If you’ve been feeling shy to ask others to join up for running this episode will give you the insight and know how to successfully bridge the gap between runners of all levels for successful co-running! After listening you’ll have definitely learned something new on the benefits & important factors to consider when running with others through a creative lens!  Get uncomfortable with me as we peel back the layers and pin point why you maybe haven’t said YES or pursued that running buddy...
Published 03/07/23
Published 03/07/23
This is the most powerful & holistic way to look at recovery 🙌 Running, strength training and racing is all part of our life…but so is the rest of our day to day - family, work, relationships. We need to keep a pulse check on how we are balancing all the “stressors” of life to make sure we are taking care of our health. This is THE #1 DATA point that will give you quick feedback to check in on your individual physiological recovery/readiness levels. In this episode we talk about heart...
Published 02/28/23
Ahhhhh DOGS! We love them, and oh my can they the perfect running companions! 🥳 Listen to this quick and punchy podcast to know: What’s best practice for dogs on the run How to train your dog to run with you safely Cues to designing your run around your furry friend  Share this episode with your running friends who have dogs & send us a picture of your running buddy and you in action! Send us a direct message through instagram, I’d love to know the faces and runners behind our...
Published 02/20/23
As runners we need to make sure we’re taking care of our joints! Our sport is so repetitive & generally speaking, most of us aren’t doing personalized and specific resistance training, mobility and motor control challenges!  This episode will teach you  What the joint by joint approach is. What mobility & stability means regarding your joints. How you can break down and build up the foundations of your injury free running self! Share this episode with your running friend who you...
Published 02/13/23
Consider this a deep dive inside my coaching brain! 🥳 Learn the specific focuses & needs to make an impactful runners strength workout.  Understand the WHY behind exercise selection & cross over impact it will have into your running performance.  Know why certain choices will keep you injury free & know your physiology better after this episode!  ALSOOOO we will be debunk some beliefs/non-truths & thoughts that may have you questioning strength training for...
Published 02/06/23
For all my ladies who want to feel in control and prepared on their runs! I guarantee some of these small items you hadn't considered putting in your pocket or taking in your running belt before now! Some of them for me are non negotiable items and others I chop and change depending on the run and season. Links mentioned in this episode: Amazon water run belt I use lululemon running belts Hydrapak lightweight water bottle Please share this episode with your running friend who you know...
Published 04/21/22
In a perfect world, we would run a race or long runs with even splits. That means that each mile or km is exactly the same speed as the next. This episode will explain how a negative split can help our performance, how to practice it in training, & tools to implement and use it to our advantage & finish feeling strong on race day!  🙌 send me a direct message through instagram. I’d love to know the faces and runners behind our listeners. If you’re not already, follow us at...
Published 03/31/22
Okay did you ever learn to stretch. Yes, me too! Now think of that one stretch you’d do pre run…now listen to this episode and message me what kind of stretch you’ll do INSTEAD when you stretch before or after your next run session!  I’m here to take the big heebie jeebies out of the science behind this topic. Yes you’ll leave knowing some very scientific info & findings from reputable studies.  Stick with us and learn the 4 types of common stretching methods. Learn how and why to...
Published 03/23/22
At the end of this episode you'll have the... Magic number for SPM (steps per minute) Science behind cadence optimization know-how to assess your own cadence Training tools for cadence improvement BIG NEWS! It’s the 1st anniversary of the birth of this podcast and I’m blown away by all corners of the globe with our listeners & the support I’ve been getting! Thank you all for listening along. Because of you we’ve been chosen for the month by Apple Podcast in celebration of Women’s...
Published 03/15/22
This is for moms, parents, friends of anyone who has children ranging from baby to "time to pay your own rent" age 😉 Jammed with perspective, tips & practical implementable ways to move your body & continue to be a great parent! ALSO for you if you are another practitioner who helps parents prioritize their health so that collectively we can impact more parents in staying active & happy as they in turn influence a healthy happy active lifestyle to the ones they're raising who...
Published 03/07/22
Hope you enjoyed this hot beginner fitness & running tip! I want you to be successful & promise that recording this alongside your workouts will make a world of difference. Here's the Runners RPE scale I was mentioning for you to save, reference, or send to a friend who may find it helpful! https://www.instagram.com/p/CZSzcO5PAJM/ If you're not already following us on instagram come on over & say hi! @accelstrengthconditioning Learn more about your ad choices. Visit...
Published 02/07/22
3 steps to combat the oh-so common drop off in running & fitness New Years habits & momentum. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
Published 01/19/22
Girl you know there will be days you’ll have to run in the rain and unfortunately can avoid it or skip out. Maybe its even on a race day & you REALLY cant avoid those!  I live on Vancouver Island, by the mountains & coast here in Canada…basically rainforest region, and it rains 136 days a year. So basically 1/3 times I have a run planned it’ll be wet. It’s so much harder to run in the rain if you’re always under prepared/unequipped. I want to debunk a myth and give you some good...
