Check out this special edition where Adam chats with Breanna Blaney, VP, Director of Life, Invested at Dimensional Fund Advisors about the advice mindset and how purpose and principles fit into it all. This is a fun episode that Adam recorded in person with Breanna at the SHIFT conference while Derek was traveling in South Africa. In this episode, Adam navigates a riveting conversation on the intersection of financial advice, personal wellness, and human ingenuity. Learn how the principles of...
Published 07/10/24
Published 07/10/24
What does the future of financial education look like and how will it impact the growth of your business?  Let’s find out from the leaders in financial education as we chat with our friend George Nichols III, President and CEO of The American College of Financial Services. George helps us understand what they are seeing on a national level when it comes to shifting consumer expectations and how the College is evolving to meet these demands while also expanding their support to advisors to...
Published 05/20/24
What’s more important - Client Satisfaction or Client Engagement?  Can satisfaction be high with low engagement?  How can financial professionals help clients better engage in the financial planning process?  Join us as we unpack these questions and more with special guest Ashley Quamme, Fractional Financial Behavior Officer for firms and advisors, where we talk about the shift to human-first advice and what it means for advisors.  If you’re looking to grow then this is a topic you don’t...
Published 05/08/24
Are your and your clients estate planning documents in order? When was the last time you and your clients reviewed them? Upwards of 68% of Americans don’t have a will, yet we all are going to need one some day.  Whether you’re an advisor looking to expand your services and deepen your relationship with your clients, or you’re a consumer looking for a cutting-edge estate planning solution, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. Join us and serial entrepreneur and CEO and co-founder of...
Published 04/03/24
What is the convenience economy and why should advisors care?  Advisors used to focus on the client experience but that has changed recently as the consumer is more concerned about convenience over experience. People love convenience, where it’s what movie to watch on Netflix or ordering a coffee on your phone, people want and seek out convenience in all aspects of their life. So naturally people will look for a convenient experience when it comes to their money. Join us as we explore this...
Published 03/20/24
What is a REBL Dad? What are the struggles of being a dadpreneur? These are the questions that took an idea and turned it into an epic experience on Necker Island. Being a dad can be really challenging. Being an entrepreneur can also be really hard. Trying to balance being the best you can be at both is a whole different type of challenge.  In this episode we dive into what the REBL Dads community is, how it came to be, and the deep and meaningful experience shared by a group of dadpreneurs...
Published 02/28/24
Should financial advisors expect more from the vendors they partner with?  Advisors tend to be bombarded from vendors with all types of solutions, products, and so on, but are the vendors acting like a true partner to the advisor?  Join us as we explore this interesting topic with experienced industry veteran Brad Johnson to learn more about the difference between a vendor and partner and what advisors should be thinking about when it comes to who they end up working with. In this episode...
Published 01/25/24
What can advisors learn from the former CEO of TurboTax, PayPal, and Personal Capital? For over 25 years Bill Harris has been at the intersection of money, taxes, and digital technology. As a pioneer in financial technology Bill brings unique and extensive insights into how technology is changing our interactions with money and what advisors, and their clients, should be thinking about. Bill provides invaluable insight into how technology can revolutionize the financial advisory industry. A...
Published 12/18/23
What’s the best way to add alpha to your practice? Is it tech? Your brand? Some special sauce? Or is it as simple as improving your client engagement experience? Join us as we chat with Craig Martin, Executive Managing Director, Global Head of Wealth & Lending Intelligence for the J.D. Power wealth management division to gain some very valuable insights into what he and his team are learning from their research driven data. In this episode Craig, Adam and Derek chat about:Evolving...
Published 11/29/23
How digitally intimate are you with your potential and current clients?What kind of digital intimacy experience are you creating for them? Join us as we discuss this fun yet compelling topic with fellow advisor and fintech expert, Jason Pereira. We cover everything from how advisors should consider clients' preferences and needs to the importance of collaboration, the role of artificial intelligence, and adapting processes to meet evolving demands. Here we go! In this episode Jason, Adam and...
Published 11/08/23
The outsider that became an insider Sometimes the best way to see what’s broken and figure out how to fix it is to take an outside looking inside approach. That’s just what our guest did when we left a long career in marketing to become a financial advisor. Let’s face it, it’s easy to put blinders on as a financial advisor given how much we have to learn while at the same time building our business, so it can be years before coming up for air only to realize that maybe there are things we can...
Published 10/27/23
Who’s better equipped to serve clients; independent financial advisors or large established companies? With the recent sale of United Capital there’s been a lot of talk about what Goldman Sachs is focusing on. Turns out quite a bit including serving independent financial advisors. Join us as we chat with Goldman Sachs Managing Director and US Navy Captain Richard Lofgren to learn what they are doing to support advisors and what advisors should be thinking about to stay relevant and continue...
