15 popular myths about sleeping, debunked.
Published 09/17/24
Join the Skeptoid Flash Mob at CSICon 2024 in Las Vegas. Visit skeptoid.com/store to get your shirts.
Published 09/11/24
Lots of companies sell pheromone products claiming to calm down your dog or cat, but there's a very big problem with that basic claim.
Published 09/10/24
Is this just another in a long line of legendary lost mines that never produced a speck of gold, or is there more to it this time?
Published 09/03/24
Turns out that the cause of death known as excited delirium is not an actual cause of death at all.
Published 08/27/24
If I were to summarize how and why I do what I do, I might put it this way.
Published 08/20/24
Does a mythical place where the elephants go to die actually exist?
Published 08/13/24
The claim that medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US has never been close to true.
Published 08/06/24
Is your phone really tracking your driving habits and selling the data? Maybe more so than you know.
Published 07/30/24
The weirdest, creepiest, funniest, and just plain strange stories from the era of crewed space flight.
Published 07/23/24
Pseudoarchaeologists often will cite the Younger Dryas climatic event as proof of their ancient advanced civilization.
Published 07/16/24
Not only is the entire wellness industry BS, it exists because of people who are especially gullible.
Published 07/09/24
Fear not; the aliens are not coming to Earth.
Published 07/02/24
Skeptoid's Death Valley Adventure is holding 5 tickets for students and active duty military. To apply to get one, visit skeptoid.com/deathvalley
Published 06/25/24
A roundup of all those things that movies always get wrong and make you mad.
Published 06/25/24
How we decide what makes a good topic for a skeptical documentary film.
Published 06/18/24
This modern UFO case has been declared to be one of the most compelling ever.
Published 06/11/24
The true history of a mythical place.
Published 06/04/24
This procedure promising facial rejuvenation is basically a full face tattoo of your own blood.
Published 05/28/24
A bizarre subculture of Helen Keller Truthers believe that she was either faking her deafblindness or even that she didn't exist at all.
Published 05/21/24
A roundup of 15 common myths about coffee. Which ones had you always believed?
Published 05/14/24
Skeptoid answers another round of listener feedback questions.
Published 05/07/24
Come join the Skeptoid Adventures trip for 2024, a journey of exploration in Death Valley!
Published 05/02/24
The story goes that this stone covered with Viking runes was found in a Minnesota field in 1898. Its true history is much more interesting.
Published 04/30/24