Published 11/03/21
You're going to want to listen in ladies. I’m going to share with you: ✨2 MUST DO's to altering your treadmill at home/at the gym to make sure your running is just as effective as you transition inside 👍The big pros to running on a treadmill and the many pros of outdoor running you probably haven't considered yet! Maybe you have or haven't considered why you'd want to get on a treadmill yet... Post COVID returning to gym, you’re paying for your membership, includes treadmills, why...
Published 10/25/21
In this episode you’ll learn the basics of neurotransmitters and how to tap into and release 4 of the feel good hormones so you can be feeling all the benefits from your actions big and small! Endorphins Oxytocin Serotonin Dopamine Learn how to boost each of these and more specifically cater your running and training to do so! Let me know how you’re going to implement these this week and beyond. DM me on instagram, I’d love to see the faces behind the listeners on this podcast!...
Published 07/14/21
Meal replacements, counting macros, and thinking with the diet mindset is what we need to be moving away from especially as females who are active and influencing the next generation. In this episode we will be reframing how we as women need to start thinking about food as fuel vs diet culture and what to give our bodies and how to listen to them to prevent knocking our physiology off kilter. Let's dive in and learn about the Female Athlete Triad and what it means for us women at all ages....
Published 07/06/21
5 morning get up and go hacks you can implement today! P.s. everything you need to know about July’s Learn My Stride Series on this link. $120 discount off for you ladies! Here's your quick access to being one of the 18 women running & learning in the sun with me! https://www.accelstrengthconditioning.com/Learn%20My%20Stride%20Series In today’s episode I want to give you 5 implementable tips that will get you feeling good about getting up and transitioning smoothly into your morning run...
Published 06/14/21
Have you ever questioned if you “deserve” to call yourself a runner? ‍♀️ Oh my gosh, time to re-write and re-design our belief systems. Get out of “comparisonitis” and get confident in our position in our journey of running! I have been there too and have to catch myself as I spiral with constant self sabotaging judgmental thought patterns! Would the way you talk to yourself internally be the way you talk to your best friend? Probably not! So let’s be kinder to ourselves and break the BS...
Published 06/07/21
I believe knowledge should be shared, and that is why I'm here on this platform providing these useful tangible tools and morsels of information I can to get you ladies shooting forwards & achieving your running goals! 🎉 I made this episode and resource for you to keep you motivated through race seasons because covid has changed the map so much of how racing and staying excited to run and reach new heights looks.  Click here to get your FREE copy of Your Virtual Race Toolkit! All I ask is...
Published 04/15/21
Quick tips to inspire positive thoughts, draw up self affirmations, or a daily mantras to enable you to show up and be the best YOU every day, and unlock your potential to make good running decisions all week long! I’m about to show you one of the coolest ways to remind yourself to smile & treat your soul with kindness and grace, so bust out those sticky notes or grab that dry erase marker and follow along to todays quick episode. If thinking up and writing down your own is tricky I have...
Published 04/12/21
Your new 🖐 pulse checks. Let's go! Not actually your pulse...🩺💓but rather five topics you should have your finger on the pulse of to stay healthy and aligned with yourself to be top notch and keep owning every run like a true queen! So go ahead & rate yourself on a 5 point scale for clarity on each of these to see where you are winning, and where you need to gift yourself more attention and love. I guarantee thinking like this will help you stay injury free, sane 🤪 & on the path for...
Published 04/07/21
Neuro-associations 🧐🧠 What are they? Deep-rooted associations that our brains form between two things, e.g. Exercise and feeling energy. Our brain learns to take certain things, objects, thoughts, emotions, signs and activities and associate these with other thoughts, emotions, feelings and things. So why don't we look at the activities we avoid, identify why, and spice them up with a different approach to retrain our brain and reroute those inset neural connections to relearn that a certain...
Published 03/29/21
Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results - Bob Proctor I’ve made this episode just for you so we can find your accountability person or team, and multiple options to keep you on track to your healthiest & fastest running self. In this episode we will go over: The 4 places you can find your next accountability person  How you can fill that roll with the best candidate & set parameters for success  Planning pointers for your best accountability sessions ahead to see...
Published 03/25/21
Weekly on a Monday I will be posting even shorter, just 1 minute motivation snippets for you to listen, use & come back to anytime in the week when you need a cheerleader or a coach to tell you to get up & do what you know you need to do! Share this with all your running girlfriends who you want to motivate this week into action 🙌 She needs this, they all need you! 🏃🏽‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀🏃🏿‍♀️ Tag us @accelstrengthconditioning in your sweaty glistening selfies after this episode has helped...
Published 03/22/21