Published 09/27/23
Where is the smart money going? What is the world’s largest asset manager investing in? Is Empathy and investable asset class? With all the talk of companies investing in AI and a variety of asset classes we wanted to see what the biggest asset manager in the world is doing and what we can learn from them. Join us as we speak with Elizabeth Koehler, Managing Director at BlackRock and Head of Advisor Engagement, to learn about what she and her team are doing to support human advice. In this...
Published 09/13/23
Is tech actually helping societal well-being? With the recent release from Fidelity on how many 401k millionaires there are, and that the average account balance being just over 100k for over 45 million Americans and all the talk about AI in the wealth management space we were really keen to answer this question. Join us as we speak with industry and fintech veteran, Marc Butler, who was doing wealth tech before it even had a name, as we chat about the the use and importance of tech when...
Published 08/18/23
Are financial advisors unknowingly committing malpractice? How is our industry & profession changing? What can we learn from the medical field that will help us scale advice in a meaningful way? Join us as we chat with special guest Michael Lecours, a fellow advisor and co-founder of fpPathfinder to learn about what we're calling Financial Advice 3.0. In this episode we discuss: Bedside Manner and Malpractice, Doctors leaving the clamp in the body.  Leveraging Processes despite our egos...
Published 08/04/23
Is what you believe in actually true? Does your financial religion serve you and your clients? Is it better than all other religions? Join us as we dive into financial religion with special guest Josh Curtis who shares his experience of growing up in a cult and its many similarities to the financial services world. A thought provoking conversation sure to have you rethinking your own financial religion. In this episode Josh, Adam and Derek chat about: Financial cults and why do they...
Published 07/12/23
What’s the biggest challenge in wealth management today? Is it just one thing? Join Adam and Derek as they ask 10 different thought leaders what they think the biggest challenge is and what they’re doing to overcome them. From bringing in the next generation of advisors to financial literacy we dig into the brilliant insights of our guests in this fast paced conversation to mark the release of our 50th episode of Rethink! In this episode Adam and Derek speak with 10 thought leaders during the...
Published 06/28/23
Why is the financial services industry always slow to innovate? Bob in Idaho recently asked us via a community question “Why is it so hard for new innovation to break into enterprises?”.  Given our background as practicing financial advisors who became fintech CEOs we jumped at the chance to have a conversation about innovation in financial services to share our experience or should we say trials & tribulations when it comes to helping an old industry and profession innovate at a faster...
Published 06/14/23
Are financial advisors addressing their client’s financial vulnerabilities? In order for your clients to truly understand and make progress on their financial and life goals we have to help them break through any vulnerabilities they may have when it comes to their money. Join us as we speak with special guest Michael Liersch as we muse about how difficult it is to talk to clients about their money and how to connect it with great advice engagement and ultimately product placement. Michael,...
Published 05/31/23
Derek N.H. Notman, CFP® & H. Adam Holt, CFP®, ChFC® asked industry legend Mark Pfaff how & what Agency can do to thrive in the future. Mark Pfaff started as an agent at New York Life Insurance Company, worked really hard, and ultimately climbed the ranks to become Executive Vice President in charge of Agency. If there ever was someone who could give us an idea of where the industry has been, where it's going, and how to help both consumers and advisers thrive, Mark Pfaff is...
Published 05/24/23
How well do you communicate your higher calling as a financial advisor? Communication is an art form that starts when we seek to understand ourselves and those we are talking with. Join us as we chat with master communicator Chuck Garcia who spent many years on Wall Street as well as leading communications for global companies like Bloomberg. Chuck tells us how what happened on 9/11 changed his life and his journey as a mountaineer that helped him find understanding. Learn how to become a...
Published 05/03/23
We are on the cusp of major change. Is virtual reality, AI or Amazon part of your future business plans? Ian’s unique perspective is global in nature and arguably one of the most diverse given his extensive travels around the world to see what people are doing, (or not), in our industry. Join us as we chat with futurist Ian McKenna and discuss the future of financial advice delivery and what advisors need to think about to stay relevant today. Ian, Adam & Derek discuss: One of the hardest...
Published 04/19/23
Financial advisors rely on data to help their clients, but what happens when they ignore marketing data when it comes to growing their business? The advice & investment management industry & profession is at a pivotal point since they are fungible and hard for consumers to differentiate one advisor from another. There’s no longer an easy button for advisors to say they're a fiduciary, etc. to differentiate themselves. Join us as we discuss this and more with special guest and...
Published 04/05/23
Is financial wellness legit? Traditionally, there’s been lots of shame in going to speak with a financial advisor since most of us have had no formal financial education. But there are positive shifts happening towards behavioral finance that are helping people with their financial well-being. Join us as we chat with recovered financial advisor turned certified financial coach Catherine Morgan to learn more about how you can incorporate financial wellness into your business and that is should...
Published 03/22/23