Assalamu alaykum dear friends! Today’s Letter isn’t actually a letter 🙂 it’s a perfectly imperfect heart-to-heart Voice Note from Maryam! It took multiple attempts to record it… multiple attempts to edit it… and multiple attempts to convince myself to publish it anyway… but Alhamdulillah, we did it! I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on it in my inbox or the comments inshaAllah. Listen on Spotify | Listen on Apple Podcasts Please remember me and my family in du’a 🌸 Love +...
Published 05/28/24
Published 05/28/24
Assalamu alaykum, friends! _ The other day, I picked up my pen (keyboard) and wrote in my journal… “Should I ask Allah to reduce how much I love?” I knew I was hurting inside because… what is this deep question, please? 😆 Listen to my Sunday Morning think-out-loud to find out how I’m trying to navigate (instead of fight) my heart for loving a little too deep, too much, too fast. _ May Allah control all our hearts, forgive our shortcomings, and may He bless us with the best in dunya and...
Published 12/10/23
Life can throw unexpected challenges our way, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to cope. In this episode, I share a personal journey that starts with a dental appliance and leads to powerful life lessons that apply to us all.Join us as we navigate the emotions of a child struggling with a new dental appliance, and learn valuable insights about patience, trust, and perspective.We draw inspiration from the Quran, reminding ourselves that Allah's wisdom is beyond our...
Published 08/02/23
Join me on a transformative journey of exploring life from the deep end! In this episode, I share personal stories and reflections on moving beyond the shallow-end mindset. Just like learning to swim confidently, we'll discover how to approach our deen, relationships, health, and wealth with intention and excellence. Discover the power of one stroke at a time, whether it's deepening your faith, nurturing relationships, prioritizing your health, or taking bold steps in your career as a Muslim...
Published 07/23/23
I went on a scary walk a few days ago. It was an icy winter trail and I was scared to slip and fall. I was scared some animal would come out of the forest and jump at me. It was dark, so I needed a flashlight but my phone battery was low. I wanted others to help me, I could see them, but they were way ahead. My heart was racing, my eyes wide open… Listen to this episode where I share my adventure, but also what I learned. And our Lord is forgiving and merciful ❤️ This is a public episode....
Published 01/27/23
We have a lot of tabs open in our brains all the time. I’m sure we all agree that our brains were not built to take so much pressure, so much workload, so much stress, so much stuff(!)… and to keep all those tabs open in our brains at the same time! This voice note is my invitation to you. Don’t forget to make du’a for the things on your brain-dump list, your today-list, and your right-now list :) Remember, you’re allowed to rest and recharge when you need to. May Allah ease your affairs,...
Published 12/23/22
This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit sistersflourish.substack.com
Published 11/20/22
Lesson 8: Du’a Bismillah. With no plan, no script, and no idea what I’d end up talking about, I decided to record (instead of write) the final lesson in the “8 lessons in 8 years” series. So you get to hear my super imperfect podcast, and I’m totally fine with that. I think. InshaAllah the next episode will be better. (I need topic suggestions btw, thankyouuu! In this episode, I spoke about du’a and how we need to make du’a for our marriage too. Allah is so near and He wants us to ask Him...
Published 10/29/22