Warranties Introduction: A warranty is a legally binding commitment forming part of the sales contract which assures the buyer that the product or service is free from defects. A warranty often provides for a specific remedy such as repair or replacement in the event the article or service fails to meet the warranty. – The difference between insurance and warranties […]
Published 09/14/20
Hobbies Hobbies are more important than you think, this can often fill the gaps left between our life responsibilities and job responsibilities. Hobby risk – chasing a new hobby every couple of months, when investigating a hobby try to identify the challenges of the hobby and try to determine if those are challenges or problems […]
Published 08/31/20
Published 08/31/20
Accepting the lifestyle your income delivers  Life is full of choices, where you live, how you live, where you work, how you work  You can choose a lifestyle and then try to acquire an income level to support it or you can choose a career and then discover a lifestyle that that career will support.  […]
Published 08/10/20
You Can Have Anything You Want…just NOT Everything You Want  Have you ever wondered about the people who look like they have it all?  Tip on finding focus: have interests and hobbies the lead to related interests and hobbies – hobby matrix  We often idealize people’s lives or situation but are not willing to make […]
Published 07/27/20
Avoid Lifestyle Inflation…….Until When?  What is lifestyle inflation?  The Problem with lifestyle inflation:  It happens gradually  It can impact your future goals  The new normal will become normal  Undoing lifestyle inflation is painful  How to Avoid Lifestyle inflation:  Avoid comparisons – you have different goals  Have a documented plan – this will remind you why […]
Published 07/14/20
How to Escape Minimum Wage CERB – Canadian emergency response benefit was providing those affected by the pandemic $2,000 per month. A household of two working adults could expect to receive $4,000 which is $48,000 per year which is $24,000/year. A lot of the news stories, as well as people I know personally, say they […]
Published 06/15/20
Do Tough Times Make Tough People? Any physical growth will be lost when the comforts of life return, so most of this growth will be temporary. Physical toughness would really only be useful if it is required in your future life. Maybe you were an accountant and because of these tough times you have become […]
Published 06/02/20
Financially Sound During a Crisis Don’t count on government support to be there until this thing is over. The societal transition from government supported to self supported will be a very uncomfortable period for many people. Government Programs: Employment insurance 45 weeks Canada Emergency Response Benefit $2,000 for 4 months Canada Emergency Student Benefit $1,250 for […]
Published 05/19/20
Making a Case for Audiobooks If you enjoy podcasts you will probably enjoy audiobooks? – it depends on the kind of podcast you listen to. Does listening to an audiobook count as reading? – if information consumption or entertainment was your goal then the answer is yes. Do you get the same retention value with […]
Published 05/05/20
Breaking Down Boredom What is boredom? Bored | Adjective | feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one’s current activity Boredom is often viewed negatively, however is boredom inherently bad or something to be avoided? The global shift of acceptance Boredom was once a frowned upon feeling or experience and not readily embraced before […]
Published 04/27/20
Published 04/26/20
Is Misery is better than Mediocrity? What is misery? • A strong feeling or sense of being unfulfilled, hopeless, discontent, or unhappy due to perceived or real circumstances • Strong doesn’t mean negative or bad however we perceive it as bad because it is a strong, extreme emotion that makes us uncomfortable If you let it, life […]
Published 04/21/20
You should upgrade to solve a specific problem or to get a specific outcome What adjustments are you making within your lives? What are you doing to combat this? We want to to have a conservation about you and encourage you to let us know how you’re dealing with it.  The shift from comfort and […]
Published 04/13/20
Life As We Know It How to assess our current situation? When the health crisis is over and the financial crisis becomes more in focus we are going to offer some gravity to the situation to help you view things in a constructive light rather than a destructive manner. When accessing your current financial situation […]
Published 04/06/20
The Open Ended Debt Solution We should avoid debt at all cost, but in life things don’t always go as planned and debt becomes unavoidable. Also for things like buying a house and sometimes getting an education require debt based on the timing in life and the natures of their significant cost. Whenever you enter […]
Published 03/17/20