Fom the risk takers to the risk averse, from people with big dreams to people with short-term goals, from the ambitious to the content: everyone in life has something to strive for. Some people have achieved their goals, some are currently on the disciplined path to success, but some haven’t even bothered taking that first step. Failure is an inevitable part of life that no one wants to go through and some people think that by sitting around and doing nothing, they won’t fail. Perhaps, but...
Published 04/28/22
Published 04/28/22
Disclaimer: Alex's audio is a little messed up. The universe is pretty big. Like, infinitely big. So naturally an explanation that puts all that into perspective would be infinitely hard. Luckily that hasn’t stopped us from trying. Figuring out how everything in existence works may seem like a never-ending quest, but it’s also a ride filled with discovery, accomplishment and knowledge. After all, it’s the journey, not the destination that matters most. Yuri Norstein and Francheska...
Published 04/18/22
Self-Improving and Staying Positive through all the ridiculous nonsense life throws at you is hard. It can feel at times like the world has it in for you. The last thing you need is to self sabotage by joining in on the callous cacophony of negativity. Delusion and deprecation only digs your grave faster. Taking a look in the mirror and seeing your behaviors, hopes, dreams, strengths, and especially weaknesses are integral to understanding who you are, who you want to be, and where to plant...
Published 04/10/22
People for thousands of years have witnessed individuals and groups come to power, and more importantly,  how that power has been managed (or mismanaged). Sometimes bigger is not always better. Sometimes, stopping while ahead and being happy with what is currently available is the most meaningful. If every container has a limit to how much can be carried, should the power that people possess be any different? The institute mentioned what is why 3rd parties don't get to be in...
Published 04/03/22
It can be perceived that life is simply a journey of learning and discovery. If that's the case, one would think that quality education would be one of the most prioritized and near-flawless aspects of our society. Yet even to this day, many people find learning to be a chore, which can put a damper on one’s quality of life. While not definitive solutions, here are some of our thoughts on the matter.
Published 03/25/22
Recently, a new game from From Software was released, Elden Ring. While not flawless, 12+ million copies sold and an ever growing fanbase proves that forging a unique identity and standing out from the crowd can lead to a brilliant success story. It turns out people actually do like doing things on their own instead of having their hand held. Who Knew!?!
Published 03/18/22
The Internet has arguably been the most important invention in human history. We’ve used it to accomplish feats never thought possible a mere 50 years ago. However, the story doesn’t end there; a new paradigm of the Internet is beginning to emerge. We’re here to give you our takes on where we are now and where we’re going in the world of cyberspace.
Published 03/13/22
People have opinions, but they also have the power to understand, critically think, forgive, forget, and respect others. While there are some who definitely deserve to suffer consequences for their actions, the entirety of “Cancel Culture” drives us further apart from bringing each other together.  P.S. Alex here - slight correction. When I said morality is “kinda subjective”, I would like to clarify a little bit what I meant. Morality I don’t think is subjective, but how people’s own...
Published 03/01/22
Breaking in the new year, our good friend and fellow free thinker Zeyaam brings a whole heap of deep, thought-provoking concepts to rattle our brains with. The Sheep vs The Shepard, the Me vs the We, the individual vs the society. Our lives always seem to find a way to fall into place, but the question remains, who or what is doing the placing? Charles Deleuze & Cybernetic Posthumanism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4Cq_-bLlY Sean McFate and the mercenary...
Published 01/27/22
As expected, 2021 turned out just as wild as the previous year. Crypto markets started moonshotting, global pandemics raged, and goals and ambitions were blown out of the water by our two co-hosts. Moments of joy and sorrow alike have impacted us all in immeasurable ways but as we cross into a new calendar year, let’s bring along the lessons we’ve learned and brace for another roller coaster ride. See you all in 2022, and have a Happy New Year! And to all the ladies and gentlemen, boys and...
Published 12/31/21
They say life is like a marathon. You know what else is like a marathon . . . a marathon. Joining the cast for an episode, our good friend Marcus gives a hard lesson about dealing with Type I diabetes, followed by stories told in the aftermath of his grueling race. The Break Point Podcast:  https://linktr.ee/Breakpointpodcast7
Published 12/03/21
Over the years, we’ve come across some interesting and eye-catching things over the internet. Indulge us as we dive into a handful of rules, laws and phenomena that explain some of our most common behaviors when dealing with information. - Dunning-Kreuger Effect:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect - Streisand Effect:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect -  Cunningham's...
