Robin and Jonny reveal what REALLY powers the radio station… Robin shares his resolution to a problem… Robin and Jonny’s new membership cards at the Crowne Plaza in Qurum come with the catch… Robin doesn't notice a massive change about Jonny… Robin and Jonny interview Santa… Jonny quotes a famous philosopher… Jonny's tips to stop you from losing it… reason 10592 why Robin loves living in Oman… Jonny nearly forgets his own name… Robin proves he's a genius when Jonny tries a riddle on him… what...
Published 11/29/23
Robin and Jonny chat about their encounters with sharks… Calm Larry talks nonsence… cats have this many expressions… forget your step count and start doing this instead… how often do you think about a zombie apocalypse?… Jonny's getting to “that” age… 5 things to do before you go to the doctor… the guys call a new bank A.I. chatbot… Jonny proves he doesn't care about money… Robin puts Jonny under pressure… what you could do instead of having an afternoon nap… Jonny explains why there are so...
Published 11/22/23
Jonny went full Karen and spoke to the manager… another reason why Robin loves living in Oman… cover up that nasty new baby smell… Robin has changed Jonny, and Jonny doesn't like it… Jonny got round to playing a message he got in MARCH… would you buy a haunted house? Jonny found his next girlfriend… we've all been eating peas incorrectly our whole lives… Robin reveals the sexiest man alive… the airline selling tickets for as low as 500 baiza… how Jonny ruined a kid’s 5th birthday… Robin...
Published 11/15/23
Why did Jonny throw dirty tissues at Robin?… is your office haunted?... Robin really doesn't like doing this when out for dinner… Calm Larry was rudely called by Rachel Chew… Calm Larry is angry and won't be on the podcast this week (???) … the guy’s chat about something called ‘Lunulas’… Secret Government Alien Man comes to visit the guys… how often do you call your parents for advice?… Robin was recognized - sort of… Jonny's tip for insomniacs… how a girl got out of a bad date… our biggest...
Published 11/08/23
Jonny used the wrong pool at his hotel… what would Robin’s dating opening line be?… do you know what the phrase “out of pocket” means… a guy who had a cough for 40 years… the guy’s hilarious bit about reaction times… Jonny had a dream about Robin’s (MEGA) career… how old are fart jokes?… Jonny experienced terrible turbulence… Jonny reveals what smell is trademarked… where does sea salt actually come from?… Robin has beef with Hi FM’s Rachel Chew over a water flosser… a crazy fact about...
Published 11/01/23
why were Robin and Jonny sent stuff from another radio station?… Robin and Jonny have a chat about mugs… the guys argue about their expensive phones (men of the people!!)… Robin and Jonny reminisce about when they were in bands… the guy who did the world’s first bungee jump… how long are teenagers spending on social media?… Jonny met Robin's number 1 fans (yes more than 1!!)… the top unexpected moments of delight… Jonny is doomed with dating… Calm Larry’s friend went on the ‘Dolly Parton’...
Published 10/25/23
Jonny was ill… do you try and get back into a good dream? Robin and Jonny do… Robin and Jonny try to look sophisticated when chat art… the biggest collection of loot in the world has been stolen… the signs you're getting old…. Robin’s favourite new thing on Netflix… would you name your car? Robin’s wife does… the hospital that’s been accused of propping up dead patients… the guys chat about gullible pet owners… Robin has some good news for Jonny about his house cleanliness… you won't believe...
Published 10/11/23
what’s the number one body part gym rats want to get chiselled… the guys check in with the Mars Perseverance Rover… the worst jokes of 2023 (which are actually brilliant)… is using a Sat Nav (GPS) safe or dangerous… the price of a cabin on a Disney cruise… do you add things to your to-do list just for the heck of it?… you can now do a course in social media influencing… AI chat bots with personalities… the 10-year-old who drove 320 kms… Robin’s question to tell if you are classy or not… does...
