Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#292> Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed the general history of the Boxer Rebellion in China, what is know of Rabbi Uziel Haga, R. Haga's report ...
Published 07/24/24
Published 07/24/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#291> We discussed the origins of England's Jews, their professions, contact with the non-Jews, the general attitude of non-Jews towards the Jews, the attitude of the church, Blood Libel (William of Norwich & Hugh of Lincoln), the massacre at York, the expulsion of the Jews in 1290, and much more. > To purchase, "England's Jews: Finance, Violence, and the Crown in the Thirteenth Century" click here. > To join the SeforimChatter Wha...
Published 07/21/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#290> Episode sponsored by Mosaica Press.Check out their 50% off sale by clicking here.For all non-sale items use code "Chatter" for 15% off> This podcast episode is sponsored by the Touro Graduate School of Jewish Studies, a leading academic program in Jewish Studies that equips students with the tools to search out their own unique path into the study of Jewish history and scholarship. Based in NYC, the Touro Graduate School of Jewish S...
Published 07/14/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#289> Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed a recap of the history of the Ten Lost tribes, the "Bnei Moshe", the "Bnei Rechav", Rav Yisroel of Shklo...
Published 07/10/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#288> Epiosde sponosred by Zaidy Auctions.> Check out the catalogue and register for their forthcoming auction on Tuesday, July 16th at 1PM EST by clicking here.> To purchase the new edition of Shu't Parashas Mordechai click here.> To purchase "Rabbis and Revolution: The Jews of Moravia in the Age of Emancipation" which discusses Rav Mordechai Banet in depth click here.> We discussed the life of Rav Mordechai Banet, Nikolsburg, M...
Published 07/07/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#287> Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed the legend of the Nativa Americans as the Ten Lost Tribes, where the legend began, Thomas Thowogood, Jam...
Published 07/03/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#286> We discussed R' Moyshe's background (including his job in the Treasury Department in the Trump administration), his interest in the Kedushas LEvi, Rav Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev's bio, what the translation project entailed, the challenges in translation and especially of a chasidic sefer, why not notes/commentary, and more. > To purchase the 3 Volume set of the Kedushas Levi from Amazon click here.To purchase from Artscroll click h...
Published 06/30/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#285> Corporate sponsor of the series: Gluck Plumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed Menashe's life, his works, his interest in the TLT, Antonio de Montezinos, Menashe's connection with Mil...
Published 06/26/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#284> This episode is sponsored by Feldheim Publishers.Check out Feldheim's extensive list of titles, including the recently published biography of Rav Shlomo Brevda. Rav Shlomo Leib Brevda was a world renowned ba’al mussar, public speaker and personal guide to countless students. Devoted talmid of some of the greatest Torah authorities of his time — including Rav Yechezkel Levenstein, the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rav — he was instrumenta...
Published 06/23/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#283> We discussed Ginsburg's bio, his conversion to Christianity, why Ginsburg was important, his work on the Masorah, his part in the infamous Shapira affair, his attitude towards Jews, his works, the forthcoming facsimile edition of the Otzar Roshei Teivot, and more. > For more on Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky quoting Ginsburg see here. > To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.> To support the podcast or to ...
Published 06/19/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#282> Sponsored by Genazym> To peruse the catalogue and bid on items click here.> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)> Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.> Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.
Published 06/16/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#281.> This episode is sponsored by Genazym - Stefansky for the publication of the 2nd edition of Sifrei Yesod. The new edition is revised, corrected, and includes a new section on incunabula (Seforim printed pre-1500). To purchase the new edition of Sifrei Yesod with free shipping click here.> We discussed the general view of where Har Sinai is, the issue with these opinions, where R' Hool thinks it is, proofs, and more.> To pur...
Published 06/09/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#280> Sponsored by Torah Auctions. To peruse the catalogue, register, and bid on items for their forthcoming auction on Tuesday, June 4th at 1PM EST click here.> To view Rabbi Herring's edition of Gevia HaKessef click here.> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)> Subscribe to ...
