Lessons from 2023 and What’s Next in 2024
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The turn to the New Year is a great time to reflect back to lessons learned and look forward to what you hope to accomplish. In that vein, in today’s episode I’ll dive into… 2 important lessons I learned in 2023 My goals for 2024 Exciting updates coming from RC Some of my favorite episodes from 2023 runnersconnect.net/638 runnersconnect.net/642 runnersconnect.net/650 runnersconnect.net/651 Training for the marathon? Get training advice and prep tips from some of the best coaches and athletes we've interviewed over the last 11 years: https://linkmix.co/12431456 Speed, workouts, base training and more. Learn how to run your best 5k with this podcast playlist. https://linkmix.co/12448840 Training for your first ultra and want to learn from some of the best runners in the sport? https://linkmix.co/12448966 Getting your fueling right is a critical part of marathon success. Learn from some of the best nutritionist and coaches about how to plan your fueling on race day. https://linkmix.co/12449118 Weight loss is one of the most common nutrition goals we see with athletes we coach. This playlist contains nutritional and weight loss advice from some of the best coaches and nutritionists in the sport. https://linkmix.co/12449228 What if you could actually run your best past age 40? And get fitter and stronger? In this playlist we’ll go over the mental obstacles we face as masters runners, from perhaps not being able to reach our previous best times to wondering what’s our potential and overcoming the fear of injury. https://linkmix.co/12449557 Constantly suffering from injuries and can't seem to break the injury cycle? Here's some of the best advice we've accumulated over the years about how to stay healthy and stay on the roads and trails! https://linkmix.co/12449427   Enjoy these podcast playlists to keep you motivated as you kick off your New Year's training goals! Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNNERSCONNECT! This week’s show brought to you by: LMNT Winter Did you know that you’re likely to sweat as much, if not more, in the winter than in the summer? That’s because we often wear such warm clothes to start our runs, which leads to more sweating towards the end. Plus, the sweat gets absorbed by our clothes, so it’s harder to notice. Now, you already know that when you sweat, you lose electrolytes, which are essential for your body's best performance. But you've also been told that too much salt is bad for you, so it can get confusing to know what to do. The truth is that athletes, healthy eaters, and heavy sweaters all need more sodium and just about everyone needs more potassium in their diet and we don't need a bunch of sugar and artificial junk along the way.  Element is the hydration solution designed with athletes and everyone who sweats in mind. Element comes in lots of salty flavors that even the saltiest sweaters will love, such as citrus, raspberry, and orange.  It even comes unflavored for those who prefer the clean, salty taste. That’s why we recommend all runners check out Element this winter. It's loaded with everything you need to replenish your electrolyte balance with 1000mg of sodium, 200mg of potassium, and 60mg of magnesium, and doesn't include anything you don't need like extra sugar or anything artificial. Even better, they are currently running a special deal where you can get a free LMNT Sample Pack with any order. So, order your favorite flavor and get a free sample pack to try out new flavors or share with your running friends. To claim this exclusive deal you must go to drinkLMNT.com/runnersconnect.  Lagoon Lagoon specializes in making pillows designed specifically for runners and athlet
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