Welcome to the fourth episode of Impressions—The Art of Relating. Recorded during a transformative retreat in Australia in 2018, this episode explores the deep and essential question: Is it possible to love others without first loving ourselves? Drawing from the Sattva Connect course, we journey into the dynamics of love, perception, and the ego's role in distorting our understanding of self-worth.This episode delves into how self-hatred, resentment, and feelings of inadequacy are born from...
Published 10/02/24
In this episode of Impressions, we delve into the profound teachings of the Chandogya Upanishad and explore the ancient wisdom behind "Yatha Pinde Tatha Brahmande"—as within, so without. We examine the fundamental ground that gives rise to all material reality, revealing how matter emerges from the immaterial, and how consciousness, in its purest form, shapes the fabric of existence.Join us as we explore the subtler dimensions of being, beyond time and space, where the material and...
Published 09/10/24
Welcome to the second episode of the series Impressions , this podcast is inspired by the transformative teachings of the course The Alchemy of Life. In this episode, we embark on a profound exploration of the self and the fundamental nature of reality. We delve into the concepts of transformation, karma, and dharma, and how aligning with consciousness can lead to a deeper understanding of existence. Discover the duality of perception—both relative and subjective—and how external awareness of...
Published 08/23/24
In this new series each episode takes a glimpse into a jewel of wisdom that is offered during retreats. This opportunity here now offers us a connection to the specific knowledge that expands during these intensive offerings. We invite you to pause and journey with these moments from each retreat. In this first episode we visit the opening talk of Enlivening the Spirit Retreat from 2021.This talk is timeless, where Anand Ji explores the understanding of the atman and its ultimate purpose....
Published 07/23/24
Concluding our Gita Insights series, Anand invites us to recognise our Arjuna nature as we contemplate the phenomenal teachings of Krishna. Our inner longing is for unity, a wholeness that is expressed in the word Yoga. If our intention is to access that state of unity, then it is natural that the approach has to be also unified. For growth to be genuine, there has to be growth in a holistic manner. Then we will come to the state, the practice and the experience of unity, of Yoga. Be a Yogi,...
Published 06/20/24
Continuing with Gita Insights, Krishna is advising Arjuna is to live a life where there is no failure, but rather just opportunities and possibilities. This is a brilliant insight to help us navigate the journey in this samsara, in this world, with great elegance. Do not be attached to inaction. Act you must. But let your action be an act of service and know that when your action is of the highest order, the field will respond in kind and in quality. So serve with this deep sense of knowing...
Published 05/28/24
In this episode of the Gita Insights, Anand Ji explores another rich pearl of wisdom from the Bhagavad Gita. We say we only honour worthy inquiry; we should only teach or share insights when asked. In the Gita we have Arjuna declaring to Krishna, “I am your shishya.” A shishya is a student with a very deep inner commitment. This is the highest kind of a student.  All that we value and all that we really seek in life is found at a greater depth of being. In the Gita, this wisdom is shared by...
Published 03/19/24
In this first episode of the Gita Insights series, Anand reminds us that we are listeners and students of the wisdom that Krishna shares in the Bhagavad Gita. The same wisdom is being offered to those who are listening and yet it has different effects on them, because every listener listens from his or her own consciousness state. Arjuna fully awakens and gets enlivened, while Dhritarashtra is left with deep disillusionment. Within each and every one of us, there is Arjuna, the spiritual...
Published 03/05/24
Take a journey into your own inner dimension to peace. Become the seer of your own consciousness with Anand Ji in this guided meditation. This episode continues with the Contemplation Meditation Sessions. Allow yourself to let go and dissolve into the ocean of peace, as we remind ourselves that all dissolves and only the seer remains, for here lies freedom and the ability to choose our own reality.For more meditative wisdom, knowledge and integrative teachings visit : www.sattvaconnect.com...
Published 01/11/24
Join Anand Ji in this transformative meditation of expansion for the self. Go within and realise the choice of who you are is your’s as the creator of your own reality. Let go of the fixed narrative that is the ego and open yourself to the supreme possibility that all possibilites exist within the Self. Ignorance and misunderstanding of reality keep us separate from the creative, fluid state that is the infinite possibility within this cosmic play. This meditation takes us to the silence...
Published 12/28/23
This episode continues our current series of Contemplative Meditation Sessions. In this meditation taken from a Sattva Connect livestream, Anand Ji invites us to pause and surrender into the experience of the Luminous Self, to stay innocent with our thinking, allowing all thoughts to pass. He guides us into complete clarity, building a luminous aura within and without. Allow yourself to totally surrender into the here and experience the Luminous Self.For more meditations, wisdom, knowledge...
Published 12/14/23
This episode launches our new series, Contemplation Meditation Sessions. We begin with a livestream aired on Sattva Connect 26th of November 2023.On the surface of life, there is seeming separation, boundaries, but when you go deeper you realise the underlying unity that is our reality. And when you perceive this unity, you experience immense kindness and compassion; you begin to treat the other as yourself. Then our world becomes a much more loving place. Here is only limited by the...
