What's Actually True For You?
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Having the 5 Elements of Intimacy, which are allowance, gratitude, vulnerability, trust and honor, with yourself and with others makes relationships so much easier.     On this show, the hosts speak more on two of the elements of intimacy, trust and honor, and how all of the elements intertwine and work together to create greater in relationships; rather than just ‘tick the box’ of having a relationship.   Once you go beyond how relationships ‘should’ look and how it ‘should’ be, it becomes so freeing; you get to explore it in a different way and discover what it could be.  You get to discover what works for you and what you could create together.     Listen to the hosts’ relationship examples to gain a greater awareness of how you can apply these elements within your own relationships.  If you have the 5 Elements of Intimacy, especially with yourself, you get to create anything at all.  Keys points from this episode’s conversation   What is trust? Go with what you know When you don’t trust others What is honor? The 5 Elements of Intimacy are all intertwined How do you trust and honor yourself? What Is Trust?  Most people think trust is having blind faith; that the person you trust has your back.  This may or may not be true, however, in Access Consciousness, the concept of trust is actually knowing that someone will do what they are going to do.  Expecting them to do otherwise is not kind or honoring and just causes stress for you.   When you make a lot of decisions about people rather than trusting they will do what they do, when it goes off track from your expectations, you feel like you've been let down.   Trust invites you to your awareness.  If you are willing to have your awareness, you can go into the relationship with eyes wide open and create something that actually works for you.  Then it's not about the boundaries and the “Will he/she/they? Won't he/she/they?”   Most people use trust to annihilate their awareness.  "I can trust this person." That is not trust but blind faith.  When you say that, you are limiting what you truly know about the person and what they will or will not choose.   Are you going into your relationships with blinkers on or blinkers off?  What are they actually going to choose and what works for you? Go With What You Know   How often do you listen to what you really know? Or do you just blindly go in anyway and hope it all works out okay?   Most people ignore their knowing rather than trust it.  For example, if you have been divorced, did you know the rel was not going to work out beforehand?  Trust you and what you know.   You are aware of what you are aware of, but oftentimes you don't trust it or you forsake it. Ask, “What do I know is actually going to occur in this relationship?"  When you are willing to acknowledge it, you can change it.  It empowers you to have a conversation with your partner, a conversation with yourself, your coworker or whatever, and start to make choices that will work for both of you and create greater for both of you. When You Don’t Trust Others   When you don't trust other people and are afraid they will do something to you, what is it that you don't trust about yourself? A lot of time we project our behaviors on to other people who might not actually ever do that.   Have a look at where you think you might do that behavior, or where you judge that behavior as wrong, or where you are not willing to be or do that behavior for yourself.   If we don't trust ourselves and don't trust that people are going to choose what they are going to choose, you go into all the trauma and drama and upset of relationship.  This is when you say things like, 'I can't believe you did that," and you get really mad at them, etc. If you truly get that people really do choose what they choose, you get to see that it's not against you or it’s not to prove a point; it's just who the
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