Published 06/02/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#279> To register and bid on items click here> To join the SeforimChatter WhatsApp community click here.> To support the podcast or to sponsor an episode follow this link or email [email protected] (Zelle/QP this email address)> Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel here.> Subscribe and read the SeforimChatter Substack here.
Published 05/28/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#278> We discussed the history of Lag BaOmer, how it became a "Yom Tov", whetehr Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's Yahrtzeit is actually on Lag BaOmer, those who visited Meron, mistake about Rav Ovadiah Bertinoro and bonfires, the Chasam Sofer's opinion about Lag BaOmer and the discrepancy between his Shailos U'Teshuvos and his Derashos, and. ore.> To purchase, "LAg BaOmer: The Fire and the Soul" click here> To purchase, "Rebbi Meir Baal Hanes...
Published 05/26/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#277> To purchase a copy of the Sefer please email me [email protected] or click here to order online from Mizrahi bookstore.> Also available at Biegeleisen, Judaica Plaza, and ZBerman.> We discussed my background and how I started Seforimchatter and the podcast, how I came to the project of the Toras Chaim, the bio of R. Avraham Chaim Schorr and his works, why and how the Toras Chaim came to be censored, what my new edition inc...
Published 05/19/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#276> We discussed how he became a baker, why he started the Showbread Institute, why the fascination with the Lechem Hapnim, the ingredients of the Lechem Hapanim, the shape, miracles, practical tests done at the Showbread Institute, and more. > To purchase Sefer Meir Panim click here. > For the Showbread Institute website click here.> For the Showbread Institute YouTube channel click here. > To join the SeforimChatter Wha...
Published 05/15/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#275> Corporate sponsor of the series: GluckPlumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed the bio of Montezinos, the Relacion and its context, where converso hopes fit into the Relacion, Menashe ...
Published 05/12/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#274.> Corporate sponsor of the series: GluckPlumbing.For all your service needs big or small in NJ with a full service division, from boiler change outs, main sewer line snake outs, camera-ing main lines, to a simple faucet leak, Gluck Plumbing Service Division has you covered. Give them a call - 732-523-1836 x 1.> We discussed Antonio de Montezinos (aka Aharon HaLevi) and his bio, what "relacion" means, the description/story as r...
Published 05/05/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message.#273> To purchase a copy of my new edition of Sefer Toras Chaim on Maseches Avodah Zara (Includes a 15 page bio (with color scans of the originals), all the old Haskamos, the introduction of the Toras Chaim (d. 1632), and the introduction of his son & son-in-law. This all besides for the actual Sefer which has sources, notes, and many censored passages replaced for the 1st time since the 1734 edition) click here.> We discussed Ra...
Published 04/18/24
Questions, comments, feedback? Send us a message. #272 > We discussed an overview of Egyptian mythology as it to pertains to this episode (Yetzias Mitzrayim), the halachic issue of discussing Avodah Zarah, the Egyptian gods and the connection to Yosef, Ra and Makkos Choshech, Moshe and the snake, the makkos, and much more > To purchase a copy or with questions or comments please email: [email protected] > Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel:...
Published 04/14/24
#271 > To purchase "Haroset: A Taste of Jewish History": https://amzn.to/3TPDNpj > We discussed the origins and early sources about charoses, the various reasons given, different ingredients used (including flowers, a piece of brick or clay, apples, various spices, wine or vinegar, and many more), Ashkeanz vs Sefarad, modern charoses and different recipes, and more > Subscribe to the SeforimChatter YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@seforimchatter?si=6p1a5Tvo5bpafrKb >  To...
Published 04/07/24
#270. > Episode sponsored by Taj Art > The auction will take place Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 12PM EST > Peruse the full catalogue and bid at: https://bit.ly/3TD1hOw
Published 04/03/24
#269 > Sponsored by the Bemak Family > Sponsored by Mosaica Press. For a limited time order 3 books and get a free gift, Also, use code "Chatter" for 15% off. Check out their many new titles at Mosaicapress.com > We discussed late Ritual Murder and Blood Libels and how these differed from those in the medieval period, how the trial was conducted, various specific affairs and their trials including the stories of those involved, the actual depictions of the murders and...
Published 03/31/24