We are very excited to bring you today’s podcast episode with dear Poppy Okotcha! Poppy is an ecological food grower and an all-round green-fingered goddess. After working in the city modelling and getting involved in urban gardening, Poppy decided to uproot her life and move to Devon in the UK to spend her days immersing herself in all things nature-based. Poppy shares with us her life story as well as her core philosophies around ecology and gardening that we can all strive to learn...
Published 06/01/23
Today we are so excited to bring with you a conversation about conscious eating for overall body and skin health, beauty from within, and purpose led business with Whitney Tingle, co-founder and co-CEO of Sakara, which brings organic, plant-rich, meals right to your front door. I have long been a fan of Sakara due to their huge efforts towards sustainable food production, education around nutrition, preventative approaches to healthcare, and all round commitment to the true well-being of...
Published 04/19/23
Los Angeles-based artist Lily Kwong is a renowned landscape artist who works at the intersection of horticulture, urban design, contemporary art, climate awareness, urban agriculture, and wellness, reconnecting people to nature through transformative landscape projects and site-specific botanical art installations. Kwong has been part of numerous public art initiatives since beginning her practice in 2017, including botanical installations at The Highline, New York; Faena Arts, Miami; Grand...
Published 03/23/23
Mara Hoffman founded her label in 2000 after graduating from Parsons School of Design in New York City. Fifteen years later, the brand committed itself to implementing sustainable and responsible practices while remaining committed to presenting colorful collections inspired by and in celebration of women. In an effort to foster mindful consumption habits, the brand maintains an open conversation about its approach and encourages consumers to reevaluate the relationship society has with...
Published 03/15/23
Today our guest is  the amazing Nathalie Kelley, Hollywood actress, regenerative and indigenous activist, and Kiss the Ground board member. I can’t wait to bring this conversation to you but first I want to say a heartfelt thank you to Red Mint for making today’s podcast possible. Nat was born in Peru and raised in Australia by her Indigenous mother and grandmother. After working with street children in São Paulo, Brazil and Aborginal inner-city youth in Redfern, Australia, she began her...
Published 03/08/23
Today we have a very special guest as we move into Valentine’s Day next week and sex is top of mind for many! Éva Goicochea is the founder of Maude ,the only modern intimacy company that is solely focused on sexual wellness for all people. Through a holistic approach to intimacy, maude creates body-safe and mood-setting essentials for before, during, and after sex. Since its launch in April 2018, maude has been featured in 1200+ publications including The New York Times, Vogue, and Vanity...
Published 02/09/23
Today we are so excited to be having a conversation about one of our favorite topics when it comes to tackling the climate crisis and other issues like biodiversity loss, soil health and even food justice - and that would be regenerative agriculture. Jesse Smith is the Director of Land Stewardship for White Buffalo Land Trust and has been working for the past decade to develop a resilient food economy in California’s Central Coastal region. He’s an agricultural producer with a background in...
Published 01/26/23
Today we are so pleased to be having a conversation on the ‘true cost’ of the jewelry industry, and the bringing together of creativity with a social and environmental mission with Anna Bario who is the co-founder of the ethical jewelry line, Bario Neal. Anna Bario and Page Neal started Bario Neal in 2008 with the shared idea that our most precious things come with a story. While Anna and Page were drawn to the imaginative possibilities of jewelry, they were disillusioned by industry...
Published 01/11/23
Javier is the founder and president of ECOALF, an ethical fashion brand that was born in 2009 with a vision to stop carelessly using natural resources. Javier’s mission was to create the first generation of recycled products with the same quality and design as the best non-recycled products on the market. Having spent a decade as a successful entrepreneur with his first brand, Javier gradually grew frustrated with the amount of waste he saw being produced by the fashion industry. He embarked...
Published 11/23/22
Edwina von Gal creates landscapes with a focus on simplicity and sustainability for private and public clients around the  world. She has Frank Ghery and Toshiko Mori, on projects for Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Richard Serra, Larry Gagosian,  Robert De Niro, and many others in the environmental, design and art  communities. In 2008, while designing the park for The Biomuseo Panama, Edwina founded the Azuero Earth  Project, promoting native species reforestation on Panama’s Azuero Peninsula,...
Published 11/09/22
Hello everyone, Cora here - welcome back to REV On Air, the Rêve En Vert podcast. A place for sustainable story telling with founders, activists, creatives and phenomenal individuals who are paving the way for a more conscious future for us all. Today I am so excited to have a joint conversation between two very different companies taking very different approaches to sustainability issues within fashion. But in working together, they have used a smaller business model and a more large scale...
Published 06/08/22
Today I am extremely excited to have on a woman who is pushing the boundaries of what sustainable fashion can look like, having left a career in finance behind to start a company she believed needed to be the future of fashion. That would be Vanessa Borboni Hallik of the ethical luxury brand, Another Tomorrow. We talk with Vanessa about her incredible journey starting Another Tomorrow in January 2018, while she was on a sabbatical from her former career in emerging markets finance. Taking...
Published 05/11/22
Today we are very excited to have on our first duo to the podcast - the Founders (and father and son) of the incredible British Sustainable furniture brand Maker&Son.  Father Alex Willcock and Son Felix Conran give us a touching and insightful look into their journey of coming together to found their brand and the process of integrating sustainability into every element of their business. We touch upon the risks of unsustainable furniture, the methods of sourcing sustainable materials,...
