105. Russia protests: what future for Putin's regime?
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What next for the mass protests in Russia? Facing down brutal police repression, tens of thousands seized the streets in Russia to oppose the arrest of opposition leader Alexi Navalny. Vladimir Putin's dictatorial regime was shaken. While working-class Russians suffer ever more misery, Putin has built himself an opulent private palace. The anger against him is enormous. But although Navalny has exposed the kleptocracy's massive corruption, his vision is limited to a more democratic capitalism. Workers should have greater democratic rights. But would this alone solve their problems? Is it even achievable with capitalism in crisis? And what sort of programme and organisation does Russia's working class need to end both dictatorship and poverty? This episode of Socialism, taken from a broadcast by the Committee for a Workers' International on 11 February 2021, looks at the Russia protests: what future for Putin's regime? Further reading Heavy state repression fails to stop second wave of protests in Russia: https://www.socialistworld.net/2021/02/01/heavy-state-repression-fails-to-stop-second-wave-of-protests-in-russia/ Mass anti-Putin protests sweep across cities and towns: https://www.socialistworld.net/2021/01/25/russia-mass-anti-putin-protests-sweep-across-cities-and-towns/ Russia: Week-long vote, full of falsification: https://www.socialistworld.net/2020/07/13/russia-week-long-vote-full-of-falsification/
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