If I could rub a genies lamp and wish to know two things before I started my healing journey – these would be it. These two things would have saved me a mountain of poopiness from feeling drained, irritable + meh, and saved me from the utter heartbreak that came from burning out. Because they would have: Saved me from feeling this way in the first place Helped me feel healthier, more energetic, calmer, clearer and happier a heck of a lost faster Now, I put them into practice every time I...
Published 03/28/24
Published 03/28/24
Fed up of fighting the sniffles, battling a sore throat, feeling run down, and throwing vitamin C and cold and flu tablets back like they're lollies? Then, oh boy, are you going to love this episode. The time has come where you can finally stop falling sick every winter (or all the time). And even more amazing, is the answer is super simple: boost your immunity. Cold and flu tablets are great to reduce your symptoms, but they're not going to stop you from getting sick the next time a bug...
Published 08/21/23
A few things have changed around here, the most obvious being the new brand spanking name for the poddy: Healthyish + Happy podcast. But one other - maybe not so obvious change - is me. In todays episode, to mark the start of a new era, I want to share with you the truth of what happened these past 18 months. Because, in 2022, I got sucked into a very bad yet common invisible spiral which eventually left me feeling flat, lost, confused and off...with a sprinkle of being scared as fudge. (A...
Published 08/04/23
Are you feeling anxious and you don't know why? Do you feel numb/meh/bleh and not like yourself and can't be bothered with anything lately?   Have you been feeling so sluggish that you're struggling to wake in the morning and could easily nap in the day? You might think your stress hormone cortisol is super high, but I bet my bottom dollar it's actually too low.   Low cortisol issues are massively overlooked because we generally assume cortisol is high ALL THE TIME. But if...
Published 10/20/22
Have you been feeling so sluggish that you're struggling to wake in the morning and could easily nap in the day?   Are you struggling to focus and feel like it takes mental effort just to think of a word? Have you noticed you're feeling more anxious, your moods dropped, your hair might be falling out more than usual or you're gaining weight? Then you might have a thyroid hormone issue. Your thyroid hormones are the master controllers of your metabolism, oomph and go. They fuel your...
Published 10/11/22
Your true Vitamin B12 test results. Ever felt tired, brain foggy, anxious, spiralling throughts - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"... But you sure as heck don't feel fine. So what the eff is going on? Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on. Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I...
Published 10/05/22
Your true iron test results. Ever felt tired, on edge, icky, brain foggy - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"... But you sure as heck don't feel fine. So what the eff is going on? Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on. Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I promise you you'll find the...
Published 09/29/22
The true vitamin D test results. Ever felt tired, on edge, icky, brain foggy - so you go to get blood tests done to figure out what's going on. Only to be told "You're bloods are fine. You're fine"... But you sure as heck don't feel fine. So what the eff is going on? Firstly, if you don't feel fine, then something is going on. Secondly, at first glance your blood tests may not tell you why, but if we look closer and find the golden nuggets in your results, then I promise you you'll find...
Published 09/22/22
Struggling to get through your to-do list and clearly see exactly what you need to do without drowning in overwhelm? Nicola was. But not anymore! Nicola's story is one I'd bet my bottom dollar you totally relate to. A business owner who was drowning in everything she had to do, found simple & easy tasks too hard, didn't feel happiness or excitement for the future of her biz, and riddled with health issues with her energy, gut and skin. But not only was her business and clients being...
Published 09/15/22
Do you ever wonder how on earth you can work/run a business without feeling overwhelmed, scattered or highly strung? Then this episode is a bucket of rainbow goodness for you! There's a simple 3 step healing formula I used on myself and now with countless clients that will take you from feeling stressed, highly strung, drained & brain foggy to calm, clear, energised & happy AF - long term. And it's simpler than you think. In today's episode we dive into each step of the healing...
Published 09/07/22
Feeling tired for days, weeks or (heaven forbid) years in a row? A health issue is to blame. And if may not be something super obvious like a lack of sleep or low iron...it could be so many other things like... Sleep apnoea Vitamin D or vitamin B12 deficiency Blood sugar rollercoasters Mitochondrial dysfunction Sluggish thyroid or thyroid antibodies Low cortisol And/or latent viruses Tiredness is your body trying to tell us something is wrong, so let's figure out what it is so you can get...
Published 08/29/22
No time to cook? Living off toasties, convenience meals and snacks? Or simply skipping meals because there’s nothing in the fridge? When you feel short on time, making healthy and nourishing meals are usually the first thing to go. But your bodies fuel…what it needs to create energy, form hormones, heal your gut and make you feel calm…all come from the food you eat. Without enough protein, carbs, fats, vitamins and minerals – your amazing body will slow down, feel sluggish and ick. But...
