Your 5 Daily Pulse Checks To Do As A Runner
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Your new 🖐 pulse checks. Let's go! Not actually your pulse...đŸ©ș💓but rather five topics you should have your finger on the pulse of to stay healthy and aligned with yourself to be top notch and keep owning every run like a true queen! So go ahead & rate yourself on a 5 point scale for clarity on each of these to see where you are winning, and where you need to gift yourself more attention and love. I guarantee thinking like this will help you stay injury free, sane đŸ€Ș & on the path for long term success đŸ”„ 🙌 Five new daily pulse checks you should be doing as a runner! 1. Physical Check! Any existing injuries, how are they? What do they need before I do this workout/run? What is my clarity driven mantra to remember to healthily stay informed and cognizant of the feedback from this recovering injury? Anywhere that is extra sore today, doesn’t have to be a full blown injury or diagnosed, but may be tight or stiff, how’s your body doing? Left vs right is there imbalance in how you're physically feeling? The best time to assess is during your warm up...because we should all be warming up! Theres a great practice called body scanning, here is a guided YouTube of one!   2. Balanced Training?  Am I in alignment for wholesome training - is this week/day/exercise session. Run days, are they undulating/changing/morphing as your programming progresses?  Strength training, making sure workouts & exercises are activity specific, focusing on the muscles and energy systems you need to challenge right now! Mobility & stretch. Am I doing the stretches & mobility training MY body needs based on my own imbalances?  Am I working on form & running drills? When was the last time I tested myself & checked in on my improvements, with a race, or timed trial or a comprehensive fitness test? When was my last week deloading, where you have a reduction in training volume to allow for adaptions, recharge, and physical rest before starting a new phase or increasing training challenge!? 3. Emotional and energy check in - stress test. Is my cup full enough to do my basic required needs today? Do you have self care or rest days scheduled? Can I show up today, or this week with that training schedule/my fitness plans AND STILL SHOW UP for MYSELF, My family, my work and anything else of importance! Will this be filling my cup doing the training - endorphins and good eustress, or will it be the last drip leaving me without anything in the tank 4. Nutritional check in - is my body fuelled? Am I running fasted? Does my body like this? Am I hopped up on caffeine just to get the energy to do this run? What has my food profile looked like this past week, nutritionally dense? Am I eating for immunity? Am I doing this workout/run with the right intent, not punishing myself with exercise because of certain foods I ate. 5. Am I on track for my goal?...not blowing in the wind Are you going with what you “should” be doing or “want to be doing”? What is your goal right now are you clear on it? I would love to know your biggest take away from todays episode!  Message me on instagram @accelstrengthconditioning Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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