Published 11/23/21
Well crew, it’s been 50 Episodes. It has been a fun ride, and it isn’t close to over yet. Spreading positivity and life experiences one chat at a time, today is a chill look back at how far we’ve come and how our collective, compounded experiences have made us better podcast hosts and people. True success is never immediate - it’s a slow, never-ending marathon. Relish the journey, not the destination! The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy 
Published 10/27/21
DISCLAIMER: This episode touches upon a more uncomfortable topic: losing a loved one. The sadness and emotional aftermath that it comes with are natural parts of our lives; however if any of these things would make you uncomfortable or upset, listen at your own discretion. With life comes death. That’s just how it is and it sucks. We know it sucks. You know it sucks. But when coming face to face with this reality, we must be strong, compassionate and understanding. Every person coming and...
Published 10/13/21
Believe it or not, all of life can be explained in games. Whether you’re traveling to the grocery store, training for that next big event, or merely building a useful tool - it all comes down to your personal benefit, whether it be best-friend co-op or at your worst enemy’s expense. The real question is, how to play the game of all games? What even is its name? Well, ready or not, Let’s Play. 
Published 09/29/21
When life gives you lemonade, make lemons. In the world of the improbable, we fight on to see things to the end. Our newest guest, Nic, decides to challenge our worldviews with the idea that math is flawed. With everyone’s favorite subject being called out, can the crew keep our minds from being blown? Let’s Stay Positive and find out. Math Has a Fatal Flaw:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeQX2HjkcNo
Published 09/04/21
Why do human beings do what we do? On the same note, why do machines do what they do? What does it mean to be a conscious being? What does it mean to have a soul? We ~attempted~ to find the answers, but ultimately these are discussions that may last a lifetime. P.S. Pete was right, Alex was wrong, it is called ternary, not trinary. (You can say ternary computer OR trinary computer though). Pete does not have to lose all his life savings. Be sure to check out the “Person of Interest” TV show.
Published 08/06/21
Just like people, nations are not perfect and deducing where things go wrong can prove to be difficult. Where do you look, what do you need to analyze and how far must one trickle down this rabbit hole to find a solution worth anything? The crew attempts to find out! Check out the book here: Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson
Published 07/22/21
You would think loving oneself would be pretty easy. Honestly it should be, but sometimes that’s not the case. In this episode, Alex and Pete reminisce about their past and talk about the power, importance and impact of self love. Be safe, try your best, forgive yourself, and Stay Positive! And drink water.
Published 07/08/21
It has been a while since the crew was back together in one place. Pete returns from his college escapades while Alex pursues even more of his own. Ad Revenue, Nazi soda and the ambiguity of true justice are the topics of this dialogue. Enjoy!
Published 06/23/21
As a young adult approaches the end of their college career, they tend to reminisce on many experiences: the good, the bad, the ugly, . . . and the amazing. You tend to meet all sorts of people along the way, and if you’re lucky, some of those will become lifelong friends. In Pete’s last episode as a college student, he brings along his roommates from the past year, and shows us what unbreakable bonds are truly made of.
Published 06/09/21
Knowing oneself is much easier said than done. Stress and overthinking tend to exhaust and cloud one’s mind. In practice, mindfulness has been one of the more useful techniques to help individuals achieve more fulfillment through a little introspection. Our good friend Grace brings this topic to the forefront, showing us how people can go about living a more grateful life full of growth and happiness. https://images.app.goo.gl/V3Y775FRGoCuyhdG7 - P.S. - Audio Editor here. Audio for this...
Published 05/03/21
Special guest and host of “The Most Interesting 5 Minutes of Your Day'' podcast Robby has graciously decided to come and give us a crash course on how to get others to “do your bidding”. . . From understanding the basics of communication to learning how...
Published 04/13/21
Not a day goes by without music. Whether it’s boppin’ to your headphones beat or just listening in to the birds chirping, music is all around us. Is that always a good thing? Daphne clues us in on the recent trend of modern ‘protest’ music that has been...
Published 03/15/21