In tonight's story, we return to the Three Rivers Forest, where we meet Bella, a young bear who is scared of many things: dark caves, high trees, loud thunderstorms, and the mysterious noises of the night. With encouragement from Oliver, the wise old owl, Bella learns that bravery isn't about not being scared but facing her fears one small step at a time.  Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark❤️👂📖 -- ❤️ Join Premium to get more stories and special shoutouts for the kids!...
Published 03/25/24
Randy dreams of winning a special award for doing something really helpful. He thought he needed to do something big to win, so he started looking for big ways to help around the forest. But when he passed by friends who needed help with small things, he didn't help them because he thought those tasks were too small to win the award. Later, Randy realized that helping others, even in small ways, made him and his friends happy. Being helpful doesn't have to be about doing big things but making...
Published 03/18/24
In tonight's story, set in the sunny Three Rivers forest, a group of animal friends called the gang can't decide if they should play in the pond or float down the river. Sammy the Squirrel feels a bit sad because his older friends don't listen to his ideas. But then, he talks to Goosey the Crow, who gives him advice about being patient and trying to share his thoughts in a way that others will listen. Sammy also visits Oliver, the wise old owl, who teaches him more about patience and how to...
Published 03/11/24
Have you ever wanted to do something really well? Mrs. Elephant wants to dance, but no one thinks she can, so she practices and practices all by herself in secret until the night of the dance contest arrives. When the other animals start dancing everyone thinks Mrs. Kangaroo or Ms. Leopard will win, no one expects that Mrs. Elephant will try. Mrs. Elephant arrives looking splendid, and everyone is amazed as they watch her do her dance.
Published 03/04/24
Embark on a magical journey with tonights soundtrack. Imagine yourself in a small boat, gliding along a wide river that winds through a land teeming with wild animals. Hear the playful chirps of exotic birds, gentle hippos in the water, and the distant roar of a mighty lion. This audio adventure is perfect for bedtime, as it takes you on a sound safari right from the comfort of your bed, filling your dreams with whatever your imagination can come up with.
Published 03/01/24
In tonight's story, Grandpa introduces Jasper and Joshua to another smart animal friend on their Prince Edward Island farm. Grandpa and Grandma made a special friend, Finley, a bright red fox who loved visiting. At first, they were surprised to see him, but soon they discovered he was a kind and clever fox who brought them pine cones and shiny stones as gifts. To show their thanks, they gave Finley tasty treats and even a tiny scarf to keep him warm in the winter.
Published 02/26/24
In this episode, we are going to use our bodies to feel the difference between being tense and relaxed. This will help us understand how our bodies might react when we are worried, angry, or upset. As always, we incorporate some deep breathing exercises and a positive affirmation at the end.
Published 02/23/24
In tonight's story, Grandpa and Grandma introduce Jasper and Joshua to another animal friend on their farm. One night, they met a mouse they named Marvin. Unlike any ordinary mouse, Marvin finds a special place in the lives of Grandma and Grandpa and even gets to share Grandma's famous and delicious Apple Pie.
Published 02/19/24
In our story, Penny the Pig, discovers an amazing talent that no one thought she had. One sunny day, Penny's curiosity leads her to buckets of colourful paints left out by Grandpa. Without much thought, she starts to play with the colour. With each swish of her tail, she transforms mud into something creative, eventually creating art that captivates the animals on the farm and the entire community.
Published 02/12/24
In our story, Joshua and Jasper are getting ready for bed after a day of fun and sweets at their grandparents' house. They ask Grandpa for a bedtime story, not from a book, but a real story from when he wasn't so ancient. Grandpa then tells them about Bessie, the playful cow who loves to play soccer in the backfield in summer. He shares how they would kick the ball back and forth, and if Bessie scored, she'd get an extra apple.
Published 02/05/24
A special episode featuring a soundtrack from our sister podcast Sleep Tight Sounds.
Published 02/02/24
In this part of our story, Winky and Coralia, noticed that their home was in trouble because of murky waters. They gathered all the creatures of AquaLore to fix a broken pipeline, believing that working together was the key to solving the problem. Each creature had a unique skill: Glitterfin Dolphins navigated murky waters, Jellybrights provided light, Coral Bloomers used their strength for repairs, and Tangle-Tail Monkeys maneuvered through tight spaces. With everyone's cooperation, they...
Published 01/29/24
The Magic Soap Bubble is a new series that we are going to share. In Part one Ned is reading a book about Fairies and Goblins and all the things that live in the forests and mountains. His book gets heavy and the chair he is sitting in is very comfortable and the next thing he knows he hears a squeaky voice saying his name. When he opens his eyes he cannot believe who is in front of him. Let’s get ready to follow Ned on an adventure.  Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark❤️👂📖 -- ❤️ Join Premium...