Published 10/04/23
who Jonny looks like according to a girl on a dating app… why Robin should NOT drink more water… the one slang term that should be brought back… Robin has a warning for you… Jonny pays Robin a compliment… why you need to embrace your inner ‘nerd’… how Robin manipulates his wife (????)… the top video game franchises… Jonny downloads and plays Pokémon Go… Jonny doesn't want to talk about the ‘side work’ he did… how many pictures does Robin take of his dog?… Jonny's dating advice… Jonny doesn't...
Published 09/27/23
the guys discuss what’s new from Apple… Jonny surprises everyone who is pro-vegan… Jonny says “antidisestablishmentarianism”… Calm Larry did a presentation… Robin defends a Bridezilla… the guys deal with a complaint… cereal sales in decline worldwide… do you do it in the morning or evening… Jonny’s tips for being a better man… poor dental hygiene is bad if you want a girlfriend… Jonny confirms why Robin and his wife are perfect for each other… Jonny’s terrible game of What's in...
Published 09/20/23
what the Hi FM crew wanted to do while Jonny was on holiday… Robin and Jonny have intrusive self-destructive thoughts… what Jonny is known as to Robins’ friend… why did Rachel Chew bully Robin?… massive news for everyone - except Jonny… Jonny stank… what Jonny is going to change his name to… PlayStation have unveiled a new thinner model… Gatorades new product… Jonny wrote an amazing speech for a wedding he went to… Robin drops a secret about ALL dads… What did Robin embarrassingly...
Published 09/13/23
Is Jonny going to do the Barbenheimer movie thing?… the person who tried to break a crying world record… Robin and Jonny play the “Get To Know You” game… Robin and Jonny can't agree on some rules… Robin has issues with the Hi FM coffee machine… the top everyday stresses… the guys chat about closing the gender gap… the guys chat about things that feel illegal but actually aren’t… Robin explains what Ghostlighting is… Jonny writes an advert on AirBNB for Robin’s house… Jonny is...
Published 07/26/23
Jonny is annoyed his name comes second… what you need for the perfect road trip… a prank Robin played on Jonny a year ago comes back to haunt him… Juan is back!!?… regular listener calls and is still listening to the show even though he said he wouldn't… Robin says the ultimate swear word on the radio… should ketchup be kept in the fridge?… why the FBI is trying to recruit Taylor Swift fans… Jonny notices Robin is sad… the stuff we only pretend to like… you should take brain breaks…...
Published 07/19/23
how often do you lie?… what’s the number of shirt buttons you have undone?… the guys join Threads but there is a HUGE difference between what they post… what Robin and his wife argue about when they watch TV… Robin is depressed because this proves he is getting old… do you do the same thing Jonny does when you find a brilliant movie to watch?… will Robin puke when Jonny does this thing?... would you rather be the funny one in a relationship or be with someone funny?... the guys chat...
Published 07/12/23
why Robin shouted ‘Camel!!’ at a woman… Robin and Jonny try to remember the first thing they bought online… someone calls about the first thing they bought online… bad news if you or your partner enjoys true crime shows… Robin’s reason for sticking your head in the freezer… how to play 'I've Got Your Nose'… Robin and Jonny ramble incoherently about pineapple on pizza… Why Robin had his hand in the air… Robin’s brain breaks… what celebrities do you think could be serial killers… the...
Published 07/05/23
how quickly is time going for you?... Robin tells us how we can be luckier… Jonny tells a terrible joke… a listener actually found that joke Jonny told funny… Jonny wants Robin to teach him how to put his shoes on properly… Jonny remind Robin of his upcoming birthday… how to cool down your car when it overheats… Jonny doesn't think this is littering, but Robin does… “it's not a tumour”… how Jonny got revenge on a school bully… why Trump hiding classified documents in the toilet was...
Published 06/21/23
Why a stranger waited for Jonny in a lift… how a woman saved her husband from a tiger … red flags to look out for when starting a new job… what age would you leave your kids home alone for the weekend?… scientists have finally solved this mystery… do women prefer a message or a phone call?… a lady CALLS to comment on if she prefers calls or messages from men… the most common minor mishaps… how long did Jonny wait for a stranger?… lowercase or uppercase “LOL”?… the Hi FM staff member...
