The path to uncovering the eternal truth of a love beyond measure, that lays at the heart of us is not straightforward, for we are told narrow is the gate. It requires the courage to confront our fears, the compassion to heal our wounds, and the perseverance to navigate life’s complexities. Yet, each step toward inner peace and boundless love brings us closer to realizing our true nature and fulfilling our highest possible potential, dissolved in the light. The path to what is truly...
Published 08/16/24
While love is undeniably the creative force of the universe, it is woven together with other elements: transformation, consciousness, interconnection, balance and mystery. Together, they form the vast, intricate tapestry of existence, where love is both the thread and the design. All things are interconnected in that seamless web of existence. This oneness points to a universal harmony, where every particle, wave, and being is an expression of a single, unified reality. Nigel Lott...
Published 08/16/24
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Published 08/13/24
The whole of planet Earth is a sacred site. All people are the chosen people, and the purpose of our lives is a spiritual one. May we care for each other, and for the Earth, for everything relates to everything else. Feeling this oneness, may we radiate the light of love and kindness that all may live in unity and peace." ~ Radha Sahar. Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at teaandzen.substack.com/subscribe
Published 08/13/24
May the light of a thousand candles guide your path. May their warm, gentle glow illuminate your way, bringing comfort and clarity through the darkest of times. Let their radiant presence remind you that you are surrounded by love, hope, and support, and may they lead you safely and peacefully to the place you call home. Nigel Lott teaandzen.org Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at teaandzen.substack.com/subscribe
Published 08/09/24
Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at teaandzen.substack.com/subscribe
Published 08/08/24
The Summer Day Who made the world? Who made the swan, and the black bear? Who made the grasshopper? This grasshopper, I mean the one who has flung herself out of the grass, the one who is eating sugar out of my hand, who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes. Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face. Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away. I don’t know exactly what a prayer is. I do...
Published 08/06/24
COURAGE ~ FAITH ~ HUMILITY ~ COMPASSION ~ INTEGRITY ~ HONOR LOVE Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at teaandzen.substack.com/subscribe
Published 08/05/24
Forgiveness is often misunderstood as an obligation to excuse or condone the actions of others, but it is so much more profound and transformative than that. At its core, forgiveness is about opening your heart again—not necessarily to the actions of others, but to the individuals themselves. This distinction is crucial for true healing and personal peace. When we talk about forgiveness, it's important to understand that we are not required to forgive the act of wrongdoing. The nature of the...
Published 07/30/24
"Forgiveness is the cash you need. All other kinds of silver really buy just strange things. Everything has its music. Everything has the genes of God inside. But learn from those courageous addicted lovers of glands and gold -Look, they cannot jump high or chuckle long when they are whirling. And the moon and the stars became sad when their tender light is used for night wars. Forgiveness is part of the treasure you need to craft your falcon wingsAnd return to your true realm, our true realm...
Published 07/30/24
Alice Anacheka-Naseman Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at teaandzen.substack.com/subscribe
Published 07/27/24
In remembering the infinite possibilities that are born of knowing that all love surrounds you, lives within you and that all life including yours is so very, very precious ....there is not a moment to lose. So love now all that you can, surrender to its power, to the heart of it, know that in the beginning, as in the end it is... "all that is or ever was or ever will be." Nigel Lott teaandzen.org Sit, meditate, surrender to LOVE….breathe. Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans...
Published 07/24/24
In a world where questions abound about the nature of existence and the essence of truth, many seek clarity on what is real and what is not. People often ponder the truth of this or that, hoping to uncover the deeper meaning behind life’s complexities. At the heart of this exploration lies a profound understanding: Love is the ultimate truth, only Love. If you believe that your God or higher power embodies love and seeks to manifest kindness and compassion, then let that belief guide your...
Published 07/18/24
To achieve true freedom, to harmonize our will with that of the Universe and its creative essence, there inevitably comes a pivotal moment in every life. It demands great courage—regardless of the consequences—where we must align with the truth residing solely within the spiritual heart and its innate Love and Wisdom. It calls us to take a firm stand with feet grounded firmly on Mother Earth, may you find your way there, may you find your way home! Every thought, word, and action must then be...
Published 07/14/24
Sit with yourself for a moment or two in a quiet space, and remember Love. Circumstances would have it at times, that Love appears to have been forgotten in our grief. In those moments know that it has not forgotten you, its truth forever your guide and friend. It waits patiently for your return, and yes it really is only a blink of an eye away. Nigel Lott Music ‘Somewhere in Between’ by Epidemic Sound.“ Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at...
