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Published 01/08/24
This episode is for EVERYONE -- single, coupled, introverted & extroverted!!  Bela talks with best-selling author Debra Fine, about HOW to make 'small talk' and WHY it's so important!  You'll hear: Small talk is a SKILL - not a gift the lucky were born with How Debra, an introverted engineer, realized she did not know how to interact with people at work conferences How she thought losing 75 lbs would 'make her better' at small talk, but it didn't Why Rex, and one conversation,...
Published 01/01/24
In this episode, Bela interviews Dr. Justin Garia, Executive Director of the Kinsey Institute and Scientific Adviser to Match.com.   Justin leads Kinsey, the foremost experts and thought leaders on sex/sexuality.   We discuss the hottest topics in sex research, why second dates really matter, the upsides and downsides of dating apps, aging & sex (and the Golden Bachelor), orgasms for younger and older singles, and the TOP 5 thing singles are REALLY looking for in relationships according...
Published 12/25/23
Everyone's favorite segments are the love stories!   Dr. Laura, a physician in Chicago, found love online at 49 years old!    She had never been married, had a great career, and suffered from a bad picker.  Laura said to herself, "If I can do an Ironman, I can find my soulmate!"   Laura heard an interview with Bela, and she reached out to find her soulmate!  That action changed the course of everything, and helped her find her amazing FBI agent husband, Doug!   You'll hear: How Laura...
Published 12/18/23
Dr. Marisa Cohen joins Bela talking about the four 'relationship killers' that harm every relationship from dating to friendships to family.   And, you'll hear HOW to have difficult conversations with ANYONE in your life without harm.   We also talk about the loneliness epidemic, how Marisa experimented with going on 30 'new friend' dates in 30 days (and if that worked to cure loneliness), how mindset is everything, and how Marisa met her husband on a dating app! Join our free newsletter...
Published 12/11/23
Want to glow from the inside out? Don't miss one word of this conversation with beauty expert and visionary Angela Jia Kim of Savor Beauty. When Angela (a concert pianist) broke out in a horrible rash before an important concert (due to some lotion she applied), she made it her mission to create a system that was loving from the outside in. In this episode, you will learn: -How your inside is reflected on the outside - Why water is actually crucial to our skin -Why washing your face at night...
Published 12/04/23
Part 2 of this episode is amazing!  Bela and Lindsay of Smart Dating Academy are back, discussing MORE secrets that have made their clients successful in finding love!   Here are some nuggets you'll hear: Where there is smoke, there is fire - Most of my divorced clients can point to something very specific early on that indicated something wasn’t right. People make time for things they want! There is no such thing as being “too busy” when someone is ready to date. They will ALWAYS make...
Published 11/27/23
Bela interviews renowned podcast host of the "Daily Meditation Podcast" Mary Meckley - which has been downloaded over 200 million times!   Mary demystifies meditation for hard-charging types; you DON'T have to sit in lotus position and have your mind free of thoughts.  Instead, it's about turning your attention to your inner self, and listening to what it's saying!  90% of our thoughts are negative and repetitive.  Meditation has been scientifically proven to make us more confident in dating...
Published 11/20/23
"Long Distance" Love Story:  Linda finds love with Brett through a Facebook Group (and they're in their 50s) Listen to this week's inspiring Smart Dating love story with our client Linda, a physician from Chicago.   Linda had some fears, and a self-proclaimedly "bad picker."  She got married in her 40s (red flags in his online profile even back then).  As her light started to dim in her marriage, she played smaller and smaller while his behavior got worse and worse.  One day, she came home...
Published 11/13/23
Bela talks to one of the world's great love luminaries, Dr. Helen Fisher, who has been studying romantic love for over 50 years.   Helen is a prolific author, researcher, TED speaker, and Chief Scientific Officer at Match.com.   You will be RIVETED by this episode, where you will hear: What exactly is ROMANTIC love, and what are the markers of it? Why love is a drive like hunger and thirst - it's involuntary! HOW you keep romantic love alive for decades What is the biggest difference...
Published 11/06/23
Listen to this episode with Dr. Anna Garrett!   She was a pharmacist who realized that she was filling lots of prescriptions to "react" to medical issues, but that no one was really looking for the "cause" of the issues.  She went back and became certified in Functional Medicine, and has a practice to help women feel GREAT in midlife.   She will discuss the differences between perimenopause, menopause, weight gain, what hormones NEED to be looked at (and their proportions), and why dating...
Published 10/30/23
Today's world can feel more disconnected than ever, and yet we are WIRED for connection.  Humans crave it from family, friends and romantic partners.  How do we begin to "feel seen" and reconnect with people?  Dr. Jody Carrington opens up with a BANG with her story of finding out about her adopted sister when she was in her late 30s (this story will GRIP you).   Jody pursued her Masters, PhD, and made online dating a JOB (went on dates at 10am and 2pm on Saturdays and Sundays).   She met her...
Published 10/23/23
Listen to Bela chat with Britt Frank very candidly about how we ALL have trauma, and how to get UNSTUCK!   Britt became a neuropsychotherapist after experiencing addiction and abuse - and is artful at helping people get out of their own way as she did.   She defines trauma as anything that is "too much, too fast, or too soon" for our brains.  Trauma to our brain is what indigestion is to the stomach.   Here is what you will learn in this amazing episode: What is trauma and what is...
