Published 09/07/24
Why do we always slack off in the mid-year mark? Why is it always in this mid-year mark where we lose focus and contemplate what we're doing? In this episode, we're going to discuss on this topic and how we stay fit for the grind throughout the year. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku | @EstherShennyKu https://www.instagram.com/esthershennyku
Published 08/23/24
How do you define the end of a commitment? Would people think that I'm quitting? What if it gets hard? How do I know when to quit? All these questions are things we often think about in a commitment or before we start a commitment. In this episode, we're going to take a deep dive into commitments and how to define when is the right time to end a commitment. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku |...
Published 08/16/24
The biggest hinderance sometimes Sometimes the biggest hindrance to progress is our old beliefs. We've been training for decades on running but recently, we're working together with a personal trainer and he told us almost all our beliefs are wrong! In this episode, we're going to find out how we can break free from the old mindset that's holding us back. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku |...
Published 08/09/24
Being in this fast paced world, where all our friends whereabouts is just on our finger tips (Instagram), how do we not get sucked into feeling FOMO? — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku | @EstherShennyKu https://www.instagram.com/esthershennyku
Published 06/07/24
Being a parent is never easy, especially when your kid turns into a teenager, where they start having their own thoughts and start to grow apart from you. While raising our kid, we didn't have any friends who would advice us on how to deal with our kid growing up. So in this episode, we're sharing to you how we raised a teenager in this ever changing world. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku |...
Published 05/31/24
Why do I always have to be the first to put in effort? What if my partner doesn’t reciprocate what I have done? Many things in our lives are transactional but it becomes a problem when everything in our lives are only transactional. In this episode, we're going to discuss about how a relationship can become transactional and how to get to a thriving relationship. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku |...
Published 05/03/24
On the previous episode, we shared on our running journey and it sounded too smooth sailing. So here's an in-depth episode on what it takes for us to keep on running and the story of how Kevin trained for his first marathon run. So put on your running shoes and listen to this podcast as you run today! — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku | @EstherShennyKu https://www.instagram.com/esthershennyku
Published 04/26/24
Running has always been a part of our daily routine, if you follow us on Instagram, you will see us running everyday. But why do we consistently do it every morning at 6:30am? In this episode, we're going to share our experience on running. How we started running, why we stopped running, and how we picked up running again! If you're not a runner yet, this may inspire you to start running! — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther...
Published 04/19/24
Recently, there was a married couple who wrote an article on not sleeping on the same bed, and many couples actually resonated with them, highlighting the inconvenient of sleeping on the same bed. But taking a step back is this actually possible to do everything separately in a marriage? in this episode, we are going to discuss the idea of sharing in a relationship and what it takes to build longevity in a relationship! — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo |...
Published 04/12/24
A lot of people may find it difficult to talk about finances in a couple. But there should be a mutual understanding on what does it mean to save and spend? How much money should we make to live comfortably? Our definition of money changes as we grow, but how do we constantly have a mutual agreement on what to do with our money? In this episode, we will share with you how to deal with the topic of finances. — Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo |...
Published 12/29/23
In the midst of our busy lifestyle, it can be very easy for us to avoid deep conversations and just focus on having fun with our partners. But deep down inside of us, we all have the longing to be that ideal couple that are able to talk about and solve difficult problems in our relationship.  How do we dive right into deep conversations? What is the best time to do it? What are some tips to ease into the conversations? How do we keep both partners engaged in the conversation?  In this...
Published 12/22/23
We all have people around us that are successful, doing well in life, and are able to speak eloquently. Looking at them probably makes us feel untalented. But how do we deal with this feeling of untalented? Are we really lack of talent? How do we deal with the mindset that constantly tell ourselves that we are “not good enough”? In this episode, we are going to talk about the misconception of talented people, and how do we actually grow to become a talented individual. -- Follow us on...
Published 12/15/23
What is intimacy? Why intimacy is so hard to achieve? How can we achieve emotional intimacy as a couple? In this episode, Kevin and Esther will be sharing about how to overcome the lack of emotional intimacy as a couple. -- Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku | @EstherShennyKu https://www.instagram.com/esthershennyku
Published 12/01/23
We’ve all heard stories about relationships and marriages breaking down because of affairs. When we hear about affairs, we instinctively try to find out who’s to blame, and most likely we’ll be pointing the finger towards the one who cheated. But there’s always two side of the story.  There are many reasons that causes affairs, in this episode, Kevin and Esther will be sharing about what is affair, why affairs happen and what are the steps to having a fulfilling relationship and...
Published 11/18/23
In this episode, we share how our experience in long distance relationship has helped us to improve our communication as a couple. We will be sharing about the different type of communications, so that it will help you to be clearer on what you are trying to communicate, and help your listeners to understand where you're trying to go. -- Follow us on instagram! Kevin Loo | @kevric7 https://www.instagram.com/kevric7 Esther Ku | @EstherShennyKu https://www.instagram.com/esthershennyku
Published 11/03/23
We've learnt many things in life, but not everything is utilised, does it mean that I've wasted my time learning the skill? In this episode, we're going to share with you how we learn and how to we utilise what we've learnt in our life.
Published 10/28/23
What are hobbies? Do I need a hobby? Are hobbies actually important? In this episode, we're gonna explore on all these questions and how we incorporate our hobbies into our life so that we can still do the things that we love.
Published 10/20/23
Dating apps is the quickest and easiest way to meet new faces, you get to see all their info at a glance and decide within a split second whether this person is right for you. In this episode, Esther and Kevin are going to share about their views on dating app, what it takes to get to know someone beyond their looks, heights and what they do, in order to build a long lasting relationship.
Published 09/29/23
Love always starts with a spark, but how do you turn that spark into the love that will carry us through the relationship, the marriage and the family life? In this episode, Kevin and Esther are going to share with you about their experience on how they grow their love to where they are today, and how you can grow your love with your partner too!
Published 09/22/23
We've been working in overdrive everyday in a fast paced society, where we constantly expect things to happen immediately, and we've completely lose the ability to see the beauty in taking things slow. In this episode, Kevin and Esther are going to share about their experience in their Silent Retreat where they learn to be quiet and be with their own thoughts.
Published 09/08/23