Published 06/14/23
why Robin was told off by his wife in public (again!)… children and exercise… do you post on social media before going to sleep at night?… proof that Jonny is mega rich… the least miserable countries in the world… what the Barbie movie has created a shortage of… how to get kids to do their chores according to modern Mayans… Jonny had a ‘standoff’ before the show… an update on Elon Musk’s brain implants… the guy who got a whole dam emptied… the guys phone Hi FM’s Rachel Chew to see...
Published 06/07/23
why Robin and Jonny would gladly cut off this body part… Jonny needs your help… some random phrases so you can practice your British accent… how many ladies lie in a relationship… Sir David Attenborough has a strong message for Hi FM and Robin… Robin's weird morning before his alarm… why Beyonce personally thanked a fan… Robin found some bathroom graffiti that was a bit too close to home… Robin has some questions for Jonny regarding his lost item… why Jonny won't be booking a stay at...
Published 05/31/23
The Mars Perseverance Rover is fed up with Robin & Jonny… Robin has the worst beef with Jonny than he's ever had… Jonny is horrible about a sweet old lady… why you should sleep at work… Calm Larry hung out with Adele… why we all owe Paris Hilton an apology… Robin is finally starting to like Jonny’s number one fan… Reginald is Jonny’s new house guest… are your nighttime routines normal?… why Jonny told a child to “shut up”… the best driving innovations of all time… a new A.I....
Published 05/24/23
Jonny is angry with printers… the perfect nap length according to Nasa?… an actual voice note THE Tom Cruise sent to Shakira… Robin was hilarious in real life… Robin has a cure for acne… Calm Larry is happy that Covid is over… you won't believe how old the world’s oldest dog is!… sad news for all camping lovers… the guys chat about sleep deprivation… the age you stop feeling young… this dog park banned whattttt?… the guys reckon all runners are liars… is the Metaverse dead?… the...
Published 05/17/23
the secret why scuba divers fall backwards when leaving the boat ... why car makers are getting rid of touchscreens... Jonny analyses dreams... Coronation jokes… Robin's wife blatantly fancies someone... Robin met a guy who listens to the show every AFTERNOON (???)... how students are gambling with their grades... Jonny recalls some pranks he played on Robin... can you guess the real rapper from the fake one... Jonny storms out of the studio... here's what is happening with Michael Jacksons...
Published 05/10/23
how to bring on a sneeze… Robin has beef with Jonny for telling lies... Jonny has questions about Robin's eye surgery... sad news about Buzzfeed News... exactly why you're a bad driver... the guys reminisce about the start of the Covid pandemic... doing this makes everyone feel better... some good luck messages from Robin's family... Robin gets teased with messages from his Hi FM colleagues... Robin loses his blue tick on Twitter... do you wish you were taller?... Jonny gives Robin dog...
Published 05/03/23
Jonny embarrassed himself at an Iftar for a major client… what Jonny did when a major client gave a speech… what would Jonny do if he had everyone in the world listening to him?… Robin’s list of items to be kept in the fridge or not?… do you hold the door open for people?… Jonny exposed himself!!!!… how much honey is fake… what Robin and Jonny would want if they had the “freedom of Muscat”… how long did Jonny’s social media detox last?… the exact moment in 2005 when Jonny decided he...
Published 04/18/23
wish you could go off grid for a while?… Robin questions his marriage… the guys moan about fancy restaurants… the new skill you should add to your CV… the shocking thing Jonny saw in Dubai… some big news about Uranus… the amazing trick that Robin played on a cold caller… Jonny’s game of “Paint or Ain’t”… how long does it take to make a first impression?… she wants to call their new son WHAT?!… how does Robin always remember things?... movies that should have trigger warnings… the...
Published 04/12/23