Published 04/13/22
Tata and Henry Harper founded Tata Harper Skincare on their 1,200 acre organic farm in the Champlain Valley of Vermont in 2010.  Both born in Baranquilla, Colombia, Tata and Henry met at Tata’s high school reunion. After stints in Miami and NYC they relocated to Vermont to raise their children and have a peaceful escape from the busy city life.  Shortly after the move, Tata’s stepfather was diagnosed with cancer. Tata and Henry worked together to help him change his lifestyle following his...
Published 04/07/22
Today Cora is talking to the woman who has arguably created the world’s most coveted sustainable skincare brand – that would be April Garguilo of Vintner’s Daughter. Inspired by her upbringing in California’s Napa Valley and being a third generation vintner—set out to bring those same standards of exceptional quality and craftsmanship to the world of skincare. April turned to old-world, weeks-long infusion practices to harness each ingredient’s vital energy and nutrition. The resulting,...
Published 03/02/22
Elizabeth Wathuti, Founder of Green Generation Initiative (GGI). Green Generation Initiative has been working on a range of solutions to address the challenges of; climate emergency, deforestation and biodiversity loss, eco –anxiety and ecological grief and society disconnected from nature. We first learned of Elizabeth when she gave one of the most poignant speeches I heard at COP 26 late last year. As she spoke of the suffering of her people and the animals who are already ravaged by the...
Published 02/23/22
Today we are thrilled to welcome one of the women who has most inspired us to embrace plant based eating as a way to heal the planet and embrace a healthier style of living, Anna Jones of We Are Food. We are REV have been huge fans of Anna's easy and beautiful vegetarian recipes, her gentle way of encouraging least wasteful and more sustainable ways of cooking, and her obvious joy in bringing the world of plant based eating to her ever growing community.  Anna Jones is a cook, writer, the...
Published 02/15/22
Today we are extremely happy to be bringing you a conversation about our food systems - the more we think about the environmental toll of mass agriculture that dominates how we mostly eat know the more passionate I am about support small scare, organic gardeners and we have a man on today who has devoted his life to growing sustainably and helping others to do so with him. Charles Dowding has been gardening for nearly 40 years and is a beloved expert in the field in Great Britain. His...
Published 11/24/21
Today we are so excited to have an incredibly inspiring voice with the sustainable fashion movement on with us in the form of author and activist Aja Barber. Aja’s work builds heavily on ideas behind privilege, wealth inequality, racism, feminism, colonialism and how to fix the fashion industry with all these things in mind. She highlights inequality at the individual, societal and corporate level, using her own experiences and key observations within her own personal touch points. She is...
Published 11/17/21
We are so excited to have an incredibly inspiring advocate of sustainable fashion and fair labour practices on today in the form of author Elizabeth Kline, a journalist, author of Overdressed and The Conscious Closet and an expert in apparel supply chains, labor rights, and sustainability in the fashion industry. She is also the Advocacy and Policy Director at Remake. She is a regular television and radio commentator, appearing on NBC Nightly News, PBS, NPR, among others. Her on-the-ground...
Published 10/20/21
Today, we are extremely excited to be speaking to our first sustainable furniture maker, the amazing Sebastian Cox. With Cora having just bought her first home, she has been thinking a lot about the impact of what we put in our homes - the unsustainable deforestation, carbon footprints and waste that comes from so much of the furniture we buy so today’s episode feel very close to her now. Sebastian is a furniture designer, craftsman and environmentalist working with British...
Published 10/06/21
This week kicks off climate week in New York City, and I couldn’t have asked for a better guest to speak to saving our climate than Leila Salazar-Lopez, Executive Director of Amazon Watch which is an Environmental Conservation Organisation supporting Indigenous peoples and Protecting the Amazon Rainforest. Prior to leading Amazon Watch as Executive Director, Leila served as Program Director, overseeing the organisation's campaigns to defend the Amazon and advance indigenous rights. Her 15+...
Published 09/22/21
Today on REV On Air we have on Sidney Etienne, the incredibly inspiring founder of Grown in Haiti - an organisation focused on reforesting Haiti and building community based solutions to food insecurity and environmental degradation. Grown in Haiti was founded in 2014 with the creation of a small nursery of diverse food bearing trees. Since then, they have planted and freely distributed well over 6,000 trees that people are not only already eating from, but also profiting from harvests. As...
Published 09/14/21
Today, Erin and Cora talk about how incredibly beneficial plants can be to our overall health, how to go about sourcing and using them sustainably, and also more nuanced approaches to holistic well-being. This is such a good conversation for anyone wanting to use nature as a source of healing.  Talking Points include: - The importance of rest to heal us. - Sustaining a healthy work/life balance. - The connection between food and fertility. - Benefits of plants and herbs in medicine and...
Published 09/08/21
Today we have an important conversation on how to save the planet through battling deforestation and unsustainable businesses who are putting profit over preservation. Glenn Hurowitz is the CEO of Mighty Earth, and has led environmental campaigns around the world for many years. He is a globally recognised leader on forests, agriculture, and climate change, and running strategic campaigns. Glenn has also worked extensively in politics. He is the author of the critically-acclaimed book Fear...
Published 08/31/21