Published 01/26/24
Our story begins with Winky and Coralia discovering a section of their once-pristine ocean home, now clouded with pollution. This murky water affects the health of the underground city AquaLore and its inhabitants, dimming the bioluminescent Jellybrights and causing distress among the once-colourful marine life. Determined to find the cause and restore their home's beauty, Winky and Coralia embark on an adventure. They seek wisdom from Old Man Ripple, the ancient turtle, and the Seastar...
Published 01/22/24
In our latest Mindful Monday, we will talk about resolutions and goals, a topic you might have heard grownups talking about recently. This might give you something to think about as you listen to a short story about a boy who wants to be the best drummer in the whole wide world. Sleep Tight!Sheryl & Clark❤️👂📖 -- ❤️ Join Premium to get more stories and special shoutouts for the kids! Visit sleeptightpremium.com to learn more. 📻 Listen to our podcast on Storybutton, the device that makes...
Published 01/15/24
Bella, a vibrant and creative girl known for her love of painting and colourful clothes, often stood out at school. This uniqueness sometimes drew teasing from her classmates. However, everything changed when Mrs. Nichols showcased Bella's stunning winter painting to the entire school. Her classmates were amazed by her talent and began seeking her insights into art. Through this experience, Bella not only gained new friends but also discovered the power of her art to forge connections. The...
Published 01/08/24
Do you like to throw snowballs? Have you had a snowball fight recently? In this story, the boys are having a big snowball fight and decide to get a head start on the next day by creating a big pile of snowballs ahead of time. That night it snows and snows and snows, and the snowballs get buried until Spring. When Spring comes, the snowballs hear someone calling for help, but none of them are willing to go out where the sun is to find out who is calling, except Snowball number one. Snowball,...
Published 01/01/24
The Pine and the Willow is a Japanese Tale. The Pine is a strong, proud tree that feels bad for the Willow. Pine feels Willow needs to stick up for himself and be stronger. When a storm comes, Willow bends with the wind, and Pine cannot understand. Pine will find out why Willow is that way.
Published 12/25/23
Pauline’s Christmas is a story about a little girl who has gone looking for her father. There has been a storm and the paths in the forest are hard to see but Pauline keeps going. When she hears someone calling for help she goes to help and thinks nothing of backtracking to show the other traveller where he can spend the night. When they arrive at the far village and a beautiful sleigh in waiting they go for a ride and after arriving in the city Pauline finds out who this other traveller...
Published 12/18/23
In this story, Oliver learns about responsibility when Santa leaves him a list of forgotten tasks instead of presents. After a special Christmas at his grandfather's house, where he finds the items he wished for, Oliver understands the importance of giving and being responsible. He starts doing his chores without being reminded and becomes more attentive and helpful.  Sleep Tight!, Sheryl & Clark ❤️👂📖 -- ❤️ Join premium to get more stories and special shoutouts for the kids!...
Published 12/11/23
Our story takes place in the picturesque town of Cavendish, Prince Edward Island, where Lulu, a shy and quiet golden retriever, embarks on a journey to become a surf rescue dog. Overcoming his initial shyness and challenges, Lulu trains diligently and graduates as a skilled surf guard. Over the summer, he saves people at the beach, becoming a local hero. Lulu grows more confident and is respected by the community. By summer's end, he's a skilled surf guard and an inspiring figure for the...
Published 12/04/23
The themes of this episode of Mindful Monday include contentment and gratitude, adaptation to change, resilience, and problem-solving. In our story, Jax struggles to fit in after moving to Charlottetown. He discovers an overgrown, forgotten garden in their backyard. With his mother's encouragement, he decides to nurture it, creating his own special place. Through gardening, Jax learns the joy of creativity, nature, and hard work, gaining confidence and a sense of belonging. At the same time,...
Published 11/27/23
This week on Mindful Monday we are talking about being thankful. Sometimes we want things and when we get them we see that someone else has one that is better and more beautiful. Being thankful for what we have and seeing that it is just right for us is part of the story we are looking at. The Better Tree Fort by Jessica Scott Kerrin is a story about a boy names Russell who wants to build a tree fort in the backyard with is dad. His dad says he doesn’t know much about building or tree forts...
Published 11/22/23
Our story takes place in a small town on Prince Edward Island, where young Liam, a boy with lots of energy and a love for hockey, faced his fears and learned valuable lessons about calming his mind. One Sunday, after a long day of playing outside with his father and their dogs, Liam struggled to get to sleep, his mind buzzing with worries about school and the dark. His mother gently guides him through his fears, and he has the best rest ever, even without relying on his lucky stinky...
Published 11/20/23
In the story "The Secret Garden" by Francis Hodgson Burnett, a young girl named Mary Lennox lives in India and then moves to a big house in England after her parents pass away. Mary is a bit lonely and not very happy at first, but she starts to feel better when she plays outside and makes a new friend named Dickon who loves animals and plants. Mary finds a secret garden that's been locked for a long time, and she and her friends work together to make the garden beautiful again. As the garden...
Published 11/15/23