Monday’s Motivational Message - Willful vs. Faithful
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Do you consider yourself a faithful Christian? Recently, I joined a book club and we're reading, "Faith Driven Entrepreneur" by Henry Kaestner, J.D. Greear, and Chip Ingram. Chapter 8 struck me to the core! Faithful vs. Willful. Major self-discovery during this chapter, and in this quick message today, I share parts of the chapter to help you move from willful to faithful. Willfulness is focusing on your way, your efforts, and your work, not the work of God in you. Faithfulness is doing our part, but leaving the results to God!   Verse of the week: I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. – John 16:33   I challenge you to listen to this motivational message and buy the book on Amazon. Then think about the things you’re trying to control and find some quiet time to pray and surrender them to God. Try to make this a daily habit to move from willfulness to faithfulness.   Connect with me at  Grab the Ignite Your Light journal - a prayer journal to help you stay encouraged and anchored in your faith during the different seasons of life.
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