Published 07/10/24
The patterns, dynamics, and laws that govern our lives weave between our thinking minds and the wisdom of our hearts. These principles apply both individually and collectively within humanity. Recognizing that every individual consciousness contributes significantly to the energy of our world and the universe, influencing the balance between light and darkness, is crucial. We hold responsibility for the presence of light or darkness in any given moment. Thus, it becomes our personal...
Published 07/08/24
You come to us from another world, from beyond the stars and void of space, transcendent, pure, of unimaginable beauty, bringing with you the essence of love. You transform all who are touched by you. Mundane concerns, troubles and sorrows dissolve in your presence, bringing joy to ruler and ruled, to peasant and king. You bewilder us with your grace. All evils transform into goodness. You are the master alchemist. You light the fire of love in earth and sky, in heart and soul of every...
Published 07/08/24
I am musing on this July 4th about celebration, celebrating Independence, Independence Day. And how that translates to me is a deep desire a prayer if you like that all life, all sentient beings become free, become independent of their suffering. For we are One Love. And our resistance to that is all the suffering that any of us go through, in any particular lifetime, or put it another way we find that when we surrender to that one love within and without all suffering ceases. For this...
Published 07/04/24
"When you truly realize that you have everything you need, and always have-deep within, then you will want for nothing more." Nigel Lott There is a hunger in every human heart, which nothing can satisfy or appease— a hunger for something more true than ordinary human beings wit of, a hunger for the real, a hunger for the sublime. It is the nostalgia of the soul, of the spirit-soul of man. The source of this longing is the home-sickness brought about by the soul-memory of our spiritual abode,...
Published 07/03/24
Open your heart, embrace the truth resonating within, and journey ever deeper into the limitless expanse of love's infinite possibilities. In this journey, may we discover ourselves, each other, (to the point were we realize there is no other only ONE of us) and the boundless grace flowing through every breath. Through love, we uncover the eternal truth of our interconnectedness, weaving the tapestry of life with threads of love, compassion, and understanding. Let us embrace this truth and...
Published 07/02/24
The vagus nerve provides a pathway to inner peace and well-being. By tapping into the calming effects of breathing, we activate this remarkable neural pathway and nurture a deeper sense of calm, clarity, and connection in our lives. In every breath—inhale and exhale alike—lies an opportunity for each of us to reconnect with ourselves, find peace amid chaos, and embrace the richness of our human experience. Take a moment to pause, breathe deeply, and rediscover the profound wisdom that resides...
Published 06/28/24
Despite our having individual identities or forms, we are all part of a larger whole, much like how a river flows into the ocean, merging and becoming one with it, any perceived separation is but illusion. That despite apparent separateness or duality in individuals or relationships, there is ultimately a singular essence or energy that connects and unifies them …..in this case, LOVE being that unifying force. Nigel Lott teaandzen.org When you listen to the words of this poem, listen with all...
Published 06/28/24
To recognize the omnipresence of Love opens up infinite possibilities, every moment becomes precious, each breath a testament to the divine presence surrounding us. Love, a universal force, transcends all boundaries and has the power to transform suffering into liberation. Embrace also the boundless love within; let it guide you to self-realization and illumination. Surrender to its power, knowing it encompasses all that ever was or will be. Music ‘Lay Down With Me’ By Hannah Lindgren Get...
Published 06/26/24
Whistling Swans Do you bow your head when you pray or do you lookup into that blue space?Take your choice, prayers fly from all directions.And don’t worry about what language you use,God no doubt understands them all.Even when the swans are flying north and makingsuch a ruckus of noise, God is surely listeningand understanding.Rumi said,  There is no proof of the soul.But isn’t the return of spring and how itsprings up in our hearts a pretty good hint?Yes, I know, God’s silence never breaks,...
Published 06/25/24
During moments when truth seems overwhelming and our desires clash with reality, our human inclination to impose judgments and preferences arises naturally. Love, however….the essence of the Great Way of Things….remains impartial, free from bias. It allows the absolute reality of truth to surface, ensuring that it is revealed in its entirety, now and forevermore…….that all destiny might prevail. Nigel Lott teaandzen.org Get full access to Tea and Zen - Meditation Sans Frontieres at...
Published 06/22/24