Published 08/16/22
Just because you don't *feel* stressed, doesn't mean your body isn't battling high stress hormones which are impacting your gut, skin, immunity, happiness and energy. Feeling overwhelmed, scattered or highly strung are just the mental symptoms of stress. You may no longer *feel* them because your mind has learnt to adapt and cope with this way of thinking (hello perfectionists and overachievers)...but it doesn't mean the stress hormones turn off. Those stress hormones are still raging at an...
Published 08/09/22
Are you currently waking up and your mind's instantly churning with all the things you need to do? Maybe you're feeling scatter-brained and overwhelmed trying to juggle it all? If you're thinking "Holy smokes, THAT'S ME!", then the routine in todays episode is for you. This routine is super simple, but an absolute gamechanger which has helped myself and countless clients switch off after work, be present with loved ones without work thoughts creeping in, get phenomenal sleep and quieten...
Published 08/02/22
Are you feeling easily frustrated for no reason at all? Maybe snapping at the drop of a hat? Or reacting to things that normally wouldn't bother you? The good news is, this isn't the real you. The even better news? We can do something about it to make it stop. The way you're feeling is because your hormones are out of balance. There are 4 key hormones and neurotransmitters that make you feel super irritable when they're out of balance. Ands in today's episode, we're going to explore each...
Published 07/26/22
Ready to swap your feelings of being burnt out, exhausted, brain foggy and overwhelmed for energy, clarity and calm? Then this episode is for you! Tune in as we go through Siobhans story and how to went through that exact journey in the Frazzled to Freakin' Free program and has now created a life that she loves, where she feels calm and is excited to start the week and her work day.   Frzzled to Freakin' Free (your 8 week journey to calm): CLICK HERE
Published 05/18/22
Are you aware of all the daily habits you do that fuels your overwhelm? Habits you're not even aware have any impact on your overwhelm...? You know your big to-do list makes you feel overwhelmed. This is because that to-do list spikes certain stress hormones which influence your body and mind to feel overwhelmed. But a big to-do list is not the only thing that releases these stress hormones... There are other things that you are doing on a daily basis that you've likely dismissed as...
Published 05/09/22
Are you drowning in everything you need to do? There are 5 easy steps you need to do to create a year of calm. After these 5 steps, your daily and weekly to-do list will feel manageable, super easy, you'll be ahead of your to-do's and leave you with an abundance of time to have a life too. FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS: Which hormone imbalance is fuelling your overwhelm? >> click here
Published 05/02/22
If this sounds like you: Don’t have enough time Doing things because you feel you *should* be doing it Overdelivering in your business but resenting clients afterwards Drained spending time with people Then your mindset, aka how you consciously and subconsciously perceive what’s happening in your life, is contributing to your overwhelm. In the latest episode, I chinwag with the unicorn of a human Breanna from @missmindset_ about all things mindset and overwhelm. What mindset is & how...
Published 04/20/22
When you don't know what to focus on, your mind is all over the place, and all you want is clarity & mental peace....then this is the technique for you. When your mind is in a million places at once, it will feel chaotic, full & overwhelming AF because your brains mental and hormonal capacity is maxed out. The key to having a clear mind is to get clarity - and i's simpler than it seems. This episode shows you exactly how to get clarity with one of my all time favourite &...
Published 04/04/22
Your hormones and neurotransmitters influence how your body feels and how you think. When they're out of balance - you won't feel right. But how do you know which ones are out of balance? They create different symptoms when they're out of balance. Eg. fatigue, low motivation, low libido, muscle tension, anxiousness... When you know what is out of balance, you can use effective strategies to quickly get them back into balance...
Published 03/29/22
Your daily habits are the most important aspect to get down pat if you want to feel calm and clear headed everyday. If you're automatically doing something everyday that spikes your stress hormones = you'll feel overwhelmed. If you're doing habits that reduce your stress hormones = you'll feel calm. Today's episode goes through my top 3 daily habits that set you up for a calm and clear mind - everyday.
Published 03/20/22
Do you start the new year renewed, but come March you're feeling overwhelmed and like you're back at square one? You're not alone. January gives you the opportunity to recharge, but if nothing has changed in your life or routine, then your stress hormones will start to creep up in February and you'll be smack bang back into overwhelm & stress-ville come March. Today's episode dives into the RIGHT way to start 2022 so you can avoid feeling overwhelmed all year long.
Published 03/14/22
Do you have the physical energy to do everything you need? The mental capacity to do basic tasks? But the idea of interacting with another human being makes your heart cry? That, my friend, is emotional burnout. It causes overwhelm, flat moods, apathy, feeling drained and snappiness. In this episode we dive into emotional burnout, and my fav tip to successfully avoid it.
Published 03/09/22