Published 11/30/23
Moving on with The Inquiry Sessions, this episode sees Bajrang, Sattva Master Teacher, Jyoti and founder of Sattva California, joining the sessions to pose the question on one of the fundamental aspects of living in community. How do we cultivate it? The discussion opens up with the knowledge that community is a concept and moves into the realisation of the individual as the whole. This brings awareness to the self and to one’s projection and personal responsibility within all...
Published 11/16/23
In this episode we continue with the Part 2 of the discussion on addiction and recovery with Tommy Rosen, Founder of Recovery 2.0 and the podcast “In The Circle.” In The first part brings up the discussion on power, empowerment and its role in addiction, how the Yog-Vedantic knowledge has keys to open our connection to authentic power by accessing a higher source within and without. Building on that concept, the knowledge flows to greater understanding of developing a relationship with the...
Published 11/02/23
In this episode, Tommy Rosen of Recovery 2.0 and the “In The Circle”podcast joins Anand to discuss the poignant topic of addiction and recovery through the Yog-Vedantic approach. Here in part 1, Tommy’s questioning begins with the origins and structure of modern-day recovery and the current lens in which it operates. Their discussion then moves to the structure of leadership, learning to bring evolution from the Vedantic perspective, and gaining access to the field of knowledge.We learn about...
Published 10/19/23
Join us as we continue with The Inquiry Sessions. In this episode, Sattva Master Teacher Simon Keenan converses with Anand, exploring the art of sacred pilgrimage. Simon has lived on the famous pilgrimage path, the Camino de Santiago, serving for 10 years. There he has accompanied and shared the Sattva teachings with pilgrims on their journeys. Anand brings light to the aspect of synchronicity which is often amplified and more commonly experienced on sacred pilgrimage. Whilst in the context...
Published 10/05/23
Welcome to the first in this series of interviews with Sattva Master Teachers. Over these next episodes, Anand Ji is joined by Sattva Master Teachers in their inquiry to expand the field of knowledge in their respective fields of interest. Taking us into new depths of understanding for an integrated approach to evolution while exploring the Yog-Vedantic Tradition.In this episode, Sattva Master Teacher Geoff Rupp from Find Your Calm joins Anand Ji to find greater understanding and the...
Published 09/21/23
Description: We journey through this 4th and final Mahavakya in this series. Anand takes us into this declaration of wisdom moving from the 3rd as the experience of Aham Brahmasmi to the practice of living this teaching of here and now as “I am Brahman”.We are invited to practice in this Mahavakya, to see the unity in all directions, finding that in truth, that divine is within and without. From living this practice comes freedom from fear and the other. Life is embraced as play and an...
Published 09/07/23
Moving forward with the 3rd instalment of the Mahavakya series, this episode embraces the experiential expression of Aham Brahmasmi. Anand takes us on a deep journey to understand this key expression of the Mahavakyas. He expands on the evolution of self from a concept to a visceral experience that resonates in unity from within.The student gains the dynamic realisation of this jewel of knowledge and attunes to the localized self through the integrative approach. Experience greater...
Published 08/24/23
In this episode continuing the 4-part mini-series of the Mahavakyas, Anand explores the jewel that comes from the Chandogya Upanishad, Tat Tvam Asi - Thou art that. This piece of wisdom dives into the fundamental questions we ask ourselves, who am I and why. In our search for self-realisation, this simple but potent declaration leads the seeker into the experience of discovering the very greatness of being and the truth of our essential nature.To dive deeper into the Chandogya Upanishad...
Published 08/10/23
In this new 4-part mini-series, Anand takes us into the contemplative medicine that is the four Mahavakyas. These great declarations coming from the Upanishads are as relevant today as they were hundreds of years ago. In each episode he will explore each Mahavakya in greater depth, bringing profound insight into the nature of Self and reality, enlivening our consciousness with ancient wisdom from the Yog-Vedantic Tradition. This first episode opens the door to Prajnanam Brahma, the first...
Published 07/27/23
In this Episode we journey back to Sattva Summit 2019, to experience the ever-present moment. Often we find ourselves wondering what is the future, but are in confusion as we are asked to be present in the now. Here in this satsang Anand explores and expands, bringing a true understanding to the here and now, encouraging us to expand our awareness of the present moment, bringing growth to our understanding of what it is to be truly here.For more wisdom, knowledge and integrative teachings...
Published 06/29/23
This Episode taken from a Sattva Connect live stream, Anand takes us into deeper understanding for cultivating a better mind. When the mind is being informed by Atman (the soul), the quality of the mind is that of pristine clarity, peacefulness, connected to source intelligence. Otherwise, you’ll experience a distracted mind, dominated by negative emotions, filled with craving and aversion, fear and desire (Ahamkara or Ego). So, don’t let your mind become an architect of misery. Plant the...
Published 05/25/23
"What you experience right now, it is totally contingent on your own deserving power, your whole life is an extension of that"The understanding of this great law of nature can alter completely your life. So take a moment to dive into this new episode from a state of deep presence, stable mind and an open heart.As we explored in previous episodes, what level of consciousness you most consistently maintain become your experience of yourself and so life.Here we refine the understanding through...
Published 05/04/23