Published 10/16/23
Bela chats with Dr. Alexandra Solomon about her new book, "Love Every Day" - and we talk about so many things including: Can we get better at relationships? Toxic Monogamy - What does it mean, and why is it fostered by "Disney" and the Hollywood industry? Attraction -- does being attracted to someone while you're in a relationship mean the death-knell of the relationship? What is 'micro-cheating' and how to know if you're doing it!  The best test and so easy to do.... Why a deep...
Published 10/09/23
Bela chats with Julia Arndt, founder of the PPM (Peak Performance Method) about key practices to becoming the BEST version of yourself.   Julia didn't have an easy path - even though if you look at her, you would think that.   She originally hails from Germany, has lived in 5 countries over the last 14 years and speaks three languages fluently. After working at Google in Silicon Valley for seven and a half years while the company grew from 30.000 to 100.000 employees, Julia BURNED OUT and...
Published 10/02/23
This episode is genuinely amazing - Bela chats with relationship therapist Carole Cullen about the secrets to the happiest relationships!   Carole is trained by the Gottman Institute, and you will hear so many gems including: What being 'vulnerable' means on dates and HOW to do it (without oversharing)!  Great tips on how to do this date by date  Why being vulnerable connects you in the right ways What is a "Love Map" and why you relationship needs one? How many positive to negative...
Published 09/25/23
Listen to Tom Blake, dating columnist and author offer his wisdom to women from a man's perspective about Dating Over 50.   Tom was thrust into the dating world when his wife of six years called him on Christmas (while he was visiting his elderly mom) to let him know that she and her kids had moved out!   He started a column helping other singles in his age bracket, and has been writing about this since 1994.  He lost his partner of 25 years last year, and has been online dating for the past...
Published 09/18/23
Bela chats with her long standing Smart Dating Academy coach Lindsay Anderson in a 2 part episode to review the secrets of her most successful clients!   Lindsay has been helping people find love for over 20 years, and has helped thousands of singles find love!   They will discuss the patterns that have HELPED their clients most!   You won't want to miss any of this, and here are some highlights of the episode: 1) You won’t know who the love of your life is based off on online profile or a...
Published 09/12/23
Listen to this incredibly authentic episode with somatic trauma practitioner Karlee Holden and Bela.   Karlee specializes in helping people for the last 20 years in poor relationships develop better boundaries, overcome anxiety and overthinking, more self-love and self worth to create the life they want!   In the course of the conversation, Bela reveals a tough moment in her day with her son which Karlee helps her to handle more authentically (turns into a live coaching session).   We all...
Published 09/04/23
Download this episode, share it on social, and sign up for our free newsletter by filling out any contact form on our site (www.smartdatingacademy.com).  Follow us on Instagram as well @smartdatingacademy! Fill out our podcast listener survey by putting this link into your browser:  https://www.smartdatingacademy.com/survey Follow us on Instagram at @smartdatingacademy Schedule your consultation with us here!   We are on a waiting list, and would love to help you! ...
Published 08/30/23
Listen to this awesome mini episode where Bela tells you what the newest trend of "BEIGE FLAGS" are.   What are your 'beige flags', and when can a beige flag turn into a red flag?  Tune in for a succinct answer to this question, and know EXACTLY what to look for!    Download this episode, share it on social, and sign up for our free newsletter by filling out any contact form on our site (www.smartdatingacademy.com).  Follow us on Instagram as well @smartdatingacademy! Fill out our podcast...
Published 08/29/23
In this mini episode, you'll hear the most awesome, easy way to get over your sadness, grief, heartbreak & disappointment about your breakup! And it'll take you no time to do the exercise Bela recommends - listen NOW to amp up your healing! Download this episode, share it on social, and sign up for our free newsletter by filling out any contact form on our site (www.smartdatingacademy.com). Follow us on Instagram as well @smartdatingacademy! Fill out our podcast listener survey by...
Published 08/28/23
According to new studies, what is the #1 Relationship Killer (spoiler alert - it's NOT money or infidelity) according to 46% of divorcing couples?   To answer the question, we invited Susan Guthrie, divorce attorney with over 30 years of experience and host of the "Divorce and Beyond" podcast to talk to us about it.  You won't want to miss this whether you're single or coupled at any age!  If you're dating, you'll know what to look for, and if you're in a relationship, you can navigate this!...
Published 08/21/23
In this episode, Kate Anthony, Divorce Coach and Host of "The DIvorce Survival Guide Podcast" tells us about the 21st century narcissist.   She explains:   What is the definition of a narcissist and why have you had a change of heart on the term? Are there more narcissists today than ever before?  Oof!   What is the difference between narcissist, abuser, sociopath and why doesn't the "diagnosis" even matter? Do narcissists ever change? Why divorce rates climb for second and third...
Published 08/14/23
This week's episode is a FUN one with Erin Keating who talks about her tips on being "Hotter Than Ever."  Erin tells the story about how she blew up her life at age 50 and started to reinvent herself to become a more authentic version of myself TODAY (rather just living in the results of the goals she had for myself and my life 20 years ago).  She also describes her unconventional dating "Rumspringa" the year following my separation (her year to explore and 'sow her wild oats'), and 4 things...
Published 08/07/23