In this episode, we deep-dive into the world of strategy and leadership. Learn how to navigate challenges, drive organizational success, and leave a meaningful legacy. Remember, Great leaders actively shape their legacies! Don't miss this episode.
Published 05/28/24
Published 05/28/24
In this episode, we deep-dive into the strategic thinking required for effective cybersecurity leadership and discuss the evolving role of CISOs in adapting to new technologies and managing risks in an increasingly complex digital landscape. Additionally, our guest discusses Kevin Mitnick's in-person apology to him for Kevin's hacking transgressions. Tune in to this insightful conversation to gain valuable perspectives on technology, cybersecurity, operational leadership, and personal growth.
Published 05/14/24
In this episode, we delve into the importance of diverse skill sets in cybersecurity, the challenges of imposter syndrome, and the significance of self-care and team dynamics in high-stress environments. We provide valuable insights on how to stay updated on emerging technologies like AI and offer advice for those looking to start their journey in this field. Tune in to this insightful conversation to gain valuable perspectives on cybersecurity, leadership, and personal growth.
Published 04/30/24
In this episode, we discuss the importance of mentorship and how it shapes the careers of professionals in the cybersecurity industry, the challenges CISOs face in the corporate world, the industry's reliance on outdated strategies like defense in depth and security awareness training, and practical advice for improving communication skills. Don't miss out on this engaging conversation filled with valuable insights for leaders and professionals in the tech industry.
Published 04/16/24
In this episode, you will discover how to effectively manage a multi-generational workforce, the significance of business continuity planning, and the value of maintaining basic skills in a technology-dependent world. Don't miss out on this engaging conversation filled with valuable insights for leaders and professionals in the tech industry.
Published 04/02/24
In this episode, you will learn proactive incident response techniques, crisis management, and cybersecurity secrets. Don't miss this engaging conversation filled with valuable insights and practical advice for enhancing security strategies.
Published 03/19/24
In this episode, you will learn about finding your value, belonging, and insights on the unique skill sets you bring to the table and how to overcome imposter syndrome in the workplace. Additionally, learn about AI ransomware attacks, cybersecurity, and cloud services proactive solutions. Subscribe and never miss an episode!
Published 03/05/24
In this CISO Master Class, you will learn the key pillars of successful ECRM implementation: people, process, technology, and engagement. Tune-in to discover how these elements can drive organizational growth and competitive advantage.
Published 02/20/24
Join us as we uncover the potential benefits and risks associated with AI and emerging technologies and discuss the potential convergence of laws to facilitate global data exchange. Don't miss out on this insightful conversation that explores the future of privacy in the digital age.
Published 02/06/24
Join us as we dive into the world of data breaches and cybersecurity, as well as the alarming rise of phishing attacks using generative AI. Don't miss out on this informative and eye-opening conversation.
Published 01/23/24
In this special episode of the Soulful CXO, Marco Ciappelli, the Co-Founder of ITSPmagazine, welcomes me to the Audio Signals Podcast. We dive deep into the world of podcasting and the importance of storytelling in technology. Join us for an engaging conversation about the significance of the 'why' in podcasting and life. Discover how to make your podcast meaningful and impactful.
Published 01/09/24
Join us as we we discuss the importance of knowing your purpose and following your passion. Our guest shares his personal journey as a CIO, the importance of understanding and supporting individual team members in their career and work-life balance, and the value of business acumen and the benefits of getting out of your comfort zone to learn about the organizations you support. Tune in for valuable advice and inspiration on building a successful and fulfilling career.
Published 01/02/24
Are you paying too high of a price for your career? Find out how to achieve work-life balance and thrive in the corporate world. Discover the secrets to success in technology and corporate leadership. And, learn from a seasoned executive leader and CIO about building high-performance cultures.
Published 12/26/23
Join us as we dive into the importance of finding your WHY, embracing diversity, nontraditional backgrounds in the world of AI and cybersecurity, and the power of following your intuition and listening to your gut when making career decisions.
Published 12/19/23
Join us as we dive into the world of effective communication and managing change in organizations, and learn how to communicate more effectively, especially in technical fields where "technobabble" tends to dominate the conversation.
Published 12/12/23
Join us as we dive into the world of startups, sponsorship, and self-discovery, and discover the fascinating journey of an award-winning CEO and PhD dropout on our latest podcast episode! Take advantage of the valuable insights and lessons learned.
Published 12/05/23
20 Years of Defending U.S. Prosperity and Security and Spearheading Cyber Initiatives: Dr. Georgiana "George" Shea's Journey
Published 11/28/23
In this episode, the Soulful CXO dives deep into the world of leadership, strategy, and execution, with a unique twist - the humanist approach.
Published 11/21/23
Learn how to switch from feeling like an imposter to gaining confidence in your expertise.
Published 11/14/23
The importance of taking a non-urgent approach to career transitions and building relationships with companies and individuals.
Published 11/07/23
True life CEO story on his company was hacked and the subsequent unbelievable long-term personal challenges.
Published 10/31/23
The importance of building long-term relationships and partnerships for cyber leaders is critical. You do that by playing to your strengths.
Published 10/24/23
Have you ever wondered how to break into the tech industry with a non-traditional background? This episode has all the answers!
Published 10/17/23