy! *note: this episode was recorded before change of the podcast title, and I've introduced it as 'Sleepful Audio Massage', and the next 4 coming episodes or so! lol enjoy and I hope this may...
Published 05/02/19
A gentle audio massage to assist you remove negative thoughts and fall into a restful sleep *note: this episode was recorded before change of the podcast title, and I've introduced it as 'Sleepful Audio Massage', and the next 5 coming episodes or so! lol enjoy and I hope this may assist you to relax :)
Published 05/01/19